Tell us about your worst ever slip up day...



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    When I got really sick the past week, I took half a day off, stopped by McDonald's and got a Mighty Kids chicken nugget meal with fries, coke on the way home...

    The next day, still sick, went to the Dr, got my antibiotics (bad cold) and headed home, realized there was no real food at the house so I went and got a Wendy's double cheeseburger, fries, and sprite. HAHAHA :P But I enjoyed the kids meal the day before better, the burger was just way too much...

    So did not give a flip those two days... feeling too bad, did NOT care.

    Didn't really gain much. Right back at it after I felt better. ^_^
  • WarrantyVoider
    WarrantyVoider Posts: 11 Member
    I went to Chili's without checking the calories in the food first. Boy was I in for an unpleasant surprise when I got home and started logging my calories.
    Chili's food is the worst for calories
  • wanetam
    wanetam Posts: 66 Member
    This is a great topic. I have slip ups about once sometimes twice a month, anything that I can find and eat I will, man do I feel sick after. I am glad that everyone has those days. But when I wake up the next day, I just go back to eating well, like the binge never happened. You can't get upset about what you cannot change, like someone else said, its all about understanding our personal relationships with food. I hope in the end I will get over my love for eating, but in the meantime, we just need to wake up everyday and vow to be a healthy person.
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    i tend to buy more that i want to, i do it ONLY in Grocery stores Or Walmart, Funny i write down what i want Before i go shopping and i ALWAYS come back with the Quadruple stuff , Well i dont go to bars or do any fun activity so i let loose in grocery places. Unfortunately that is what is wrong with me.
  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    Last week I caved and had a huge cheeseburger with everything on it.... It was over 1,000 calories and I felt terrible afterwards.

    Normally I would get discouraged and just throw the rest of the week away or give up entirely. This time I logged it truthfully, accepted what I ate (denying it wouldn't make the calories evaporate!) and realized that tomorrow I could do it over. I did and I'm still going. The pound I gained from it went away and now I'm back on track.
  • ive had my fair share of slip ups im my lifetime.. i changed something with them this past round..for two years i changed my whole being in regard to being healthier. ive lost 80lbs because of it ..however that is not to without saying that i didnt have my hiccups along the way. in the past i had my times of indulging but the difference between then and now-- i dont say' oh well i cheated so i might as well cheat the rest of the day and get back to things tomorrow'.. number 1 i usually didnt get back to things tomorrow and number 2 i ate even worse as the day went on because of thinking that way.

    now i really try hard to plan my indulgant meals or snacks. i find that its not a slip up when i do that but rather more controlled to eat something out of the ordinary. i go out a lot for various meetings and events ..everywhere i go there is food. most of the time its not very healthy food. i have my plan of action for these types of things ..i either plan what im going to eat there or i dont eat it at all and have something before and after i go .

    i went to a buffet at a casino a few months back. i was going to chow everything in sight and whatever i wanted. i got through one plate of food and i wanted to die. it wasnt even a packed plate either .. oh well there went that idea of stuffing myself to death lol
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    i tend to buy more that i want to, i do it ONLY in Grocery stores Or Walmart, Funny i write down what i want Before i go shopping and i ALWAYS come back with the Quadruple stuff , Well i dont go to bars or do any fun activity so i let loose in grocery places. Unfortunately that is what is wrong with me.

    Something that MIGHT help you... look up some yummy but healthy recipes that you want to try. Write down all the ingredients for two or three recipes, then add the stuff that you need/were going to get anyway.... I dunno about you, but on the rare times I actually adhere exactly to a recipe, I'm shocked at how much stuff I have to buy for it. Once your basket is full of 18 different ingredients for 3 meals (that you had to look up and down the store to find), that should quell your shopping urge. Heehee.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I do believe you and I are twins, well except you left out the Lance Vanilla Creme Sandwich cookies. My worst slip up was more like a train wreck. I went to the dollar store for something and discovered the dollar store had the 6 packs (6 packs of 6 pack) Vanilla Creme cookie sandwiches for $1. Well, I bought 4 packs. I live 8 minutes from the dollar store. By the time I got into my garage, I had ONE package (6pack) left and I was seriously contemplating going back around the block to finish it. Instead, I snuck in the house, hid it in the cabinet and waited for my husband to leave for work. Then I ate them. ALL of them. The next morning, I wanted to die my stomach was hurting so bad. I was jittery and cranky all day long.

    Yes, we're very alike. Except for me, it's Oreos. I've done that very same thing with Oreos. Man, I can destroy some Oreos...

    This also reminds me of the last time I bought a box of Ho-Ho's. There are ten in a box. I got home, opened the box and grabbed one. I saw how small the were and figured, "Eh...I'll just grab two." I ate them. When I walked through the kitchen about five minutes later, I went to grab another one, but thought, "Nah...I might as well get two. You long as I'm in here." Ate them. My next time walking through the kitchen, maybe five minutes later, I grabbed two more. Down. Next time, instead of grabbing two, I figured, "Might as well kill the box..." A whole box of ten Ho-Hos in under 30 minutes.

  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Reading some of these "worst binge days ever" have me embarrassed to to even mention what my binge days are like. 3/4 of a cheeseburger? Honey, I would eat 4, and some fries, and some ice cream. It's gets worse. How about 3/4 of a family size Stoffer's veggie lasagna and then 6 cupcakes? 3/4 a pizza + wings + garlic bread was another. Worst ever? They were all so bad and there were so many I cant even keep track! How do I not weigh 1,000 pounds?
  • jojeh2011
    jojeh2011 Posts: 46 Member
    I actually just recently had a slip up, so its fresh in my mind. i ate probably double my calorie limit last friday in worthless bad for you food. i was craving in n out.. which is not out of the ordinary. even while on mfp, i've had in n out a couple of times. i just make sure to get a hamburger, instead of cheeseburger, no fries, and no soda. i often will suplement the burger with a side of fruit and lots of water.. and that would be my lunch. but this one particular day.. i went to in n out, and got a hamburger like i normally would, but i also got an order of ANIMAL STYLE FRIES. these are SOO bad for you, as one serving is over 600 calories... thats almost double the calories of my burger. needless to say, i ate it all... felt kinda guilty, but i just told myself if i eat a healthy dinner, i'd be alright. that didn't happen either! I was at the mall that evening, and just really wanted a wetzel dog = 500 calories. ugh, i ate that around 7:30pm. by 9pm, i felt like ****, and made up my mind to go the gym even though it was a FRIDAY NIGHT. I had only planned to burn 600 calories or so... i ended up working out for 1.5 hours, burning over 1300 calories. sounds crazy, but i had so much energy since i ate so much excess food! I'm sooooo glad i sacraficed my friday evening to workout. i felt SO much better the next morning. :)
  • At our recent Superbowl party! I ate before going, and despite filling up on veggies while there (lots of broccoli, baby carrots, peppers, etc.) I also made room for two mondo slices of cheese pizza, three handfuls of cheddar popcorn, and four or five tortilla chip clusters full of salsa dip. WAY better than my past splurges (can anyone say a cheesesteak + 20 wings in one sitting...and I'm a tiny 4'9!) but still.

    I need to start eating clean so my body feels yucky when I eat badly and I can self-regulate....
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Half a pizza, chocolate, ice cream, donuts...

    LOL, I've had it all. It happens. More than once.

    You just get up the next day and do something different. (And sometimes you just have another "cheat" day) but as long as you keep working, it turns out okay.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Last week I did poorly in nutrition. I'd start the day out just fine-- good, usual breakfast, pretty good lunch, dinner was down the hole! I screwed up around dinner majorly--mostly due to crazy sweet cravings. I noticed part of my issue was not eating enough protein plus more intense workouts. The combination apparently is lethal for my body.

    An example or two of my slip ups were-- one day last week I went to Steak n' Shake for the first time. The burger (I eat plain/dry) wasn't too bad in terms of calories, it came with fries as well and I tried to limit that. Then, of course, I decided to get a shake. Big mistake. I logged that I'd eat half the shake considering it was a little over 1,000 calories alone. I ate the whole thing!

    This last weekend was my boyfriend's birthday so we went out to Carinos Italian Kitchen for dinner. I went onto the website ahead and of time recorded exactly what I'd eat and of course, gave into temptation again! Bread, Mmmm, having never been there I didn't know they had bread as a little appetizer and it was GOOD. Then, we ate, I finished my meal and thought well darn that turtle cheesecake looks DELICIOUS. I didn't use my brain and think about the amount of calories are typically in a cheese cake. Once again, I downed the entire 1,000+ calories! Worst part, I felt SO guilty when I came home that I did 30 Day Shred on a semi full belly TWICE! I felt HORRIBLE and I can now say I'll think twice about diving into dessert after a whole day of used up calories.
  • My slip today? I had a good breakfast and a good lunch but I was still craving something sweet. I tried to have a couple dark chocolate kisses to try to kill the craving but since I am not a dark chocolate lover, it didn't work. So I had a Snickers bar. And totally demolished all of the 280 calories of it in like a second. Now I feel the craving was satisfied but now I feel bad because I know later, I'm still going to totally do dessert at my husband's grandparent's house.

    How do I get through it? I just remember the old quote from who knows where "It took longer then a day to put it on, it will take longer than a day to take it off." I know i am going to make mistakes but I also know I can work harder on the other days or incorporate more healthy activities to offset the slips.
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    I went to Chili's without checking the calories in the food first. Boy was I in for an unpleasant surprise when I got home and started logging my calories.
    Chili's food is the worst for calories

    I always get a kids grilled chicken with broccoli and a cup of chicken enchilada soup. The whole thing is 400 calories (200 for the soup, 200 for the chicken and broccoli), and I genuinely like all of it. Because of this, if I am eating out, I always feel like I have an option there. I've seen far worse on the Carino's nutrition chart.

    By far my worst slip up was this weekend when I went to stay with friends out of town and we had a Super Bowl party. I just enjoyed it and did not count anything. I had been on a plateau for awhile, so I thought, "This will definitely let my body know I am not starving!" So now that I am back at work today and eating normally, I am hoping that I lose the 2 pounds I gained this weekend and get back on track.
  • violetnotpurple
    violetnotpurple Posts: 2 Member
    Super Bowl Sunday! It was just my bf and I and on my way home from work I got mozzarella sticks, mini tacos, taquitos, mini quesadillas, and popcorn chicken. It was terrible! I ended up being 900 calories over. I know I will slip up again, but hopefully I will be able to moderate my slip ups.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    January 27, 2012: On this day I ate 1504 cals OVER my daily allotment and exercise! I did OK during breakfast and lunch but then during my after noon snack I had brownies and then at dinnertime we went out with friends and I ate bread, more bread, cinnomin rolls, steak, potatoes, greenbeans covereed in butter then came home and at chocolate chip cookies (that never should have been there but my husband was off work with an injury and got bored and made them). Then I ate more choc chip cookies but spread Peanut butter over them. I was like an animal, I couldn't stop. I printed out that day and pasted it to my fridge. All I can say is I am human and I do stupid things, but I got right back on the horse!
  • ecurran211
    ecurran211 Posts: 1 Member
    Most recently, the morning after the super bowl... For breakfast, a giant bowl of leftover vegetarian chili and tortilla chips followed buy some cupcakes and cookies. I felt so gross after. Oh well, today is a new day.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I don't really have slip ups because I don't restricted myself. I just eat in moderation, I eat junk food if I am craving it, I have still lost weight. I don't eat meat so I rarely go out to eat and never eat fast food unless my husband gets it and I pick at left over fries. Also if I know I will be eating a lot of calories I plan ahead, like saturday I went out to buffalo wild wings, they have black bean burgers, so I knew I would be eating that + fries. It came out to be like 900 calories for the whole meal, which I knew ahead of time, I doubled my workout time, ate a small breakfast. I didn't go over on calories and I didn't feel bad about eating it. Just plan ahead, and eat in moderation!
  • I have only had a couple slip ups... Mainly when I am stressed out. I usually make a big meal and I feel so hungry & just cant get satisfied. I find myself at 8:30 at night with stomach aches cause my body had been trained to not eat so much at one sitting & completely over stuffed. Right afterward I plan on my next morning of working out harder & getting back on track. Luckily I have not gained any weight from my slip ups... probably because I feel so guilty I double burn it off the next day.