1 week in and 2lbs down

I just wanted to introduce myself. I am new here, and trying to lose weight with a combination of this and Weight Watchers. Best wishes to everyone! :happy:


  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome! This site is the best! :)
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    hi! great site! im only here properly 6 weeks...it works...
  • mdawson2112
    mdawson2112 Posts: 26 Member
    Great job! Keep it up. Work the system and the weight will come off!
  • Well done all - I'm on my 2nd week and have lost 5lbs. Finding it really easy to follow and everything you need is on this site. Love it, just wish I had more time to exercise. I love walking but can only do it of a weekend at the moment due to the dark nights by the time I finish work at 6. Keep smiling and stay positive.
  • I just wanted to say Thank you to everyone who replied to me. :bigsmile: I stay at home with my four small children, and I have a feeling this is going to be my new lifeline. Hope all are well. Oh, and I found out I actually lost an extra pound, because of an error that was made in the beginning with how much I started out with. Yey ME!