I have so much weight to lose but finding it so hard

I have been on soooo many diets, ive managed to lose 5 stone but I think most of this went back on after the death of my dad, I need to get back on it again, I WANT TO BE SLIM and beautiful


  • jackaimee
    hi kezzie i have a lot of weight to lose and like you i have lost in the past then put it all back on if you would like to add me we could motivate each other:smile:
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    being thin dosent make you beautiful, being happy that makes you beautiful
  • kezzie2012
    Hi how do I add you, im so new and havent got a clue lol. I find it so hard to stick with a diet and when I cave in omg I seriously hate myself for it x
  • pokeypeep
    Hang in there,take a day at a time and log your food.keep check on your calorie intake.Find a way to burn some calories everyday.Small steps and you will get there.We are all in this together.Stick around this place and get some buddies that will give you support.I have alot to lose also but i'm not going to look at the big picture,i'm just going to keep logging in my food and making small goals.we'll get there!! To add people you click on there profile picture and click add as friend.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    One day at a time, and don't focus on the 'big number', just think about the next 5 lbs, or some other manageable number.
    Don’t think of this as a diet, but a lifestyle change that you CAN manage, and don’t expect to lose it all in a week or a month. It’s a marathon, not a sprint!

    Best of luck to you. This is a great site for support and motivation..just read some of the success stories to get you started thinking more positively!

    edit - PS - fill in your profile too..it helps to write down your reasons for wanting this healthy lifestyle change and focus on small goals (and reward yourself when you reach the small goals)
  • kezzie2012
    I just want to thank you all I have a good feeling about this.... :-) i will fill in my daily blog tomorrow xx