Tell us about your worst ever slip up day...



  • lavlei
    lavlei Posts: 26
    bump...nice to know others mess up and keep it truckin :)
  • rcallbeck
    rcallbeck Posts: 37 Member
    Worst slip up I can remember? January 25 of this year. Out of town on business, decided to live it up a bit and went to Red Robin for a burger and fries. Got to the airport and found out my flight was delayed for about 5 hours.. My co-worker and I had dinner, then decided we needed something to do. Drank more beers then I typically would at an airport. Many, many liquid calories were consumed that evening. But, I tracked each and every one of them (approximately) and vowed to not let it happen again. Haven't since. If I need a kick in the butt, I look back at that day and the disappointment I felt in myself after that.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    About I'd say a year and a half ago, I had the kickin jack nachos from chili's and brought them home because they are my guilty pleasure lol. Well they come with anything you can think of (the option of chicken or steak on them salsa, sour cream, guacamole, cheese obviously) and there are also about 20 of these big chips filled with the cheese on them and you can put whatever you want on them. All those nachos alone we're probably around 900 to 1000 calories! Damn. I swear though if those nachos were magically healthy in an alternate universe I'd eat them every week!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    It was in January - my husband was in the hospital for a week having some tests done and my schedule was all out of whack. I was exhausted, stressed out, and worried they wouldn't get desired results so I started to stress eat. I had bad stuff at Wendy's, I had a steak hoagie, but the worst was Monday of that week.

    Double bacon cheeseburger (works), tater tots, Dr. Pepper, and a concrete mixer (basically a blizzard) with chocolate custard ice cream and kit kat bars.

    I ate every.single.bite.

    The stress was a lot (he was supposed to be discharged that day and wasn't) and I dealt with it by eating nothing but junk. I gained 2lbs, felt ashamed and got back on the wagon. Two weeks later, I'm back where I was. 5 days took 2 weeks of recovery.
  • So far my worst slip up day was yesterday...I ate healthy from the begining of the day and then by the end of the day I fell into temptation and sabotage! My wonderful husband bought some nutter butter bars home and was eating them like they were the best thing ever... I had already hada snack for the day...not to mention i had two servingd of these grilled chicken poblano rolls and I had skipped my cardio workout for the day =(... i'm not slipping up again cus I put a picture of the victoria secret model wearing the bathing suit I want on the box (lmao) therefore it'll remind me of how I want to look for my miami trip this july.:happy:
  • If I have a slip up, I decide the whole day is wasted. But my worst one was when I had breakfast a diner, then lunch at McDonalds, then for dinner Pizza. And on top of the ICE CREAM for desert! I swear I must have gained 2lbs that day!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I went to Chili's without checking the calories in the food first. Boy was I in for an unpleasant surprise when I got home and started logging my calories.
    Chili's food is the worst for calories

    You're not kidding! I used to regularly order the Texas cheese fries when I went there for dinner. After I started logging I realized they were 2000 calories. ONE MEAL. That stopped that really fast. LOL
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Reading some of these "worst binge days ever" have me embarrassed to to even mention what my binge days are like. 3/4 of a cheeseburger? Honey, I would eat 4, and some fries, and some ice cream. It's gets worse.

    I'm glad to know someone else is feeling this way. Some of these posts have left me with a daunting realization that my relationship to food is probably even worse than I suspected. Grabbing a fast food meal would not be a slip up day for me. A slip up for me would be more like grabbing a fast food meal, then going home and eating lunch right on top of it, then throwing the whole day out the window and deciding to go to a steak restaurant and eat anything I wanted until I was too stuffed to move, then waiting an hour until there was the tiniest bit of space appearing in my stomach again, and having a sandwich... and on and on until bedtime. I seriously imagine I could pack 6000 cals into a slip up day.

    Not to belittle anyone elses slip ups of course. I understand that it's individual and as big a deal for everyone regardless of quantity consumed.

    Some great suggestions in this thread. I particularly like the ideas of planned "binges" and journaling/analysing emotional states when it happens to learn and progress regardless. Thanks everyone!
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Wow am I glad I found this post. I am half way through an inspection at my school (I teach there). The stress is really getting to us all, and I've been getting through by eating really healthy then having a treat which I've counted in, in the evening. Unfortunately today feels tough, and I'm nearly at my calorie limit now. But I really want to eat something huge, chocolatey or sticky. Preferably all 3. I know I'll hate myself in the morning when I step on the scales, but right now I'm having to tie myself to the sofa. Maybe I'm not such a bad person, and a little slip will be understandable? How about some ice cream?
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    I ate 2/3 of a package of oreos last week and finally gave the rest to my coworkers since I know I have no self control with regard to oreos.
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I commend you for this. I started and gave up after every binge for YEARS. This time I'm going to accept that habits can't be changed overnight, and it's going to happen. About once every 1-2 weeks I have a binge anywhere from 300-1000 over my limit. I don't beat myself up. I don't even make promises of intense workout. I just really internalize how I'm feeling, sometimes write down my thoughts, and eat lots of healthy foods the next day, sometimes I'll try a new healthy recipe just to distract myself (as I usually binge on sugar, which causes cravings for a few days). It works pretty well. A lot of people say a 'spike' day now and then actually helps your weight loss nicely. :]
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    ive had my fair share of slip ups im my lifetime.. i changed something with them this past round..for two years i changed my whole being in regard to being healthier. ive lost 80lbs because of it ..however that is not to without saying that i didnt have my hiccups along the way. in the past i had my times of indulging but the difference between then and now-- i dont say' oh well i cheated so i might as well cheat the rest of the day and get back to things tomorrow'.. number 1 i usually didnt get back to things tomorrow and number 2 i ate even worse as the day went on because of thinking that way.

    That's awesome! Something that woke me up was a quote I saw online a few months ago-"Saying 'oh well, I already screwed up once, might as well just binge the rest of the day' is like saying 'oh well, i dropped my phone, may as well smash it." So simple, but I liked it. :]
    now i really try hard to plan my indulgant meals or snacks. i find that its not a slip up when i do that but rather more controlled to eat something out of the ordinary. i go out a lot for various meetings and events ..everywhere i go there is food. most of the time its not very healthy food. i have my plan of action for these types of things ..i either plan what im going to eat there or i dont eat it at all and have something before and after i go .

    THIS! Depravation is a 'diet' trick not a 'lifestyle change' trick. If you're craving something-eat it! A small amount, and within your allowed calories. Make it something special. :D
    i went to a buffet at a casino a few months back. i was going to chow everything in sight and whatever i wanted. i got through one plate of food and i wanted to die. it wasnt even a packed plate either .. oh well there went that idea of stuffing myself to death lol

    LOVED that 'shrinking stomache' effect. :D
  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    I completely understand, believe me. Before I started with MFP, my binging was really out of control. I was easily eating every 30 minutes to an hour and I always had this overwhelming hunger, regardless of how much I would eat. Having a triple whopper and large combo meal was nothing, I would finish it and then eat an entire box of macaroni and large bag of chips. And that was on top of everything else I had eaten throughout the day. If I had to guess, I was consuming over 4,500 calories per binge. I would beat myself up about it which would result in "punishing" myself with more binging. I've been able to keep it under control for about a year. I can't think of a way to word this properly but being able to say that my "worst" slip-up is just one burger, is in some ways reassuring. It's progress, I suppose.
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    Picture a large tupperware container full of leftover milk chocolate from a party where we used the chocolate fountain. I just use a spoon and dig.... i moved it down to the laundry room so i wouldn't have to look at it, but what i would really love is to throw it out.

    Thats definetly not my worst though... the most recent would be less than a week ago when i decided to eat half a banana before bed, then told myself i was short a bit on my protein for the day so i could dip it in peanut butter, which turned into nutella. When there was no more banana i started dipping bread straight into the nutella container..... probably 1000 cals later i went to bed, feeling so so gross.

    Not to brag but i could totally eat an entire pizza, a bag of chips, a box of crackers... probably five or six tacos no problem! "Healthy appetite" is my weakness.
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Worst ever..well, may not be my worst ever but the hour since I got home from work just now has been pretty bad. I just inhaled a mini custard tart, 100g of chocolate and half a box of cheezels. Erg... and there's a roast chicken cooking in the oven.. at least roast chicken breast without skin is good, and I'll make sweet potato and peas to go with it.

    I hurt my back at work a couple of days ago, not particularly badly but enough to feel a bit sorry for myself and be unable to go to the gym until the chiropractor gives me the all-clear on Friday. Apparently, I've taken that as free licence to eat whatever! I find I've started counting things in the morning, and making good choices, but by the time 5pm comes, I just don't care anymore. Well enough of that! I'm going to get up earlier tomorrow morning and make a good protein-filled breakfast, pack some healthy yoghurt snacks for work, and get back onto this properly. I've been losing weight consistently and feeling great since getting back into MFP about a month ago, and a silly back injury is not going to wreck all that. This is MY YEAR, and I WILL reach my goal!