30 Day Shred Before & After, SHARE UR PICS

Hey guys, Heard so much about this 30 day shred and i am starting mine on friday. Was just wondering those who have completed it
1. Do you do it everyday for 30 days or have any rest days in between ( im looking for Great results. )
2. Could you share some before and after pics if yous have some so i have something to look foward to. Even if its not drastic and just pinches a little extra off , that would be great !

Well done to those who have stuck to it. I've only saw one before and after so would be helpful to see a couple more to see if its the same for everyone.
Im 5ft6 and weigh 179lbs .... x


  • xonicolette
    xonicolette Posts: 151 Member
    Bump! I'll be done at the end of this week so I will have my results then and I will share them with you. But I can already tell a HUGE difference. I skipped some days here and there but only because I was too busy to fit in my daily workout. I also did Jillian Micheals 6 week 6 pack along with the 30 day shred.

    I'm 5'2 and starting weight before 30 day shred was 160 and I have already lost 8 lbs.
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I am still working on getting my pics added but I can tell you how much I lost in inches

    Starting weight: 192.8 ending: 188.00
    waist: 1.75 inches lost
    abs: 2.50 inches lost
    thighs: right-.75 inchs lost left-.25 inches lost
    arms: right-.25 inches lost left- .50 inches lost
    bust: 2.50 inches lost
    chest: 1.25 inches lost
    hips: 1.50 inches lost

    total inches lost: 11.25 total weight lost: 4.8 lbs

    Just for alittle more info. I am also running every other day. I started the 30 day shred and the C25K one day apart. So I'm out running/walking every other day for about 25 min too. I feel I'd have lost more lbs but I was experimenting with my calorie intake at the same time. I did try to do my 30 days consecutively but did miss 5 days here and there. You should defenitly check it out!
  • AmyJackson1990
    AmyJackson1990 Posts: 55 Member
    Omg really thats great, well done to u !! her dvd seems to be VERY popular, all of them do, the ripped in 30days too. Here was me going and buying all these stupid "celeb" dvd workouts that i never stick to that cost a fortune and then this Jillian Michaels 30 day shred seems to actually work and its only 20mins. Im gunna start tomoro. the sooner the better lol ! Thanx xxxx
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    What does BUMP mean?
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    What does BUMP mean?

    It's a way to mark a thread for later reading (it shows under My Topics) and also a way to move it to Most Recent Posts.
  • AmyJackson1990
    AmyJackson1990 Posts: 55 Member
    I am still working on getting my pics added but I can tell you how much I lost in inches

    Starting weight: 192.8 ending: 188.00
    waist: 1.75 inches lost
    abs: 2.50 inches lost
    thighs: right-.75 inchs lost left-.25 inches lost
    arms: right-.25 inches lost left- .50 inches lost
    bust: 2.50 inches lost
    chest: 1.25 inches lost
    hips: 1.50 inches lost

    total inches lost: 11.25 total weight lost: 4.8 lbs

    Just for alittle more info. I am also running every other day. I started the 30 day shred and the C25K one day apart. So I'm out running/walking every other day for about 25 min too. I feel I'd have lost more lbs but I was experimenting with my calorie intake at the same time. I did try to do my 30 days consecutively but did miss 5 days here and there. You should defenitly check it out!

    Welldone to you ! that sounds great too, Im deffo going to start it tomorrow, the sooner the better ! lol. I dont know why i said ill start on friday, think it was cause i was going to go to the gym tomorrow but ill give the dvd a try as my wee boy isnt well and wont be at nursery... Thanx for all ur info xxx
  • Hey! I'm doing the 30 day shred too. I'm on day 4 now (my legs are absolutely killing me!). I'm not necessarily hoping for weight loss, just some tone would be good. I'll post my before and afters here when I'm done :)
    It's really awesome seeing people who have managed to see a difference with it so people, please keep posting!
  • janecalder
    janecalder Posts: 50 Member
    I am on day 6 of the 30 shred as my cross trainer is broken and I am waiting on parts for it arriving. I noticed a difference in my thighs on day 2 and have gone up a hole in my belt but I have put on 1lb!!! People are noticing I have lost weight even though I have been excessing and watching my calories for about 7 months now!! The hardest day for me was day 3 but now it is easier and I hope to get onto Level 2 on day 11 as you are supposed to but I have a bad knee with no cartilage left in it due to keyhole surgery and it is very sore today so I am forced to take a day off which I don't want to. I am trying not to worry about the scales as the inches are definitely coming off. Good luck
  • amiles21693
    amiles21693 Posts: 104 Member
    I am on day 6 of the 30 shred as my cross trainer is broken and I am waiting on parts for it arriving. I noticed a difference in my thighs on day 2 and have gone up a hole in my belt but I have put on 1lb!!! People are noticing I have lost weight even though I have been excessing and watching my calories for about 7 months now!! The hardest day for me was day 3 but now it is easier and I hope to get onto Level 2 on day 11 as you are supposed to but I have a bad knee with no cartilage left in it due to keyhole surgery and it is very sore today so I am forced to take a day off which I don't want to. I am trying not to worry about the scales as the inches are definitely coming off. Good luck

    I just started doing 30ds today for the second time, and my knees were hurting really bad too because of some previous sports injuries ):
  • AmyJackson1990
    AmyJackson1990 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey guys,,, ive heard couple of people on other posts saying their knees hurt quite bad. Ive measured myself all over, weighed myself and took my before picd (ew lol) starting it in 1 hour ... so roll on 30days haha !! Good luck guys xxxx
  • irishbabe_78
    irishbabe_78 Posts: 60 Member
    I am currently doing the Ripped in 30, and am on day 6. I do it 6 days a week and take Sunday off. :) I am looking forward to the end to see the results as well! I am currently involved in a group on here, and we are doing it together, so anyone, feel free to join! We can help motivate each other!

    I am also doing to C25K, so we will see!
  • SusanNYC
    SusanNYC Posts: 4 Member
    Where is the Ripped in 30 group, can I have a link please?
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    Good to know!
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    I am currently doing the Ripped in 30, and am on day 6. I do it 6 days a week and take Sunday off. :) I am looking forward to the end to see the results as well! I am currently involved in a group on here, and we are doing it together, so anyone, feel free to join! We can help motivate each other!

    I am also doing to C25K, so we will see!

    I am starting 30 day today.. but only doing it every other day as I am on week 4 of C25k :) Good Luck to you!
  • AmyJackson1990
    AmyJackson1990 Posts: 55 Member
    I Just started 30day shred, bloody hell what a workout a was panting all the way through it lol Great its only 20mins but its quite intesnse exercising. i love it!! guna get it done 7 days a week! done all my pics n measurments so il post my before and after once im done. good luck to everyone else whos doin it and ripped in 30days or the C25K yous are doin amazing <3 xxx
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I just started level two of the 30DS yesterday. I've been doing it for a while, but I alternate it with couch to 5k. So for me it is three days of 30DS, three of C25k, and a day of rest each week. So far, my pants are fitting better and work suit I bought not to long ago is too big. I feel stronger and eager to keep going.
  • vinadity98
    vinadity98 Posts: 26 Member
    Has anyone purchased Jillian's new set of DVD's, similar to insanity? I'm not sure of the name.
  • Gems7882
    Gems7882 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting the 30 day shred.... I need to loose a lot... N kinda turn into a healthy lifestyle.... I wanna loose my post pregnancy weight..( mind it not my baby weight.... I lost all my baby weight immidiatrly after delivery..... Then gained 15 lbs in these 8 months :(

    How much hand weight should I start with???