Fruit only for Breakfast?



  • bestiepants
    bestiepants Posts: 5 Member
    Fruit & yoghurt smoothies are nice and filling for breakfast. My partner has them every morning and keeps him going till dinner time :-)
  • The days I have fruit only for breakfast are the days I have the most energy and feel generally awesome!! You have to eat more than one piece of fruit though to hold you over. I feel it's best to have a piece of fruit or 2 every hour for the first few hours of the day, then I'm good to go until lunch. If you still feel hungry, have another piece of fruit.

    I haven't been motivated to do this everyday though. Some days I have a protein shake, some days oatmeal or porridge. But having a fruit morning a couple days a week feels great to me!

    Have you notice a change in your difestive systeme or weight loss?
  • Jdplank
    Jdplank Posts: 10 Member
    Horrible choice. By the time you get to breakfast your body is about to reach starvation mode. To turn this around you need a healthy dose of protein. If you do not eat protein and instead opt for a sugary fruit it will in turn get stored as reserve energy and by the time lunch comes around you will be in starvation mode. Basically your body will do the opposite of what you are thinking for 5-6 hours. It wont burn anything because it thinks its starving. You can have all the fruit you want but make sure you are eating protein as well especially for breakfast.
  • I have been drinking orange juice on my long drive to work (630am-730), then I eat 1 med Kiwi (8am-9), and usually a small pear (9am-10), and an apple from (10-11).

    Then of course, a healthy lunch.

    I saw a difference in my digestive system and I guess my metablism seeing that last week I lost 3.8lbs by doing this.

    Not sure if the fruit had anything to do with it, but i'm doing it again this week and hopefully I see some of the same results.:happy:
  • I don't know what fruit only for breakfast is, but I eat an apple and a banana every morning for breakfast and I feel fine for like 3 hours, but that is normally when I start to eat my next meal. I try to eat 5 small meals a day too.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Assuming you are comparing this method to any other method where you are eating the same number of calories with the same macronutrient totals by end of day, this will not make any difference in your metabolism or weight loss.

    You should let personal preference dictate what/when you eat fruit and what your breakfast consists of (and when you eat it).
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    You need protien, fruit will not sustain you until your next meal. Once you crash from the sugar you are going to be starving. :smile:
  • lruthruff
    lruthruff Posts: 18 Member
    I find the only way that it works for me is to juice. It just seemed to be more filling to me
  • Stacy533
    Stacy533 Posts: 65 Member
    Not good for me, if I have fruit alone my stomach starts speaking to me :)
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I have fruit as a pre breakfast snack. I will have an apple or peach, but i have to eat a proper break fast atleast 45min later.
  • defenestrate
    defenestrate Posts: 4 Member
    I am fine having a cup of sliced strawberries for breakfast. But I also have breakfast between 9:30 and 10, then have lunch between 12:30 and 1:30, a snack around 2:30 -3, then dinner between 6:30 and 8, and finally, another snack somewhere around 9-9:30, depending on how hungry I am after dinner.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    I make sure I eat A FRUIT with breakfast - and with my morning snack (along with a protein) and with my afternoon snack (along with a protein)... oh, and as a dessert/snack after supper. I'm at my maintenance weight now. I would DIE without fruit.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I don't because it does not fill me. Also, my nutrionist said to make sure EVERY meal/snack consists of a protein. I do, however, usually eat fruit WITH my breakfast.
  • Edit: double post
  • Hey everyone:

    I was just curious if anyone here has done the fruit only for breakfast way of eating?

    Has it worked for you?

    Thanks for any POSITIVE advice/guidance!

    What's the logic behind this, that sugar/carbs are evil and if eaten later in the day turn right to fat?

    That's how I read the OP's question: not "eat only/just fruit for breakfast and nothing else" but "eat fruit only at breakfast and not at other times."

    I've also heard this: no fruit (fructose) after 2 pm (becasue of how the liver handles it).
    Do you know what this might be based on? Any opinion on whether it's valid or not?

    [edit for clarity]
  • just a serving of fruit to start your day is not a balanced breakfast. if you like fruit in the morning make sure you have protein too.. breakfast was always my worst part of the day because i hate breakfast and i am not fond of eating when i get up in the morning..however i lost 80lbs and part of my regime was to eat a balanced breakfast in the morning. my breakfast is boring and only eaten because its needed.. plain oatmeal with cinnamon with either protein powder or egg whites... once in a while i switch up to a toasted bagel thin , egg white and two slices of turkey bacon sandwich .. the other day i made up some healthy pancakes with melted almond butter/raw honey sauce..

    because morning is a bear for me i try to keep it very simple with the oatmeal gig.. god i miss the old days of five in the morning breakfast at a diner after a night out on the town lol