Hi, I'm Della.

My name is Della. I'm 23 years old and lead a very sedentary lifestyle. I work a overnight stocking job at my local Walmart which provides some lifting exercise but not much. I made a resolution at the beginning of the year to get my body toned and to get back to the BMI I am supposed to be at. I'm currently a little over 150 lbs, I stand 5'7. I know I am capable of doing this as long as I have someone to keep me inspired. I get easily bored with trying to get in shape because it's always the same routine over and over and I don't have the will power to push myself when I see little results. I'm also pretty clueless on where to start even.
I recently purchased the p90x videos and hope to start doing them soon, just have to rid up the house a little bit to have a place to start the training. I started running recently and I'm very very sore, but sure I will make a lot of progress as long as I can stay on the straight and narrow path to success and really stick to it.
The fact of the matter is, my self esteem is as low as can possibly be. A couple of years ago I was heavy; I weighed close to 180 lbs. I started to walk more and started losing it. Shortly thereafter I got my job, started drinking Gatorade as a replacement for my soda intake (which was outrageous at the time) and water too. I got down to 119 lbs at my lowest but still wasn't happy with the way I looked mostly because I wasn't TONED, I just lost a lot of weight over a period of a year and a half-ish. Now, I'm starting to see the weight come back and I'm feeling down and out about it so I'm trying to commit to change that.
I'm wanting to be a part of a community that can offer me advice. This is what I'm hoping to get from you guys. Thank you for taking your time to read this. I'm looking forward to talking to you all.


  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    hi :)
    good luck on getting to your taget weight :)
    iv got about 35 pounds still to lose
    feel free to add me xxx
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    You got this, girl! You've already come so far, keep it up! Feel free to add me, we can motivate one another :)
  • Prozack1964
    Hello and welcome here I hope you have a great day
  • amm703
    amm703 Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome, you have found a great place with lots of support in your journey
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Added :)
  • pompomslim
    pompomslim Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there Della i have just joined wish you well in your weight loss journey xxxxxx

    Pamela xxxx