Question for the ladies: how do you avoid stress/comfort eat



  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    Instead of a bag of M&M's I have oats n dark chocolate granola bars bonus points because they are crunchy and take a little while to eat....instead of a bag of potato chips I go for tortilla chips with salsa so I am at least getting my veg (or some veg)....

    Other sweet treats that don't break the cal bank = frozen raspberries with whipped cream (or strawberries etc)....sweet treat that isn't bad at all. Also there is frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, much lower cal count, still very yummy.
  • hootinowl
    If I buy it, I'll probably end up binging on it. So eating healthier substitutes, like the ones listed here- hot chocolate, yogurt, distracting myself, eating a few almonds and drinking lots and lots of water. If you can manage to have it around, eat a small portion so you don't end up binging. :) hope this helps!!
  • Angie_PDX
    I started crocheting to keep my mind off food in the evenings and so far, it has worked beautifully! Plus, it might not be a lot, but I'm burning calories while doing it AND I'm beginning to make some really cute gifts for birthdays and such...

    It's fun!
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    When I'm stressed out, I work out.

    Or take a nice, long shower..or bath!
  • TonyaKantola
    I usually make myself a cup of tea. But I do indulge on some days. My biggest craving is for Coke. I just remind myself of how much I could eat instead of that 160 calorie glass. It also helps to plan the days your going to induldge. We do a movie night every once and a while so I know those nights I'm going to eat something unhealthy and remind myself to eat really, really good during the day. Who doesn't like a little popcorn at the movies, just skip the butter!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I log everything if I overindulge and try to eat under my calorie allowance for the next couple of days to account it. Tjhat makes me think twice the next time I get the urge.

    Doesn't stop me from comfort eating but it has certainly reduced how often I do it. Because it is a pain to have to restrict myself for the next few days.:smile:
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Repeating over and over "nothing tastes as good as healthy feels". Doesn't always work so I try to pick healthy snacks instead of junk like donuts, chips, ice cream.
  • KLK1986
    I don't buy it. If it's not in the house, I can't just grab it and eat it. And it's too much work to go out to buy it....(in my opinion) I can avoid it.

    Now the issue comes in when my fiance insists he NEEDS to buy some ice cream and then it mocks me from in the freezer. Thankfully he usually eats it REALLY fast...
  • LeannSz
    LeannSz Posts: 68 Member
    I find comfort in my Coke Zero sweet and guilt free lol, I think it's important to deal with the things that stress us out so that we don't have to resort to comfort food and you will feel my accomplished because something was done about it. Hopfeully we can resolve our issues rather then dwell on them.
  • fitaliciag
    i remember that being healthy and fit feels better than anything i could ever eat
  • jewelswye
    jewelswye Posts: 49 Member
    I've had a starving day today and still managed not to go over. I exercised for half an hour so that I could have a snack. By the time I'd done the exercise I wasnt as hungry. Other days water or low cal hot choc helps and sticks of vegetables. If ur in a savoury mood theres always air popped popcorn with salt or low cal crisps. but on the whole i try to keep my snacks under 100 cals xxx
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I eat the skinny cow chocolate truffle ice cream bars 100 calories and watch my chic flic ;)
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I still have those days. I think sometimes you have to! And if you are going to do it anyways, stressing about it won't help. i just let them occur waaaaaaay less than i used to. Try switching it up if you want to though? Do pretzels and coconut ice cream instead of chips and regular ice cream?
  • nikolitaa
    It's only been a week and a half for me but I was famous for night time snacking. Lately I have been going to my 24 hour gym at night to avoid the "couch potato mode" or much on grapes or nuts if I am home. Sometimes calling a friend helps too. Once the craving passes I am glad I didn't give into temptation.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    I go ahead and have what I am *really* craving - once I put in the time to narrow it down to exactly the right thing. But I also drink massive amounts of hot herbal tea so my tummy is nice and warm and full feeling to begin with, and then I need less of the other stuff.

    Also bringing servings out in a bowl, rather than just the bag/etc.
  • adastra808
    Yeah - how DO you turn on your "control" center... You know what I mean. The part of you that knows that you are going to be sorry later, but just doesn't care. The part that COULD make a better choice, but gets blocked because you just don't want to make a better choice at the moment. Yeah. How DO you avoid the stress/comfort eat?

    I have so been there. Where I just don't give a crap in the moment. :angry:

    That's so my problem! I'm finding lately I'm so stressed that I don't give a crap. Then more time that not I feel bad after, which makes me stressed all over. Stupid vicious cycles :angry: