26 year old 330lbs in need of support system... names jessy



  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Hello Jessy,

    Would love to be friends and give yeah support! We all can use it I know I could use it too or I will find myself going back to old habbits so please feel free to add me would love to help yeah out.

  • Hello Jessy! Its very hard getting the motivation to start and just doing something about yourself. I am 29 years old and a mother of 2 boys I work in a call center and when I get off work I wanna go straight home and just crash but I can't I have two other people to take care of. The way I go my motivation was just to STOP talking about it and be about it! I didnt care what anybody else had to say about me or there doubts I just started! You can do it all you have to do is start somewhere. The first thing you can start at is how about dancing in your living room or cleaning up stuff you can do around the house. I started my journey on January 16th, 2012 when my teammembers decided to do biggest loser I have lost 10 lbs since then and I feel awesome its not much but its something YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU SET YOUR MIND TO GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member

    I am Sarah, work at home mom of 3 :) I started at 203 and I'm at 195 now - feel free to add me... but I warn you, I read diaries and I'm vocal about it!
  • iml0singit
    iml0singit Posts: 8 Member
    Friend's request being sent! Let's keep each other motivated :)
  • dicove
    dicove Posts: 36
    Hello Jessy, welcome, friend request sent, I also need support, and believe me this is the best support network I have found so far.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Jessy, you're obviously motivated, or you wouldn't be here. You may not feel like your health and the idea of dying young are giving you the motivation you need, but the thought of not being around anymore has obviously driven you to take the first step. Life can be so much better than it is right now. You need to do what you need to do to give yourself a chance at life. I mean, c'mon, you're not going to choose overeating over living, right?
  • Hi Jessy!! Hope I can help too! Its hard at the beginning but if others can do it so can you. Have faith and be strong! Like my doctor told me, "you didn't put the weight on overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight." Good luck! And if you need a swift kick in the *kitten* every now and then, add me :P
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    Hey! I love the user name! I'm new here also. You had it in you to find a place(here) and reach out....You can do this.
  • Hey Jessy,
    I would love to give support and I'm in need of it too. I'm sending you a friend request.