Does anyone wanna look at my diary and help me out?

I've been on MFP for almost a month. I started out at 200.8 and now I'm 196. I have went down to 191 and I keep going back up to 196. What should I do? I work out sometimes 3x in a day 20min morning 60min afternoon 20-35min at night but most of the time I'm doing 2x a day 20min morning and 30-35 at night. I've lost inches about 2 inches total but like any girl I wanna see the scale move and not up!!! Help any advise? I'm a mess this morning after going down to 191 on Sunday to go up to 198 Monday and back to 196 today. rrrrrrrrrrrrrr:indifferent:


  • BoopsyBoop
    BoopsyBoop Posts: 23 Member
    Your diary is not viewable to the public, you'll have to change that first.
  • wood2438
    Losing 4 pounds in one months is actually pretty good. That equals1 pound every week, which is healthy wiehgt loss. And losing inches is even better. I hear ya though. I wish my progress was faster as well, but losing is slowly and keeping it off is a lot better than dropping 20 just to pick it right back up in a few months.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    Stop weighing all the time. By doing that daily, you are seeing natural fluctuations which is stressing you out.

    Now, more long term, it's hard to give you any advice with your diary closed.
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    I made my diary public sorry guys.
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    i looked at 3 days very very quickly........looks like you are eating waayyy too little on days you work out.....netting 400 or so is not great at all. I'd seriously look at that and try to increase it.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Your diary isn't open......but I would guess that big gains like that are actually water weight and maybe a little bit of TOM issues. You can also gain when you start an exercise program because your muscles are getting damaged and are swelling with water when they repair themselves. Make sure you keep your sodium below 2500 mg's per day and drink lots of water. I personally have issues with water weight gain if I go over 2000 mg's of sodium per day. Also, try to eat one gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass. To figure out your lean body mass you need to know your body fat%. There are lots of free calculators on the web to help you figure out your LBM and estimate your body fat% by measurements if you aren't sure. It's just an estimate but it's better than nothing. One last thing.....make sure you are eating close to your BMR calorie wise.
  • a_acosta80
    Try cutting back on sodium I try to stay around 1500-2000mg a day
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Your diary isn't open......but I would guess that big gains like that are actually water weight and maybe a little bit of TOM issues. You can also gain when you start an exercise program because your muscles are getting damaged and are swelling with water when they repair themselves. Make sure you keep your sodium below 2500 mg's per day and drink lots of water. I personally have issues with water weight gain if I go over 2000 mg's of sodium per day. Also, try to eat one gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass. To figure out your lean body mass you need to know your body fat%. There are lots of free calculators on the web to help you figure out your LBM and estimate your body fat% by measurements if you aren't sure. It's just an estimate but it's better than nothing. One last thing.....make sure you are eating close to your BMR calorie wise.

    By the time I posted this, you opened your diary. You need to net close to your BMR every day regardless of exercise.....and your sodium is very high some days. I would also adjust your macros to 40-30-30 (carbs, protein, fat)....hope this helps!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Eat more when you work out. Lower your sodium for sure.... And relax. This is a journey, not a race. There is no time limit.
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I agree, on days that you work out, you definitely need more to eat more calories. Maybe try a protein shake after a workout if you can't eat more?
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    I gain weight the day after I eat salty foods and days after I lift weights.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    weight fluctuation is normal. So is feeling frustrated about it. I'm guilty of that, but I just want to say that it happens. My weight varies 5 lbs in a day, used to vary almost 10 lbs in a day. Also, you are working out a lot so consider the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" thing. If you are getting smaller, but weighing more, it's because you are losing fat and building muscle!! That's a good thing!!!

    My recommendation is keep doing what you are doing because like someone else here said, losing 4 lbs in a month is awesome. It's not gonna come off any quicker than it went on (if you want to see a real change that will last)....but it WILL COME OFF!!! I have lost just shy of 50 lbs and I've been on MFP for two years. Things happen- your progress will stall, you'll have to tweek, but it seems to me that this isn't a stall so much as you are freaking out far too early. If you end up going three months without losing, that's what I'd call a stall.

    Just stick to it. Plug away. Keep measurements as well as scale records. You will see the progress. TRUST ME. Look at my profile pic. I never thought I would ever have a stomach that flat. Now i KNOW a 6 pack is in my future. It CAN BE DONE!

    Here's a mantra I want you to say to yourself (I don't mean to sound bossy, but just try it):

  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I noticed there is no water logged on your diary? Are you drinking plenty of water? This could help! Also it does look like your calories are far too low on some days, which could be having reverse effect on your weight loss, your body could be storing those calories as fat, because you aren't fueling for your exersising properly. You need to eat quite a bit more on workout days!
  • brewedtea
    brewedtea Posts: 19 Member
    The number on the scale isn't a good indicator of whether you're healthy or not. If you are consistently losing inches then you're a success! and I would just stop focusing on the scale. From the amount of time you spend working out you're probably gaining muscle, which also is a good thing :)
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    More protein and whole foods, good fats and stay within in your caloric range. I've been going up and down the same 5lbs for awhile. Sometimes you have to play around with things to see what works and just when you do that, you'll have to tweak it again. Keep your body guessing, but if you can eat mostly lean proteins, veggies, fruits and some good fat you're on the right path.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    Try interval training when you hit that elliptical. 30 seconds of fast running, then a minute of steady pace-- that sort of thing.

    I try to eat throughout the day to keep my blood sugar steady and my metabolism going. When I'm doing really well, I do strength every other day. when I do that I drop weight more quickly . I eat more protein on days I work out.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    You need to try to eat all of your calories that is allotted for you. Your sodium intake is way to high and you are not drinking water. I have learned (the hard way believe me) that you have to have the water to flush out the sodium. I also agree that you are weighing yourself too often. I weigh once a week, on the same day and at about the same time of day on the same scale if at all possible!!! I hope this helps.....I am still learning too but these are things that I have learned.

    Hang in can do this. feel free to check out my profile and add me if you would like to.

  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I agree you need to eat more on the days that you workout. I always try to leave a couple hundred left over (to account for error in estimating food amounts and calories burned even though I use a HRM). I try to net at least 1200. You should at least be hitting 1000.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    this is based solely on my experience and not, specifically, backed up by any scientific data:

    with that said; i once tried the "raw" diet. it worked okay if i went nearly all raw (it was too much work prepping and eating almost constantly). when i tried going partially raw, the fruit juices and large amount of fruit (in smoothies) killed the benefit for me. there was just too much sugar. i immediately started gaining, so i cut out the fruit juice and all but 2 servings of fruit per day then stuck with a wheatgrass drink in the morning and a balanced diet of protein with lots of veggies.

    the past month or so, i cut out the wheatgrass, but am going to add it back. for me, it DOES give added energy that lasts most of the day.

    hope this helps.. just another option... don't give up :flowerforyou:
  • maryjay51
    personally i think your meals are not balanced. perhaps instead of eating two bagel thins you should eat one and a 1/2c of egg whites ..2c of egg whites is a lot .. 1/4c of egg whites is equal to that of two eggs so you pretty much ate egg whites from 16 eggs. can the salty foods too. your sodium intake to me is a bit on the higher side. try to sort out your meals more evenly and include two snacks a day at least. what works for me is five or six smaller meals a day. sometimes on occasion if i go out i have a bigger meal when i eat out but thats just a treat. one meal you had 75g of carbs . i try to keep carbs around 25 a meal ,give or take 5-10g .. i drink alot of water too. thats really important .with all the sodium you consume your body is probably retaining water because youre not drinking enough to balance it out.

    i really try hard to cut out processed food. it was my downfall in my fresh food is way more healthier ,less sodium and unneccessary fats and you can eat more of it.

    try to limit your fruit to one serving for a meal if you have it at meal time.

    these suggestions are only suggestions but things that worked for me ...hope it helps