New to the Message Board

Hey All,

I'm new to this message board.....I've been using Myfitnesspal on my I-phone for a few months and love the app. I began my lifestyle journey last February and to date have lost 89 pounds....I see a lot of people on this board with similar stories to mine and look forward to keeping each other motivated and on track to continue our weight loss and fitness goals....



  • trishbot
    This is the first time i have looked at this site. I have been dieting for years but had no great success. i was thinking of joining WW or SW again this week but a friend at work told me about this site. I will definitely give it a go. What I have seen so far is great. I will be starting tomorrow so wish me luck guys.....................this really is the last resort. Good Luck to all of you out there that are on the same journey. Trish x
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Awesome job so far and welcome aboard!!