Nervous But I Have To Do It

Hey everybody,
Im a complete wreck right now. Just stepped on the scale and realized I am 287lbs. Yikes.
Im a yoyo dieter. When I really have the drive, I can drop a pound a day from eating healthy and exercising. Christmas ALWAYS screws me over. Ugh....
Im a 2 times Weight Watchers quitter, 100 times Atkins attempter...I was pretty active in high school, then I got lazy. I had a kid, and after 6 months on bedrest, was 322lbs. I lost 50lbs last year and have gained all but 20 back.
I need a support group! My husband is 151lbs and can eat whatever he wants. My daughter is a real model. Help me!!!!


  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Think of this as a forever way and not a diet. Find what it is about your past methods that led you to quit. And don't be nervous. People here are generally helpful and polite. Good luck and just do the best you can.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    lets do it together!! :)
    dont worry!!

    feel free to add me xx
  • bestiepants
    bestiepants Posts: 5 Member
    A lot of people on here are great at giving each other support and encouragement :-) your welcome to add me too :-)
  • merith101
    merith101 Posts: 9 Member
    The thing I like about doing it this way, is that there are no forbidden foods and the effort you put into exercise is worth it because you can have an extra treat.

    I'm seeing this as a lifestyle change, not a quick-fix diet. It's about changing bad habits into good ones. So far it's working for me and I'm sure it will for you too.
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    Make a list of all the reasons why you are doing it and keep copies on the fridge, cupboards, bathroom, mirror and in your handbag.

    Discuss it with family and friends so they can support you. Maybe even find a real life friend to do it with you.

    Log into MFP and log everything you eat every day. Add friends. Don't wait for people to add you. Use the search functions to find people similar to you.

    Don't give up, you are worth it!
  • chunk1691
    chunk1691 Posts: 90 Member
    ive tried all different diets so now im trying this, eating healthy and plenty of exercise. feel free to add me too.
  • ImaLadyBiker
    My "ah ha" moment was finding out that all normal-sized people are only that way because they work at it. They don't complain bitterly about HAVING to watch what they eat or go work out. They just do it. Watch them... The plate of fat pills (aka donuts) gets passed around, and they go for the banana. They take the stairs or park farther away.

    All this time, I was feeling sorry for myself because POOR FAT ME had to suffer by exercising and having to do without my favorite snacks and comfort foods.

    I learned to make friends with that slightly empty feeling that I get in the evening. I don't have to rush to the kitchen to fill it up. I have finally learned the difference between true hunger and stuffing feelings.
  • rosie181818
    don't worry, I've only been a member 10 days and I have lost 5lbs so far , and that includes a day when I ate a huge bag of doritos and a whole tub of hummus :)

    I have succeeded and failed with weight watchers too but I find this easy to follow and I haven't been left starving. Just make sure you put everything (EVERYTHING) into the diary that you eat.

    Good luck :)
  • nixnax
    nixnax Posts: 42
    Hiya and welcome,

    My advice is be honest with yourself, put everything in your food diary. Walk more (if you don't already) the more exercise you do, the more you can treat yourself or eat a little more.

    log on to here and come and have a chat, you'll soon find out that everyone is in the same boat :)

    It's great. I've started charting again today (after many attempts) and am sticking to it all the way from now on. It's a lifestyle change not a quick fix and i'm excited about it :)

    Good luck and feel free to add me