Excercise - before or after dinner? opinions please

I have been on an exercise program for about 6 weeks now.... the weight is coming off .....but slowly....maybe 1 to 2 lbs a week. I am normally 100- 200 calories under my goal with exercise and i have a feeling this might be contributing to the fact that i am not losing more weight, so have tried increasing my calorie intake to be within at least 10 calories either way. However i was wondering, i am exercising 4 times a week Mon- Thur and with work starting at 7 and finishing at half 5 i only have time to work out straight after work. I have tried eating my dinner waiting an hour and then heading to the gym but it is normally very late and i have trouble sleeping afterwards. But when I exercise before i eat my dinner i feel like the exercise was wasted ?? anyone know what i can do?



  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Tonight I will be working out at 7pm. It'll be a tough workout and I know I'll burn a large volume of calories. Consequently I have brought a sandwich to work to eat at 5pm.

    At about 8:30 or so I'll also have dinner.

    I'll still be well within my net calorie goal and I will have sufficient energy to fuel me for my class.

    You could try that.
  • Thanks that's pretty much what im doing at the minute. One step at a time i suppose!! it won't happen overnight!