New(ish) member looking for support!

Hi! I'm Vy! I'm from nearby Philadelphia but currently living in Boston. I'm only 5'2'' but weigh 138. I've been trying to use MyFitnessPal for ages now, but I always end up relapsing after losing a bit of weight! Having a network of people with the same goals would be a wonderful motivator. Feel free to add me!


  • Nserrano3
    Nserrano3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Vy! I'm from nearby Philadelphia but currently living in Boston. I'm only 5'2'' but weigh 138. I've been trying to use MyFitnessPal for ages now, but I always end up relapsing after losing a bit of weight! Having a network of people with the same goals would be a wonderful motivator. Feel free to add me!

    Hi, I am new to this. I am in need of motivation. I am from chicago...