How did you initially get up and start exercising? Did you a



  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I started with the Wii Fit.
  • Hi! I started my excercises when i became raw food eater. It started from pilates, than running and now in winter time, when it's -20 or more i use my elliptical bike and going to pilates. I never was the person who loves sports, but something just happened and i can't stop loving the feeling when i exercise, it's like a drug. Good luck!
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    Started 15 minutes on the Elliptical machine and slowly bumped my way up to 45 minutes. It began during my lunch break at the office, so now my lunch is my workout.
    And during that time also got the Wii Fit to have fun and made a party out of it.
    Now, I do 45 minutes of cardio during lunch, 30 minutes of cardio when I get home and every other night do Dance Central on the XBox Kinect.
    It was slow, but very managable
  • Slowly. A brisk walk or parking far away.
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    If you make working out part of your day it wont seem like anything out of the ordinary, make it just like work or brushing your teeth, you have to do it! and it should feel wierd if you dont then you wont even have to thing about it as something out of the ordinary and it will become routine
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I got up and just started walking durign my lunch break. 15 minutes for teh first week thane 20 and increased to at least 30 minutes. I joine MFP and I walk, zumba, ride a recumbant bike. I use the bike durign the winter mostly. The key is you will need to be the one to say " I am not going to sit here anymore." Even it is for 5 mintues the first time. gradually increase it.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I bought some The Slim workout vids and would do the quick 15 minute ones once a day, then twice, then more. I eventually bought a stationary bike because I'd get restless and want to move around even though before I started, I only got up for the bare necessities. It just continued, and now I'm at the gym every day!
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    I was in college when I first started exercising. I can even pinpoint when - January 2008 (so spring semester). My good friend had lost 30lbs over the fall 2007 semester (albeit unhealthily), and my mom was on WW & was reaching her goal weight of 155 lbs down from 226. I am kind of competitive & seeing other people getting healthy & losing weight usually makes me want to get in on the action.

    I decided to radically cut my snacking & be very vigilant about my eating habits (which had been horrible, my freshman year 06/07 I had gained 8 lbs and I was up to about 180 lbs at 5'8), as well as start exercising. I mean, I had access to a gym that was included in my tuition, so I might as well use it. I had a long talk with my mom and she suggested that I work out 5x/week. And... I started working out 5x/week. I was fanatical about it. I think I did about 40 minutes a day. I started at about 175 & got down to 147ish (I think 145 was my lowest weight ever, since I lost weight after a 3 week trip to China in January 09). Losing the weight just seemed so easy, mostly because I was exercising so much, and I was walking a lot since I lived on campus and had to walk everywhere. My fanatical exercise kind of petered out in November 2008 because I was in my dad's wedding in December of that year & I had taken my dress to be altered. I had lost 10 lbs from August when I bought it to November when I took it for alterations & I didn't want to lose any more weight.

    Since then, I've been off and on with my exercising and lax with my eating. I got a sedentary desk job in January of 2010 and even though I've switched jobs since then, it's still a desk job. Now that I'm getting married in November, a little over 9 months from now, I want to trim up for the wedding. I'm up to about 155 lbs right now, which is still healthy for my height, but I'm not content with how I am now.

    So... that's my story! TLDR version is that my mom & friend's weight loss motivated me to get off my butt and start exercising!
  • While studying, I do my Wii Fit Free Step for about 2 hours. It helps me stay focused on studying and keeps me moving. :happy:
  • _Ren
    _Ren Posts: 89 Member
    I started getting to work 15minutes to 30minutes before my shift. I speed walk up and down the long hallways or outside for 15-20 minutes listening to music on my headphones. Then I go into the ladies room and do some stretches.

    After that, I started adding speed walking during my lunch break after waiting a few minutes after eating.

    Then, when I would get bored or not have anything to do at work (desk job), instead of surfing the internet or facebook, I go for a 5-10 minute walk.

    I can usually get in 60 minutes of speed walking a day at work. My goal is a minimum of 30 minutes. I have noticed that my butt is getting firmer and I feel more energetic and can think better while doing my job.

    Also, I have been counting calories on MFP.

    Since I started using MFP, I have gone from a size 18 to 16 (and that was before I started all that speed walking). Now, come on size 14!!!
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I started by going for brisk walks. I loaded up the ipod, tied on some shoes and just got out the door. It often sucked. Eventually, though, I started to take some enjoyment from it. Even if I didn't necessarily like the actual exercise, I found that I would feel really good after exercising. Definitely much better than if I had just stayed home and ate junk food in front of the tv.

    I've read again and again about how walking is exercise for the mind and the body and I believe it. There's something about the rhythm of putting one foot in front of the other that frees your mind to wander, as well.

    Do I enjoy it? The answer to that is a definite yes. And no. Even now, I hate going out for a run. I try to find any excuse I can to keep myself from going out the door. Once I force myself out the door, though, all the resentment drops away. It's not always fun. Sometimes, no matter how much you want things to be different, it's just going to suck. Work is work and working out is work. Most times, though, I find moments and even minutes where I realize I'm having fun. Last week, I took advantage of the warm weather and ran a new route down through a local park that I hadn't visited in a long time. The last time I had been to the park, I walked and walked fairly slowly at that. This time, I ran and it felt good. It felt good to be out enjoying the day, it felt good to be seeing something different and it really felt good to be running. These are the moments I chase.
  • kseier
    kseier Posts: 91 Member
    saw turbojam on an infdormmercial, ordered it, fell in love, and now im 30 lbs lighter and turbokick instructor. i went from lazy and unactive to being a fitness instructor. all because of that one little program (:
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    After about a decade of nothing, I decided I was going to run a 5K. Something I'd have done for fun before. I found couch to 5k plan and got a friend to come along, we went out in the dark - too ashamed to be seen, and only managed to run for half of the required minute.. we stuck to a revised half then three quarters of a minute for a week each building up to a minute. My friend dropped out midway through but I carried on and another friend joined me when she found out I had started running. I was 227lbs and I lost about a stone while I trained, I did my 5K race exactly when planned and ran most of it. :)

    I think finding something you like the idea of is key, and get a routine where you do it at a set time, leave your running gear out, or gym gear etc, don't let any excuses get in the way if you can possibly help it. Routine is wonderful as your brain nags you if you miss what you should be doing!

    Good luck.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I signed up for a half marathon sponsored walk, started walking, decided I would be more comfortable doing the walk if I lost some weight & joined MFP, and then got the bug and joined a gym. Simples.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I started walking last summer at 325 lbs because I started here and needed to lose weight. I cant say i loved it. It was hot and sweaty and I live on a mountain side so its up and down hill. But I have dogs, and they needed the exercise, so I feel like it was a good choice.

    A few months into it, on a walk, I had a whim to see what it would feel like to jog as a a fat girl. And in a "Run Forest Run" moment, I have not stopped. I have lost over 75 lbs since that first summer time walk, and now i also belong to a gym and work out every day. And I like it.

    My new belief is to try everything and see what i might like. Running i love. yoga I hate but love how I feel later. Elliptical I am still trying to make nice with and do it because its a great burn. I don't think i will ever get back onto the stair climber machine ever again. Ever.

    But, in the immortal words of Nike...

  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Generally start with walking, so you don't overexert yourself or get a leg injury which would just sidetrack you. I just have a 1 hour and 1.5 hour course from my house down a main street that'll burn 600-900 cals (speedwalking). Then, either join a gym (Planet Fitness in our neighborhood is $10/mo. although I think it's now 20 for new members) or get home equipment or a fitness video. Most Videos will have a beginners reel that will start you off on a 20-30 minute routine, then go to 45 min intermediate and 1 hr. advanced routine.

    It's much easier not to feel hungry if you have exercise calories to eat back. For instance, I'm on a 1570 cal diet, but can normally eat 2100-2400 cals. with my walk and still lose weight. I'm on my 56th day and have lost 28.4 lbs., and I know that that was the initial push, mainly, but I'm now losing about 1.5-3 lbs. per week, depending on the week.

    Just ease into it. The heavier you are, the more calories you burn doing simple things like walking. The key is not to get injured and burn fat. You want to keep your heartrate in the fat burning/cardio zone. Then you want to do some strength traing next, because more muscle requires more calories per day to maintain, so you'll burn by just living. But ease yourself into it.

    Another little trick I used to use was to punish yourself for guilty pleasures, like when I watched TV, I'd put a sign on the TV that said "pushups/situps at each commercial". I got fit then. If I'm going to a SuperBowl party, I make sure to get plenty of exercise so that I have 1000 extra calories in the bank.

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  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I started with the 30 Day Shred and walking. The 30DS was hard at first but it's only 20 minutes long. I started walking to ease myself back into running. I had run regularly in the past but that was almost 10 years ago. I run 5-6 days a week now and do various Jillian Michaels dvds. I just started P90x yesterday.

    I love running and look forward to it. Strength training is just meh for me but I do it b/c I know it's good for me.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I started by buying a recumbent exercise bike. I did that 7 days per week for 30-40 minutes for a few months. Then I started adding in other kinds of exercise. Now I don't really like doing my exercise bike very much, so I usually do workout DVDs a few days per week, and ride my exercise bike once or twice per week. It really helped me get started though because I could watch TV while I did it. Now I enjoy exercise a lot more and it's not so boring for me to do an hour long DVD. GL!
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 682 Member
    In 2007, I started Walk Away The Pounds with Leslie Sansone video. I saw it at Target and it was 10 bucks so I grabbed it. When I started I was over 330lbs and I could barely do the 15min/1 mile walk. I eventually worked my way to the 3 mile and then I started Turbo Jam. I felt so good I lost almost 70lbs. So start off slow until you are ready maybe 2-3 a week and work your way up, you will get to where you want to be.
  • tallnsexy
    tallnsexy Posts: 22 Member
    i was just like you. I had to bite the bullet one day and just do it. I started out picking the time of the day where I'm most positive and have less distractions. i first started walking at a regular pace on the treadmill, and now a month later I'm running, joggin on incline and all other sorts of cardio. Once you start your body just craves it and you'll find yourself actually enjoying and looking forward to your workout. Good Luck and don't quit