Wii Fit or Wii Zumba?



  • bjfrezell
    I have Just Dance 3 for Wii, Zumba (1) for Wii, and some exercise DVD's. Zumba is a little harder for me but I like both of them. They're fun and I burn a lot of calories.
  • dollymixsix
    Thanks so much everyone for your replies! Its been so helpful. I've read through everything and I think I'm going to start with Zumba 2 and maybe get Active too.
  • misspixiep

    I have Wii Fit +, Zumba 2 & Just dance.. they are all great and if you get board of one then you can always choose another workout game.

    No matter which one you choose you'll have a great workout

  • adaffern
    adaffern Posts: 161 Member
    I have Zumba for PS3 and hate it. I love the Just Dance for Wii. After just a few dances, I feel like I'm working. Plus, It's alot more fun, before I know it a half hour has gone by and I've worked up quite a sweat! Good luck!
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Sports Active 2 is a great workout but you do so many lunges and a LOT of cardio! I started with the 30 day kickstart programme and I'm now on the 90 day one. Really makes you sweat. The only thing that gets annoying is spending 10 minutes trying to find your heart rate (and can be inaccurate at times when you do find it) and the wii controller disconnecting every 7-10 minutes and pausing the workout.

    I want to pick up Zumba 2 at some point as well, just to have some fun.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I have both-- the Wii Fit is fun, but I don't find it very helpful for burning calories quickly. The Wii Zumba is a blast, and i'm sweating and panting by the end of a session. Burns a TON more calories.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I have Zumba for the Wii. I have started using it and break a sweat evertime. Of course I am not coordinated and laugh so much trying to do it. I didn't know about Zumba 2 and would love to get Just Dance based on what I see here.
  • lolaburga
    I have both and I prefer the Zumba it is so much fun!!!! I like Zumba for the calorie burn...but I like Wii fit for the Yoga.
  • ashiyo
    ashiyo Posts: 23
    I love using my wii as a workout machine, it is great! I am looking into buying myself a dancing game, whether it is Zumba or Just Dance, I want something a little fun! I love my Wii Fit, also, boxing on Wii Sports is great too! I don't know if anyone else has recommended this, but my mom and I both use My Fitness Coach, which I like because of the various options, it plays like a video, but you can increase and decrease the time and intensity, and it isn't always the same like a DVD!

    I think, the more the better, it has helped to keep me from getting bored! :)
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    I have Zumba 1 & 2, EA sports Active 2, and Just Dance 2 all for the Wii. I prefer the EA Active and the Zumba. EA Sports Active is great because it gives you a total body workout including weight lifting, which the others don't provide. Also I like how you have a program set up and all you have to do is turn it on and do whatever your trainer has planned for the day. I love the dances in Zumba 1, but the features in Zumba 2 are awesome. Just Dance is my least favorite. Good workout if you just want to dance around i guess, but there's just something about it I just can't get into. I've never used the wii fit.
  • cculb524
    I have both and prefer the Wii Zumba because I get a better workout with it. I also LOVE Just Dance and would recommend it over Wii Zumba.
  • AdrienneB33
    AdrienneB33 Posts: 13 Member
    I rented Zumba 2 over the weekend (I started renting the games before buying games and hating them and have them sit on the shelf and collect dust) and I LOVE IT.

    It is so much fun and the workout is pretty good. I was actually sweating like in a real class. I am going to go out and purchase the game to have on hand in the house for when I can't get to the gym.

    Its definitely one of the better Wii Games.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    We have the wii fit. I am doing the active 30 day challenge, it will work you pretty hard if your a beginner.
    I do it over now and then so I can remember all the different exercises. It is a good work out.

    Is the active part of the Wii Fit Plus or do you need another cd?
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    I got Wii Zumba 2 for Christmas. I love it. Great workout. I never use Wii Fit anymore unless it is just for playing around. Never use it for weight loss. I do use Wii "My fitness coach" which gives a lot of good workouts but is way less fun than Zumba and has some annoying features, like no cueing on the floor exercises when you can't see the TV if your doing the move correctly. I'm still learning the steps to the Zumba 2 but it is a lot of fun and the time really flies, it doesn't feel like exercise except for the sweating part.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
  • sophhx99
    sophhx99 Posts: 4
    Personally, wii fit is better for monitoring your progress and Zumba is a much much better work out because you burn a lot for calories. Also, Zumba is a cardio workout which is better for exercise and you can do it for only 20 minutes! If you can afford it buy both and use wii fit for monitoring progress and for little workouts like yoga and muscle workouts and use Zumba for your actual exercise.

    I have both of these games but use Zumba a lot more and is for used for loosing weight or toning up a bit unlike just dance which is for fun and doesn't give as much as a work out as Zumba.