Jillians 30 day Shred!!

Hi there people! i need the motivation and encouragement ... i started this workout today along with my healthy eating and calorie coulnting! Hopefully this is something i will now stick to untill i reach my goals :D Anyone to join me?


  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Hey there - love to motivate you as I could use it too.. Im on day 6 level 1 - it does get easier and you'll be great at it.!!!

    keep up the good work - you'll see the pounds and inches melting off !

    all the best -
    feel free to add me as a freind if you like - !
  • hoop77
    hoop77 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in, I need the motivation! I will restart today! Have started it many times but never finished.
  • ak21211
    ak21211 Posts: 31 Member
    Yep we can do this!!!!
  • pollyanna237
    pollyanna237 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm going to start it in the morning! I've started it once before but didn't see it through to the end but this time I'm going to do it all! We can so do this :0)
  • Coccinellid
    Count me in please I just bought the DVD. I am planning to start it tomorrow.
  • ak21211
    ak21211 Posts: 31 Member
    how did it go guys? im on day 2 ... quite painfull afterwards!
  • jsflare
    I started today also, I have been working out for about a year so I started on level 2!!
  • Coccinellid
    Completed level 1 day 1
    It's quite tough isn't it? My legs are aching. I know it's only about 20 mins long, but it seemed to go on and on. LOL
    I feel like I did a good workout though and plan on doing the workout in the morning straight after taking the kids to school. I was crap at the press up I don't have much upper body strength but I'm sure it will all change in 30 days time :)
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 69 Member
    I am starting today! I started it but my kids got finger prints on it so I had to stop to clean the disc, so I will start it later when my husband gets home so I don't have any interuptions. I completed the Shred in December 2010, and am now 6 weeks postpartum so I am ready to get back to it.
  • ak21211
    ak21211 Posts: 31 Member
    How did it go when you did it previously? Imperfect511? Yeah your whole body muscles do seem to ache! means we are doing something right!!
  • Angelap1121
    I'm in too! My co-workers are starting it tonight. I have my calendar on the fridge so I can mark off the 30 days. That seems to help. How is everyone tracking it on MFP?
  • MaryD4900
    MaryD4900 Posts: 135 Member
    It is hard, but do-able! I'm on Level 1 day 8. It gets easier if you keep it up. I did the first four days consecutively, then took a day off. It made a huge difference for me. I think my body just needed a day to rest. Also, now that I am familiar with the moves, I put her on mute and play good workout music. It makes it a lot easier to get into it. She kinda gets on my nerves, and it's annoying listening to her say the same thing every day. I will have to unmute her when I start up on the new levels, though! I can tell my body is already getting stronger after only seven days :)
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    Tomorrow is day 11 for me! So that means the second level! ahhh. I can't believe how fast the days have gone by...hopefully the next 20 will too!
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    Lol, I get so upset when I listen to her, and I love her! Sometimes when you are huffing and puffing through it you don't want to hear her nagging little voice telling you how hard it is! My mute button is definitely on!
  • FatKidAtHeart88
    FatKidAtHeart88 Posts: 89 Member
    I can't wait to see photos of results. I do not have space at my house to do workout DVDs so I will be at the gym wishing I could be at home doing this instead ;)
  • clovick3000
    I just ordered this today after reading about it here. Can't wait to try it!
  • skydreamer
    skydreamer Posts: 5 Member
    Perfect timing!! I bought the video a couple of weeks ago and have been trying to get motivated to do this....I'm in!
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    Do you need a lot of space to do it in? I'm thinking of ordering it...but I want to do it out back in the shed where no-one can see me! There is probably about 1.5x2m of floor space to work in out there, do you think it will be enough or too restrictive?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You need enough room to do jumping jacks, lunges, pushups, situps, etc.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    That amount of room should work, you need to be able to lie down in in

    Have fun guys! I'm on day 4 of level 3 at the moment :D