Question for the ladies: how do you avoid stress/comfort eat

Alright girls, so we all know those days where you just want to sit on the couch curled up with a quart of ice cream and a bag of potato chips watching some sappy chick flick. So what tips and tricks do you all have for kicking those junk food cravings and staying on track?


  • happygirl338
    Bump. I'd like to see the answers also :)
  • knurse1987
    knurse1987 Posts: 93 Member
    Healthier versions of them!! :)
  • Kendrawinn
    OMG i need advice on this too.....
  • Snubbleup
    Normally if I can move to another room far from the kitchen, I'll beat the craving and ingore the pantry calling my name. I've got to occupy myself with something that takes all of my attention until the urge passes.
  • Auspiciousgirl
    Honestly... I just try to make healthier comfort food choices. If I'm going for chips I go with homemade or at least baked chips (slightly less bad for you?), if I want chocolate I'll take dark chocolate, and instead of ice cream it's frozen yogurt. I know that I'm not solving the actual problem of relying on food for comfort, but I'm looking at it as baby steps. Life gets stressful, and stress-eating is a crutch that I've used since I was a kid... old habits die hard. Right now, I just congratulate myself that I can reign it in, even if just a bit. I don't know if that helps :)
  • I like to call a friend to distract myself, or I remind myself how annoyed I'll be after I eat that chocolate
  • dcdickerson2
    dcdickerson2 Posts: 65 Member
    Yeah - how DO you turn on your "control" center... You know what I mean. The part of you that knows that you are going to be sorry later, but just doesn't care. The part that COULD make a better choice, but gets blocked because you just don't want to make a better choice at the moment. Yeah. How DO you avoid the stress/comfort eat?
  • shoeluver67
    shoeluver67 Posts: 56 Member
    my favorite way to feel like i'm cheating and having something sweet on that "couch" day is Swiss Miss Diet Hot's only 25 calories!

    As far as the "control" mode goes...i'm in a super high stress job where i SIT without moving for 12.5 hours a stress snacking is huge. When i started dieting, i had "hit the wall" SO hard, that i would ask i want that donut in the break room...or do i want to be able to wear my cute clothes again? Do i WANT to go to Jamaica fat...AGAIN??? Do i want to go to Vegas this summer and NOT be able to wear a sleeveless shirt??? HELL NO!!!! No Donut is worth the pain that i have been feeling for the past 3 years...i don't NEED that crap anymore.

    And believe me...if I can think this way...ANYBODY can...seriously.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I make my own healthy versions!

    Air popped popcorn, baked kale chips, veggies with dip, ham slices with cream cheese and an olive....
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    I'm not a comfort eater, but to kick my sugar cravings I found healthy substitutes for the foods I like. So, instead of a Payday, I eat a handful of peanuts, craisins, and dark chocolate chips. Instead of ice cream, I eat Greek yogurt that's been chilled in the back of the refridgerator. I make peanut butter chocolate protein shakes to replace my beloved milk shakes and tortilla chips with sals instead of potato chips. It took me a while to find healthier alternatives, but my waist appreciated it very much. It works for me because sometimes, I like to snack so I try my best to make sure that whatever I am snacking on is healthier than what I would have normally had.
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    I think I'm going to start walking short distances whenever I get stressed and drink some water...
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Light popcorn, carrots and hummus, and lots of tea!
  • Lose40spring
    Lose40spring Posts: 4 Member
    Had this happen last night and I mixed Special K vanilla almond cereal with a few (1 tbsp) dark chocolate chips...150 calories and lasted a while while I munched.
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    The only way I have found is to NOT have that stuff at home...although it is hard when I am not the only person living husband loves ice cream, and cookies.... I try to get some yummy cereal and have that as my treat. But yea, definitely keeping busy is the only thing that actually keeps my mind off of it. Go for a walk/ or clean are my go to's for keeping busy.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Running takes a lot of stress away from me. Lately I can't run much though because of time constraints.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I try to distract myself with friends, and activity, or a substitute snack. Green beans aren't chips, but they're crunchy (and don't have the after-effects of carrots). For warm comfy food, I use a cabbage soup recipie from chet day or my homemade chicken soup recipie which sounds like it wouldn't be healthy, but I've never gained weight with it.

    One thing I DON'T do, that I've often heard recommended: I DON'T console myself with a small portion. Because when I'm in THOSE moods, I will NOT stop til I've eaten the whole thing. Other "normal" times, I can just have a few bites, but not when I'm stressed out and emotional (aka that time... lol)

    It hasn't happened in a while, but if I do lose it and snarf down a whole bag of chips, I then try to do damage control (like eat a ton of carrots or celery after, or get on the treadmill and walk the rest of the movie)
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    I go down stairs and beat the snot out of my heavy bag till my my knuckles bleed and I no longer want to eat.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Yeah - how DO you turn on your "control" center... You know what I mean. The part of you that knows that you are going to be sorry later, but just doesn't care. The part that COULD make a better choice, but gets blocked because you just don't want to make a better choice at the moment. Yeah. How DO you avoid the stress/comfort eat?

    I have so been there. Where I just don't give a crap in the moment. :angry:
  • andreacord
    Honestly... I just try to make healthier comfort food choices. If I'm going for chips I go with homemade or at least baked chips (slightly less bad for you?), if I want chocolate I'll take dark chocolate, and instead of ice cream it's frozen yogurt. I know that I'm not solving the actual problem of relying on food for comfort, but I'm looking at it as baby steps. Life gets stressful, and stress-eating is a crutch that I've used since I was a kid... old habits die hard. Right now, I just congratulate myself that I can reign it in, even if just a bit. I don't know if that helps :)

    Yeah, or I go work out or go for a walk. Usually I can sub in some fat free pudding, a granola bar, a sugar free popsicle or sugar free jello and I'm content, but I'm one of those people that cravings can pass within minutes for me so generally a distraction is just good enough.
  • kmparasram
    I opt for healthy versions of snacks or a spoonful of peanut butter. Also, I will go to my closet and try on my favorite clothes and remind myself why I am working out :wink: