Early birds who workout before work...

I need to become one - please help :)

Mornings aren't my favourite part of the day but it'll be much better for me if I get up and get done, otherwise I risk not fitting a gym session in between commitments.

So what gets you out of bed? Just determination and dedication? A good tune? Stumbling into the shower? An early night??


  • BigDaddy822
    I have a really hard time getting out of bed and doing it. But by the time I am 1 exercise in I am ready to go. You just have to find something that will motivate you so much to get out of bed. That is a hard one. Soon as I get out of bed I go have a glass of Super Strength NO Explode. That usually does it for me. I just tell myself if I dont do it now, then I can do it at all.
  • eiha
    eiha Posts: 27
    I am all for getting your workout done and dusted at the beginning of the day. I feel when I workout before work I am energised for the day. I am lucky as there is a gym in my workplace.
    Once you get into the habit of getting up early and working out first thing you will miss the mornings you don't go.
    Plus you can unwind in the evening guilt free!!!
    Just make sure you are getting your eight hours sleep.
    Hope this helps
  • maximus0721
    i love it, and it's all in the mind, i used to really struggle, now my body loves it and my day is so much different after i have worked out to when it is when i dont, i can work out in the evening but the intensity or effort isnt the same, it's hard for a week i suppose but it's worth it in the long run, all those free machines, locker space, pool

    wouldnt swap it at all

    good luck
  • BarbelleBaby
    Thanks everyone

    I'll probably be really up for it the first time and then take ages to get used to it! Ah well, it'll be much more beneficial and I KNOW it'll be all right once I'm up and doing.

    NEED to do this
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    I used to be a night owl and I hated mornings. No would could talk to me until 8am without me biting their heads off. When I switched professions, my job during required me to be on the job site when the sun rose, all times of the year (I'm a building inspector). It took me about a month to get used to it and now I've trouble staying in bed past 5am and I end up hitting the hay around 9 or 10 pm.

    When I started working out, things really did change for me. I worked out prior to work and it gave me a boost for the rest of the day and it kept me from the head whips at 2 to 3 pm when I needed to get desk work done. (Actually, I know this about myself, in college I started crashing at 2-4 pm and had to take in large amounts of caffeine to get through that portion of the day. Working at in the morning has prevented the old crash and burn in the afternoon. I no longer do it unless I didn't work out.

    When my schedule has allowed me not to have to be active early in the morning, I've tried to work out in the late afternoon or early evening. Not only was I fighting a crowd at the gym, I didn't feel as fresh as I did when I worked out in the am.

    One of the older guys at the Y always worked out earlier. Although he is more of a cardio junkie than me, he's phrase was "get it over with and get out of the gym so the rest of your day is free of the burden of getting in here and getting your work out in."

    You'll just feel better, I think. And if you're anything like me (former night owl) you will psychologically feel like you accomplished some thing at the beginning of the day.
  • BarbelleBaby
    Thank you, that was very helpful! Definitely think I could be the kind of person who enjoys the kick start at the beginning of the day :)

    Looking forward to it now, I'm guessing it could take a while but I'll get there. Eeeeeee!