If it were that easy.

To be honest, I find it very hard to be working full time and still try to watch and maintain a 'good diet.' I eat when I can, and If I can. It's hard. Definitely hard. And I give all the props to those who lost tons of weight and started living healthy! I've read and saw some of your recent pictures, and I must say ALL OF YOU LOOK AMAZING. Job well done! I just wish I had enough motivation as you all did to work on myself. UGH. Well, I did lose 1. something pounds since the last weigh in. That should be something, huh? :)


  • SKOrnelas
    I understand where you are comming from. I spend last Saturday in bed crying because I gained almost 2 lbs in 2 weeks and I have been busting my behind walk/running 5+ miles aday. It is very frustrating and I almost gave up if not for the support of my frinds. If you would like you can add me as a friend.
  • jenhaze
    jenhaze Posts: 25 Member
    C'mon girls, we can do this together! As far as working and eating healthy I bring in a whole smorgasbord of healthier foods to work every week. Bottled water fresh apples and oranges, canned or home made soups in ziplock baggies (I make a big pot and freeze portions), uh...granola bars, those Dole fruit and whole grain snacks(yum),yogurt. It looks like I have my own grocery store at work, but i don't care. My coworkers suck anyway. As far as Breakfast,I love mini wheat. And I must say I am blessed to have an awesome Husby to cook me dinner which I eat in portion,too. Hope this helps:) Think positive!
  • fortydaysrain
    fortydaysrain Posts: 55 Member
    It's hard to fit things in when you work full time, have to maintain a home, etc. I find it hard to balance, I work full time, have a freelance business and I was neglecting myself for a long time. I have been waking up an hour earlier so I can get my workouts out of the way before my work day. I spend 30 minutes of that time working out, and 30 minutes putting together a healthy breakfast, lunch, and snacks for work. It's challenging. Weeks when I have time I work on a weeklong dinner meal plan, but that can take an hour. It was hard in the beginning but now it's just part of my routine and I find I have MUCH more energy for my busy crazy work days!