Calorie Question

Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
This has got me baffled!!!!.
I'm a newbie and have been using the site for a few weeks with great results, still have a way to go but would be happy with a couple of stone off more than anything.
I was checking out safe calories to consume whilst trying to lose weight based on my height activity level etc, mfp has given me 1200 cals to consume everyday, I try not to go over that, I'm quite strict....I also workout everyday. BUT when I was feeling particularly hungry yesterday I decided to check my ideal consumption to lose weight on health databases, based on my info I discovered that most suggested 1500-1600 cals per day to lose weight, and that was without exercise???
I normally cope pretty well on the allocated ammount, but it did make me think...been on the mfp for a few weeks and although Ive not tracked properly I've lost 11lbs, thats amazing to me but the hunger was biting a lot yesterday...any thoughts anyone??.x


  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    You should never be hungry, your body is telling you something, if you're hungry eat something healthy with protein. Are you eating your excercise calories? Also, what did you chose as your weight to lose each week, 1 or 2 lbs? Most people chose 2lbs, 1 is better to chose.
  • Neemo1
    Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Leann

    I went for the 2lb option, still looking at it now I still think that sounds low.
    I dont mind the plan but the conflicting info on other sites had me thinking, I dont eat my exercise cals, my once upon a time trainer said you shouldnt as your exercising to support your loss, to eat the calories from that is just like not working out at all:-(
    Im not really struggling with it, I do have days where of course I'd like more, but most days are fine:-).
    Thanks for your reply.x
  • TrinaXL
    TrinaXL Posts: 39 Member
    With losing 2lbs a week, you're cutting out 7000 cals a week. that's 1000 a day.... that's a lot. go for the 1 lb option, I've been doing it no problems for almost a week, and it even allows cookies!

    I know, I'm bad.

    Good luck!
  • Neemo1
    Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Trina

    I think that might be an option, I'm loosing more than the 2lb's a week anyway so it might be worth a try. Thanks for the reply.x
  • blessedtobefit
    blessedtobefit Posts: 157 Member
    I am so glad you no longer have that "trainer," bacause I am afraid you were lead to believe something that is not true. God designed our bodies to run like a fine tuned machine and to do that we have got to give our body what it needs each day. You don't expect your car to run properly without filling it up with gas, and we are the same way. We need to fuel our bodies with quality calories to keep our metabolism racing. A balance of lean proteins, whole grains with lots of fruit and veggies in combination with exercise si the perfect plan. It is confusing to look at the numbers and try to understand them. That is why this site is such a powerful tool in helping us all master our weight loss. Just know that when you exercise your body uses so much engery and needs calories to continue to burn calories. Another helpful tip is to drink lots of water. Take your weight and divide it in half...that is how much water your body needs every day. (200lbs. = 100 ounces of water daily) I agree with adjusting to a 1 pound a week weight loss and anything over that is a reason to shout! This is not a quick fix, but a lifestyle and with the encourageing advise and great information on this site you are going to reach your goal. Take it one day at at time and know that it took a long time to put the weight on and it isn't going to come off overnight. We are all behind you and YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    I am so glad you no longer have that "trainer," bacause I am afraid you were lead to believe something that is not true. God designed our bodies to run like a fine tuned machine and to do that we have got to give our body what it needs each day. You don't expect your car to run properly without filling it up with gas, and we are the same way. We need to fuel our bodies with quality calories to keep our metabolism racing. A balance of lean proteins, whole grains with lots of fruit and veggies in combination with exercise si the perfect plan. It is confusing to look at the numbers and try to understand them. That is why this site is such a powerful tool in helping us all master our weight loss. Just know that when you exercise your body uses so much engery and needs calories to continue to burn calories. Another helpful tip is to drink lots of water. Take your weight and divide it in half...that is how much water your body needs every day. (200lbs. = 100 ounces of water daily) I agree with adjusting to a 1 pound a week weight loss and anything over that is a reason to shout! This is not a quick fix, but a lifestyle and with the encourageing advise and great information on this site you are going to reach your goal. Take it one day at at time and know that it took a long time to put the weight on and it isn't going to come off overnight. We are all behind you and YOU CAN DO IT!!

    BEST ANSWER HANDS DOWN NO QUESTION ASK BABY:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    You should never be hungry, your body is telling you something, if you're hungry eat something healthy with protein. Are you eating your excercise calories? Also, what did you chose as your weight to lose each week, 1 or 2 lbs? Most people chose 2lbs, 1 is better to chose.

    I agree that it is better to choose 1 lb a week rather than 2, and that she should be eating her exercise calories if she is not. However I disagree with saying you should never be hungry. Eating EVERYTIME we're hungry is partially how most of us got here to begin with. Granted, it may not always be true hunger, like we could just be bored or we could actually be dehydrated. But nevertheless, it feels like hunger to us.

    I think I balance my calories out pretty well through out the day....200-300 cal for breakfast, 4-500 for lunch, 5-600 for dinner and 1-200 for an evening snack. I eat lunch around noon when I am working and I am almost always hungry by 10:30-11 and the hunger usually hits around 3:30-4:00 and I can't get home to eat dinner until 6 or 7. If I have enough calories I'l have a snack, but most days I don't plan one in since I don't have enough calories. So if I ate everytime I was hungry, I would go over my calories everyday.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So, Neemo here's my take on the situation.

    1st, 2 lbs a week is considered a very aggressive weight loss strategy, and usually should only be used by people well into the obese category. I would lower your goal, and realize that this should be a long term committment, this allows you to adjust to the new levels of calories without the feeling of starving all the time, it also give your skin and organs a chance to adjust to the smaller sizes, remember, really fast weight loss causes loose skin, give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs, and give it some time to shrink with the fat, and you'll have less loose skin and less averse reactions to weight loss.

    2nd, When you go through a lifetime of abusing your body (by overeating and eating an unhealthy diet with lots of trans-fats and low on complex carbohydrates) your body's chemical process adapts to accomodate these poisons. The hormones and organs they support are skewed from normal actions, this can cause us to feel lethargic, depressed, and hungry for the wrong reasons. It can take months of healthy eating before we are chemically balanced again (in most cases, it WILL happen eventually), but you must give yourself time to get there.

    IMHO you should create a diet that you KNOW gives you the right amount of calories and the right macro and micro nutrients, create a time schedule that keeps your body fueled (I.E. eating 200 to 300 cals every 2 to 3 hours) and realize that if you're hungry, it's most likely because your body is pumping out extra ghrelin because it's used to A LOT more fats and other satiating foods then you are giving it. Eventually the body will adjust, produce less of the ghrelin, and you'll no longer feel hungry all the time.

    In many cases with obese people and overeaters their body's DON'T know what's good for them, and you have to retrain it to know. Once that happens, you can again begin to trust your body.
  • Neemo1
    Neemo1 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for your replies, I was quite shocked at the needle dropping so quick, in all honesty though I was'nt dissapointed.
    I've been on the weight loss journey before and it was a much bigger challenge than dropping 28lb's or so.
    One thing I'm doing now is keeping the fluids going, not sure if that makes a great deal of difference, but somethings working:-)
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