going over in protein



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    So you are saying slightly over in protein won't hurt, and if I am trying to lose stay within my calories and keep my carbs around 80?

    On the whole macronutrient mix thing I follow Mark Sisson who wrote The Primal Blueprint. He says to keep insulin at proper levels for maintenance keep carbs at no greater than 150 grams. For weight loss keep carbs at between 70 and 100 grams. Depending on your metabolism, height,weight and activity level, this will keep you slightly ketogenic. If you really want to go ketogenic go below 50 grams carbs. Some people feel ok doing this and some don't. I personally don't. When I get below 50 grams carbs I have a dull headache, low energy and a "foggy" brain. I generally do 70 to 100 grams carbs unless it's a workout day and then I do a few more.
    But yes on your protein question. I'd really go in and adjust your goals to a 40 30 30 or a 35 35 30 mix.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Yeah I think that's why people are afraid of low carb diets - they don't like the lethargic feeling... but replacing more of ccalories with protein is actually better if you want fast weight loss.
    So you are saying slightly over in protein won't hurt, and if I am trying to lose stay within my calories and keep my carbs around 80?

    On the whole macronutrient mix thing I follow Mark Sisson who wrote The Primal Blueprint. He says to keep insulin at proper levels for maintenance keep carbs at no greater than 150 grams. For weight loss keep carbs at between 70 and 100 grams. Depending on your metabolism, height,weight and activity level, this will keep you slightly ketogenic. If you really want to go ketogenic go below 50 grams carbs. Some people feel ok doing this and some don't. I personally don't. When I get below 50 grams carbs I have a dull headache, low energy and a "foggy" brain. I generally do 70 to 100 grams carbs unless it's a workout day and then I do a few more.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    I am always thinking that I am sabbatoging my weight loss bc I go over in Protein everyday. I mean like where I should have 40-50 g I am having 75- 95 g daily. I eat lean meats and nuts or trail mixes every day. Could I be over doing the protein?

    I personally think MFP has their protein set too low. I manually went in and changed mine. I eat anywhere from 140 to 180 grams of protein a day.

    Can I ask...what do you eat? I'm looking for ideas to boost my protein using actual food, rather than a lot of supplements. Not criticizing those who use them, just looking for food/menu ideas.

    I use nonfat cottage cheese, greek yogurt, chicken and fat-trimmed steak (grilled if possible) and for veggies stick with low-cal high protein like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and if your diet allows for it, beans. There are also options out there for high-protein pastas and breads if you can't live without starchy stuff.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I'd much rather go over in protein than in carbs. Besides, MFP sets protein at a minimal level. I have adjusted mine to be almost twice what MFP recommends as the default. My trainer recommends at least 1 gram of protein per lean pound of bodyweight, which means i have to get in about 110 grams daily - minimum.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Yeah I think that's why people are afraid of low carb diets - they don't like the lethargic feeling... but replacing more of ccalories with protein is actually better if you want fast weight loss.
    So you are saying slightly over in protein won't hurt, and if I am trying to lose stay within my calories and keep my carbs around 80?

    On the whole macronutrient mix thing I follow Mark Sisson who wrote The Primal Blueprint. He says to keep insulin at proper levels for maintenance keep carbs at no greater than 150 grams. For weight loss keep carbs at between 70 and 100 grams. Depending on your metabolism, height,weight and activity level, this will keep you slightly ketogenic. If you really want to go ketogenic go below 50 grams carbs. Some people feel ok doing this and some don't. I personally don't. When I get below 50 grams carbs I have a dull headache, low energy and a "foggy" brain. I generally do 70 to 100 grams carbs unless it's a workout day and then I do a few more.

    I completely agree. Also it's unessesary and just a short term fix unless you are using it to kick start a weight loss program and are going to go into a slow and steady weight loss mode. It also helps reset you body initially and increases your insulin senstitiivy but for me personally, it's not worth the pain. After a couple of weeks at or below 150 grams I'm there anyway and cravings are gone.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    This has been very helpful guys! thanks! I've always known I gain my weight from Carbs and not from Protein and now I've got an idea of how to change my goals to something more suited to me!
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    I have found that what slowed my weight loss down was getting my protein from nuts. When I switched it over to mostly lean meats the weight slides off. So maybe try that, decrease nuts, increase lean meats.

    Nuts are a good source of protein but they are high in fat, and it is so easy to eat a lot at one sitting. I agree lean meats are the best and if you are going to eat nuts be sure to count them before you start (14 almonds 88 calories - not as filling as 3oz of chicken breast about 100 calories).
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    I found i was going over on protein all the time too, and couldn't think how to lower it, so i switched from semi-skimmed milk to 1% milk and that cured it :)
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I am always thinking that I am sabbatoging my weight loss bc I go over in Protein everyday. I mean like where I should have 40-50 g I am having 75- 95 g daily. I eat lean meats and nuts or trail mixes every day. Could I be over doing the protein?

    You are fine at 75-95g a day. You aren't going over and protein isn't going to sabotage your weight loss. Weight loss is all about CALORIE IN VS CALORIE BURNED.
  • Found it. Thanks.
  • may i ask what you are eating high in protein i actually need about 135g of protein a day and only getting about 75g
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    may i ask what you are eating high in protein i actually need about 135g of protein a day and only getting about 75g

    From the last page:

    Nonfat cottage cheese, greek yogurt, chicken and fat-trimmed steak (grilled if possible) and for veggies stick with low-cal high protein like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and if your diet allows for it, beans and nuts. There are also options out there for high-protein pastas and breads if you can't live without starchy stuff.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Oh and don't forget fish. Tuna and salmon are very high-protein low-cal foods and widely available.
  • Thank you everyone! I feel much better but I will be limiting the nuts now that I got that good bit of info. I wondered why I felt like I was gaining since I started eating nuts last week!
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    75-95 is really not that high! I changed mine manually to 40/30/30 and routinely eat over 100g. Usually between 95 - 120g.
  • jcmk87
    jcmk87 Posts: 57
    1 gram per KILOGRAM (2.2 lbs) of lean body mass is a good goal. I'm not sure where this 1gram/lb thing started. Probably in bodybuilding circles.

    Guess your goal is to look skinnyfat with no muscle mass at all?
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I AIM for high protein everyday. I try to get at least 100g. It fills me up and repairs my muscle. 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat is what I aim for. When I stick to this I notice much more weight loss.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I am always thinking that I am sabbatoging my weight loss bc I go over in Protein everyday. I mean like where I should have 40-50 g I am having 75- 95 g daily. I eat lean meats and nuts or trail mixes every day. Could I be over doing the protein?

    I personally think MFP has their protein set too low. I manually went in and changed mine. I eat anywhere from 140 to 180 grams of protein a day.

    Can I ask...what do you eat? I'm looking for ideas to boost my protein using actual food, rather than a lot of supplements. Not criticizing those who use them, just looking for food/menu ideas.

    Turkey Pepperoni, Turkey Sausage, and etc are good ones.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    1 gram per KILOGRAM (2.2 lbs) of lean body mass is a good goal. I'm not sure where this 1gram/lb thing started. Probably in bodybuilding circles.

    Guess your goal is to look skinnyfat with no muscle mass at all?

    No the 1 gram per KILOGRAM is the original correct equation, that is the minimum you should get they are saying though. They have shown that under high workout conditions though that your muscles can use a lot more Amino Acids then that to shove in it's muscles along with water for repair.
  • beckys19
    beckys19 Posts: 119 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about more protein than what MFP tells you.

    Through my hubby's work, we have access to the lifestyle improvement program at WebMd. My health coach is actually the person who recommended this site, since I had 'enrolled' in the nutrition program at that site and was frustrated with entering in my food on the online tracker there. The one good thing about that site is that the food diary actually gives a range to shoot for. I don't know if it differs for men or women of different ages/sizes (I'm 38, 5'4") but here is the range it gave me (switching around my activity levels and weight loss goals to get the calorie intake I wanted didn't seem to affect any range other than calorie):

    For protein, it recommends 49-172 g.
    Fiber: 25-35
    Carbs: 172-320
    fat: 44-77

    If you have any concerns on your protein level (or fiber/carbs/fat) just talk with your doctor to see what they recommend as a healthy range for you. Trying to hit MFP numbers exactly is a pain, I just try to keep within the above ranges.