When did the pounds start coming off?

I have been on here for about a month. I have pretty much come in under my calorie intake with the exception of a day or 2. I have been going to the gym for the last 3 weeks avg 2-3 time a week. I have been drinking my water plus some and the scale wont budge. ugh. I have noticed my butt and tummy change, but would love to see the scale move down! lol


  • I was the same way! I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred religiously, kept to a strict 1200 cal diet and only lost 4lbs! However, its been 5 weeks now, and I am starting to see the scale go down! Takes time, you are building muscle don't forget, and soon it will start to burn the fat! Keep it up and results will happen, promise :)
  • pooh431bear
    pooh431bear Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you! I thought I was doing this all for nothing!! lol
  • Trust me you are not!! Patience is key! You would have seen the scale budge had you not been working out, however, the exercise will help with keeping the weight off!
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Use a tape measure too and measure once a month.
  • I think it's all trial and error - and what works for me may not work for you!

    Week 1 I lost weight but if I had just drank 8 glasses of water and done nothing else I would have lost the 4 pounds because it was water retention.

    Week 2 I lost one pound and was happy to see the scale move down.

    Weeks 3 & 4 my weight went up despite exercising 30 minutes a day and staying in the 1400 calorie range - frustrating.

    I looked at my food diary and saw that I had increased my dairy (chobani greek yogurt & 1% milk) & fiber (kashi go lean ceral) - and added a lot of whole grain pasta. All within the daily alloted calorie range.

    I increased my calories to 1500, increased my exercise time to 45 minutes of cardio and eliminated dairy and wheat products (basically removed the gluten & casein proteins) and I had two weeks of 2 pound losses.

    I will continue to tweak my food/exercise to find the right combination that puts me in the zone, that would be my suggestion. If what you are doing isn't working - change it until you find what works best for you. Good luck!!

  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    I lost 5lbs in the first month, then in one week of still eating healthy and working out I put it all back on again and another week or staying the same weight. Really discouraging but I'm trying to stick at it as I know I won't lose weight by giving up.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    Really discouraging but I'm trying to stick at it as I know I won't lose weight by giving up.

    Thanks for this reminder today! I'm having a hard time and I just want to give up. :)
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I'm finally starting to see the scale move myself, it took a long time of trial and error and increasing my efforts at the gym but I think I have finally figured out what works for me. Eating very clean 6 days a week with a cheat meal once a week, working out 5 days a week, taking Vitamin D (which I credit with helping this weight move and giving me much needed energy). I remember a week in which I did everything "right" and the scale only registered a 4 oz loss and I was so upset I almost quit but something inside me told me to keep forging ahead and doing what I was doing and sure enough a 1 1/2 lb weight loss the following week. I've come to accept that this is very slow going, it's an exercise in patience but I want that goal badly and nothing is going to stop me now. You can do it too!
  • cpw0309
    cpw0309 Posts: 2 Member
    Approximately a week into the process. I really ramped up the excercise. I try a combo of cardio and weight training 4 days a week.
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    Whatever you do, don't give up! A friend of mine who is a trainer said, "you didn't put on the weight in a month, so don't expect it to come off in a month." I'm realizing it takes time and consistency. I'm only 5 weeks in and just this week lost my first real weight, 4 lbs (YAY!) and it's so exciting, it makes me want to keep going and going and going! Hang in there!
  • Smithvalerie
    Smithvalerie Posts: 49 Member
    I increased my calories to 1500, increased my exercise time to 45 minutes of cardio and eliminated dairy and wheat products (basically removed the gluten & casein proteins) and I had two weeks of 2 pound losses.

    I know girl...I feel you!!! I am there with you. My weight is doing the samething. I have been on this for 4 weeks and only lost 5 lbs. The worst thing is...this morning I have gained 2 of those 5lbs back. I work out everyday and burn anywhere from 300-800 calories per day. I have tried to change my daily intake from 1200 to 1350. I can't win for losing. I am trying not to give up because I know others have lost a tremedous amount of weight. I am extremely honest about my intake each day. I am not sure what to do. I am pretty sad about this right now. :( People tell me to hang in there and that is what I am trying to do! So, I am going to tell you to do the same.
  • The fact that muscle weighs a good bit more than fat is the reason you are not losing weight like you think you should. Your body will shed some weight in fat but while you are building the muscle layers underneath you will not notice the weight coming off on the scales. You should use a sewing tape measure or your tight clothing to guage how your body is changing. Once you reach you muscle max the exercise you do and the muscle you have built will start pulling the extra pounds off of you. Do not give up. Remember that what it took a while to get the weight on so it is going to take a while to get the weight off. I am struggling with the same thing at this point so I do understand. You could also take some comparison pictures. Get out the old bathing suit and take a few pictures. Then, once a week or every other week do it again and compare the pictures. You will see a difference. Remember that men are different than women too. They build muscle and burn the fat quicker.
  • <<The fact that muscle weighs a good bit more than fat is the reason you are not losing weight like you think you should.>>

    This is not true. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound.

    A pound of muscle is less dense than fat and takes up less space - that's where the tape measure comes in and you notice you are losing inches instead of pounds and your clothes fit better.

    I went to every weight loss program out there and lots of untrained people told me this too. They also told me a lot of other things that made me fatter through the years like only eating 1200 calories to lose weight. It's not enough calories. All that did was shut down my metabolism.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I'm the same, I'm sticking to around 1200 calories, the most has been 1414 in the last couple of months and I lost about 5lbs the initial first week and two more lbs up to now. Wasn't able to exercise at first as I've just been hospital but have exercised as much as I can since, unfortunately I broke my cross trainer yesterday and sprained my ankle. I was positive at first but now I feel that it just won't happen and I really need to lose at least 52lbs.
  • This whole thread makes me feel so much better. I am doing everything to the T, and havent seen any change on the scales.... It has only been a month though, and I need to stay focused and determined, and get my metabolism up!
  • <<The fact that muscle weighs a good bit more than fat is the reason you are not losing weight like you think you should.>>

    This is not true. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound.

    A pound of muscle is less dense than fat and takes up less space - that's where the tape measure comes in and you notice you are losing inches instead of pounds and your clothes fit better.

    I went to every weight loss program out there and lots of untrained people told me this too. They also told me a lot of other things that made me fatter through the years like only eating 1200 calories to lose weight. It's not enough calories. All that did was shut down my metabolism.

    You are right a pound is a pound, saying muscle weighs more then fat is still CORRECT! Volume wise, if you filled one cup of fat and one cup of muscle, the exact same VOLUME the muscle is going to weigh more. Thats what anyone has to remember!
  • pooh431bear
    pooh431bear Posts: 26 Member
    I did do my beginning measurements...and decided to measure again yesterday....here goes...

    Jan 30th
    Hips 57
    Arms 20
    Thighs 29.5
    Chest ?? Didnt measure

    Feb 7th
    Hips 52.75
    Arms 17
    Thighs 27
    Chest 27

    Good to see some type of progress!! Thanks for all your feedback