Well, not to be whinning but I am sooo confused right now. I have been on this since Jan.9th and have lost only 5 lbs. Only to get on the scale today to have gained 2 of those back. Yes, I am a avid logger. I do excercise EVERYDAY. I usually burn from 300-800 calories per day. I do not have my diary where you can review it because it is not very easily understood by any one but me because most of the time I do the quick calorie logging. However, I am always at or alittle below my daily target. Most day I will even work out twice a day. I am thinking maybe because I am gaining muscle from working out and that why the scales went up. Should I not be concern with that right now and just keep on doing what I am doing or what??? I am determined but I am frustrated right now.....:(((((((((


  • CCChaos625
    CCChaos625 Posts: 55 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. It may be water weight or muscle mass. If it's muscle mass that's a good thing. The higher your muscle mass the more resting calories you will burn in the long run.

    In workouts make sure to do both cardio and strength training.
  • It's hard to say if you should keep doing what you're doing without knowing what you eat all day and how many calories you take in vs how much you exercise. If you can avoid quick calorie logging and actually FIND the food you're eating, that may help you realize a bit more.

    I can quick calorie log all day and then those medium french fries I had aren't so glaringly obvious. Or those two bites of ice cream, a handful of m&ms, and a bowl of chips.
  • Smithvalerie
    Smithvalerie Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks! I have only been doing only cardio. I will add some strength training in as well. I just thought it would make me heavier and I wanted to see the scale drop in numbers not go up. However, thanks again for the advice. I appreciate it!
  • Smithvalerie
    Smithvalerie Posts: 49 Member
    It's hard to say if you should keep doing what you're doing without knowing what you eat all day and how many calories you take in vs how much you exercise. If you can avoid quick calorie logging and actually FIND the food you're eating, that may help you realize a bit more.

    I can quick calorie log all day and then those medium french fries I had aren't so glaringly obvious. Or those two bites of ice cream, a handful of m&ms, and a bowl of chips.

    Yeah, you are right...maybe I will start taking the time to be more detailed with the logging as well. Thanks!
  • I think what you are doing is great! At least you are working out and doing cardio that's a great start in the right direction. Also, I will add that tracking detailed information in your food diary will help you tremendously. I know I've only been doing this for a week and it has helped me a lot. I now know that certain foods contain entirely too much sodium and I should eat them, I know that I want to eat more fruits and veggies because they don't have as many calories as that candy bar and they will keep me more satisfied. Don't give up, you are doing the right thing I would just change the way you track your food. Give it some more time and you will be pleasantly suprised. Also, How do you feel? It's not always about the number.......Are you more energetic? Could you be losing inches? Are your clothes feeling looser? You could be building muscle and just not realize it.
  • Smithvalerie
    Smithvalerie Posts: 49 Member
    I think what you are doing is great! At least you are working out and doing cardio that's a great start in the right direction. Also, I will add that tracking detailed information in your food diary will help you tremendously. I know I've only been doing this for a week and it has helped me a lot. I now know that certain foods contain entirely too much sodium and I should eat them, I know that I want to eat more fruits and veggies because they don't have as many calories as that candy bar and they will keep me more satisfied. Don't give up, you are doing the right thing I would just change the way you track your food. Give it some more time and you will be pleasantly suprised. Also, How do you feel? It's not always about the number.......Are you more energetic? Could you be losing inches? Are your clothes feeling looser? You could be building muscle and just not realize it.

    Thank you...I will hang in there. Yes, I will start logging in better in order to review later. Yes, I do think I am losing inches because I do feel alittle difference in my clothes. We will see. You are doing great too! Wow!!