First time counting calories

The state of Alabama has a program called Scale Back Alabama where teams of 4 join together to lost 10 pounds in 10 weeks. I am on one of the four teams in my office and I joined MFP today to help me track my progress. My overall goal is to lose more beyond the 10 week goal but 10 pounds in 10 weeks does not seem to be unattainable.

I think my main obstacle for weight loss is that I don't eat artificial sweeteners (personal preference based on studies I've read about the dangers of them). I have many friends on WW and I see them eating tons of food loaded with aspartame etc. I think actually counting the caloric/nutritional value of what I'm eating will help me figure out how I can change my eating habits without eating "diet" food, but we'll see.

Nice to meet y'all!


  • I too am a first time calorie counter. I just joined yesterday after my friend told me about the phone app and showed me how easy it is to use. After entering all my food intake for the day I couldn't believe how much sugar I consumed but just like you am going to try to be healthier without having to use anything with aspartme. When my sister was pregnant she was telling me and sending me links to website saying how bad aspartme is even though the diet companies say it's better for you when really in the long run it isn't. I just hope I can get through this as easy as possible. I want to loose 35 lbs so I can be at the weight I was when I met my fiance and he doesn't have to listen to me complain anymore about my clothes not fitting right. Hope you are able to reach your goal. Good Luck!
  • Ms_Cindyrella
    Ms_Cindyrella Posts: 61 Member
    Nice too meet you. I too never counted calories until I saw the phone app to make it all easy/ I now faithfully put everything down, and I can't believe all the stuff I was eating before that was not doing me a bit of good.
    Good luck on your aventures to a new you.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Good for you! I personally detest chemical laden food! My sweetener that I use is stevia. It is plant based from the stevia plant. You can buy some at Trader Joes or also it is the big brand TRUVIA that you see on TV.

    You can learn a lot by reading labels. Tons of salt in food and sugar which is disguised under many different names. I cook most of my own food and just use packaged condiments as my only source of processed foods.

    I started by following Dr. Oz YOU ON A DIET book and found that to be really helpful, informative, and fun to read. This MFP site has been great with lots of info in the forums. You decide what makes sense to you but there are lots of people losing weight here. I started by losing my last 35 pounds but ended up wanting to be healthier as my goal. So very health food minded eating mainly green veggies. Just learned about collards, turnip greens, mustard greens, and bok choy. They are all super foods and loaded with nutrition.

    You might want to get a food scale to accurately weigh your food. Works so much better on many things than measuring cups.

    Best of luck to you!
  • MistyLee74
    MistyLee74 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks y'all! I realized last night when I was preparing dinner and today's lunch that I might need a food scale. I'm definitely going to check out the app too ~ anything to make this easier! I don't "use" sugar (I've had the same 1 lb bag for about 6 months) and I only salt certain foods while I'm cooking (i.e. grits). Most of my sugar/sodium intake comes from what I buy. They are sneaky little things. They show up everywhere!