jogging questions please!

Okay, so first lemme start by saying I DON'T RUN. The other day on my walk I decided I would throw in a jog here and there and yeah, what a rush! Seriously, it's like my legs were ready for it but mentally I wasn't. Does that make sense?

It's cold and snowy outside and I've got no one to watch my daughter while I go out for a walk so I'm thinking "what can I do here at home?" I have a gazelle but have no idea how to log it on here... so I can do that... or I can jog in place (got that idea from my wii) but does that count?

Any opinions would be great. I know that jogging vs jogging in place is different cuz there's no way I could mentally make myself jog for 5 minutes on my walk but here in my house I can do it no problem. So it uses different muscles, etc...

Help and ideas plz. Thanks!


  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes jogging in place in the exercise search. You just put your minutes in & it calculates it for you. I'm a runner & did the "running" on Wii Fit where I had to jog in place for so long. My legs were sore in different places the next day so yes it is different from normal running! If you do the gazelle, I guess it would be considered close to the elliptical so you could calculate it that way. Hope I helped some
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    Well, I run in the morning, but, it is North Texas, and, cool, but not near what you are facing, and I have a house full of folks to watch the young'uns. Is there a fitness club that has day care for your daughter. You can use the treadmill. You can try maybe some of the fitness games that have running for things like the Wii or Kinect. Maybe that would help. There is always Spring. You can concentrate on losing weight, if you have any to lose, and you will be able to run with less of a chance of injury.

    Good for trying jogging. I had the same experience first time I ran. I ran on a treadmill, very slow, for 20 minutes straight. It was exactly as you said, "Exhilarating".
  • walkinmydoxies
    Lots of great dvd options...most everybody's fav Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Great 20 minute workout! You can purchase dvd at Wal Mart not very expensive.

    Oh! Sorry guess you wanted jogging lol. There is the dvd for walking indoors that lots of people use and get results.

    Good luck!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    this marine i knew that smoked and regularly maxed out his physical readiness test once told me, that running was all in your head. i mean, to a point, it really is. his PRT was a three mile one, while my navy one was only a mile and a half. he'd always finish looking great, while i was huffing and puffing away.
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I started doin the C25K. It eases you into it which has been great. You can google it, and there are free apps for your phone. In regards to not having anyone to watch your daughter, how old is she? If she's stroller age you can do what I do, I just bought a jogging stroller and take my baby with me. I do it during his nap time and he sleeps the whole time. I run in place on the wii soemtimes and yes it is different than actual running. Good luck on your journey:smile: !
  • lauradalton89
    I would do a google search for calories on the gazelle. I used to have one and do not think its even close to the elliptical. I never got a good workout with that thing.

    Jogging in place is a decent workout but yes, it is different than running outside or on a treadmill. If you do find time to get out and run try loading an mp3 player up with a bunch of different tempo songs and run for the length of the song to the beat of the song. When I started running again I couldn't make it a whole song and would run for the chorus and walk the rest but it is more like interval training without having to think about it or watch a clock. Just find the beat and push yourself to do it. My favorite is to push as hard as I can to "Drunken Lullabyes" by Flogging Molly (kicks your butt if you keep up) and then follow it with something slow like "Me and Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin.
  • BrittSwimsJDRF
    BrittSwimsJDRF Posts: 50 Member
    I think the Wii is a great option. But how old is your daughter? I take my 2 year old with me, and I jog with a jogging stroller, and my 5 year old rides his bike with me. This is how my husband and I make special time for our little ones, just us, to make our "hearts happy" :smile:
  • NattieBoomBattie
    Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has answered!
    To answer, my daughter is 3, almost 4 and yes, I do take her with me when the weather is okay. Today was just too snowy and gloomy and she just got over a cold. So I didn't want to bring her cold back on. :) I did just recently purchase a jogging stroller and I'm still getting used to it. It doesn't turn as well as I'd like but the tires were upgraded so I'll never have to replace the tubing. I'm excited to use it more once the weather allows.
    I have a few wii games but don't really like them, aside from my wii fit. I do have some dvds though... I'd almost forgotten about them. Thanks!
    The gazelle I think will be good for a warm up or on days when I just can't get going. I've never been on an elliptical so not really sure but I know the gazelle I have is like zero resistance. But it did help me once before. :)
    I LOVE the idea of trying to jog for a whole song. I always take my mp3 player with me but hadn't thought of trying to jog through a song. Yay!

    Thanks again!