Anyone have Hypoglycemia?



  • I have hypoglycemia , I was diagnosed in my teens and thought it was better but had several episodes then was diagnosed again during my pregnancy when my GTT came back in 40s and 50s both times. I have a glucose monitor as well to that my rheumatologist prescribed as prednisone can cause your sugar to rise , so during periods of time when my medication is increased they have me checking it but it's hard ever even in the normal zone let alone the high. I'm pretty bad with eating (skipping meals) at times and I'll get hit with symptoms to remind me that its time to eat .
  • RachelMc109
    RachelMc109 Posts: 1 Member
    I went to see my primary care physician about a month ago for feelings of depression, randomly crying at night, low sex drive, majorly hungry, hair falling out, and exhausted ALL THE TIME. I had suspected that I was having issues with my thyroid bc my mother and my sister both have thyroid disease. However after extensive lab work and a GTT my Dr. explained to me I was hypoglyemic. She also explained to me how my body reacts to carbs, and what I need to do to lose weight (also talked with her before lab work about how hard I have been trying to lose weight, with no results). I am still always hungry, and I have yet really found a good core group of foods to use throughout the day. I'm a therapist and I am always on the go, so everything must be convenient or it must be microwavable.

    I have yet found a good book that says "do this, this, and this, and eat this, this, and this" to lose weight and control symptoms. Does anyone have any good resources? I'm still trying to figure this out!
  • i was diagnosed 2 years ago, I've passed out more than one (unfortunately including an hour ago) I've found that it doesn't matter how many calories I eat as long as I eat at regular intervals. My blood sugar rarely reaches 80 settling around 60-70 most of the time.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, but as long as I eat well and at regular intervals, I am totally fine. I don't go more that four hours without eating. I eat complex carbs with a bit of fat or protein (think apple and peanut butter). I never eat carbs by themselves, even the complex kind, simply because I have found that doesn't work for me.
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