Newbie-not sure what I'm doing!

Hey! I started doing mfp on Sunday and have posted a couple of times in the forum but wanted to post here because I'm not sure what to do. I've just been trying to stay under my calorie goals but should I be following an actual diet? Or is watching what I eat enough?
Add me if you like :)


  • racegirl6896
    racegirl6896 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new too. This is the first time I actually logged on to the website! I think watching what u eat is great! That helps keep you going for life, to me, a "diet" implies trying for a time then quitting! your picture! Kitties are so fun!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    first of all...make sure you eat enough. Don't be a sticking to 1200 calories a day person. Eat back your exercise calories. Make lots of friends, post often and stay involved. These things are helping me to do AWESOME!!!
  • chipaddict
    Yeah, I've never found a diet I couldn't fail, so I hope calorie counting will be ok! I love kitties too much lol :D I came on the actual site for the first time yesterday and I think it's really good!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You don't have to follow any kind of specific plan if you don't want to. To be healthy, it is important to watch what kinds of things you are eating, but to lose weight it's not entirely essential.

    MFP is very simple. Just look at the calorie goal you have for the day. Eat very close to it. If you enter your exercise your calorie goal will change. This is OK! Just eat close to that different goal for that day. That's all you really have to do. Don't make it too complicated at first. Once you get the hang of it, then you can start to focus on other things such as getting the right ratio of proteins, fats, and carbs.
  • chipaddict
    first of all...make sure you eat enough. Don't be a sticking to 1200 calories a day person. Eat back your exercise calories. Make lots of friends, post often and stay involved. These things are helping me to do AWESOME!!!
    Really? I went over my calories yesterday and I felt so guilty! Good to hear you're doing so well :)
  • AntoniaK89
    New here as well and from what I've seen so far, this site is awesome!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Perhaps, thinking of this as a lifestyle change instead of as a diet would be helpful. These changes are for life, because "going back" would be just that. And the weight would come right back along with the old habits. I have to give up most of my favorite foods for life, they just don't agree with me! No more bread, "white" foods, or standard pasta. Make me really sad. But my Doctor has helped me reach this conclusion. I bloat up and feel miserable if I indulge even a little.

    Choose high quality calorie foods. Avoid those "empty" calories. You should do great with just that! Add exercise to help make you stronger and resilient. Not a problem! ;)

    Good luck!
  • cgara
    cgara Posts: 6
    What I enjoy about this site it that it makes it easy to know if you are eating well or not. As long as your food selections are made up of the nutritional allowances in your daily food log you know if you are getting enough of the right food! Make sense?
  • Natley
    Natley Posts: 58 Member
    love mfp!! keep logging and u will do great!
  • vanessabs
    vanessabs Posts: 4 Member
    When I first started on here (four weeks ago) and it said I should only have 1200 calories a day to lose weight, I did not think I could do it. But if you stick to healthy foods it is not that hard to do. I have not lost as much weight as I would like but I have lost inches so I guess that is even better. Good luck!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hey! I started doing mfp on Sunday and have posted a couple of times in the forum but wanted to post here because I'm not sure what to do. I've just been trying to stay under my calorie goals but should I be following an actual diet? Or is watching what I eat enough?
    Add me if you like :)
    Welcome to MFP; this is a great place to get started on a wonderful journey.
    Getting healthy and fit is actually very simple but it's just hard work.
    This is how MFP works

    Just get started by going into settings to Update diet/fitness profile.
    Set your goals for 1 lb weight loss per week.
    NO MORE!
    And eat lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies.
    Do both cardio and resistance exercise.
    Log in those exercises to your MFP exercise diary.
    Remember, this is not a race, and you can reach your goals if you stick to a good plan as recommended on this site.

    You have many people here ready to lend support, answer qustions and discuss any challenges.
    You can do this.

    All Is Possible!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    first of all...make sure you eat enough. Don't be a sticking to 1200 calories a day person. Eat back your exercise calories. Make lots of friends, post often and stay involved. These things are helping me to do AWESOME!!!
    Really? I went over my calories yesterday and I felt so guilty! Good to hear you're doing so well :)

    What she means by this is that not everyone is meant to eat as little as 1200 calories a day. It is usually only okay for very small or short people. If you have your settings to lose 2lbs/week, that may be too drastic.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    first of all...make sure you eat enough. Don't be a sticking to 1200 calories a day person. Eat back your exercise calories. Make lots of friends, post often and stay involved. These things are helping me to do AWESOME!!!

    *HUGS* This!
    If you work out 3-5 times a week and are above 5'3" you should set MFP to appx 1600-1800 daily.
    For max fat metabolism set Protein and Fat to 30% and carbs to 40% and run with it!
    PM me if you need help figuring this stuff out!
  • Nadine1949
    I just signed up a couple of hours husband started this on his phone a few days ago...I'm trying this instead of the WW points I was using! So good to see your posts! I'm already getting useful! thank you...
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Start off by logging in your food intake. Eat healthy as possible. I started by cutting-off sugary pop and started eating more salads and grilled vegetables, chicken and salmon. Start moving. If you don't exercise now, gradually introduce it to your life. I started off by walking around my neighbourhood....and after some time I increased the duration and the speed of these walks. Now I do different workouts videos at home including P90x, 30DS and Zumba. I started on MFP over 11 months ago, and have lost about 63 pounds thus far...I have about 17 more to go. I eat all of my favorite foods but now I have found ways to make my favorite food in a healthy way. I still eat ice creams and chocolate but then I try to workout about 5-6 days of the week.

    Don't think of this as a diet...think of this as a lifestyle change. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bearbpm
    bearbpm Posts: 1 Member
    First of all welcome. You're really gonna love MFP. Makes things simple and easy. I'm just counting calories for now and it's working great. I'm trying not to make it too complicated because I know I'll just throw it all away if it is. But it does have me reading labels and making better choices. But simple is best for me and MFP is "spot on"!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • debbie914
    I'm new here as well...I find this very interesting!!!
  • racegirl6896
    racegirl6896 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow! I'm glad I "stumbled" on the website! I've just been using the iPad app. Should be great motivation and advice!
  • chipaddict
    Thanks everyone for your advice and kind words! I'm a bit confuddled cos it's like 1am over here in England lol but will go through it all thoroughly in the morning :)
  • Ceci_Deese
    I joined a weight management 10 week course at work (Dept of Clinical Nutrition at a local University). Weighed, measured, ran the numbers and the results.....depressing! I know I had to make some changes.
    Logging your food intake is important, makes you watch everything. Don't have to be completely compulsive but watchful.
    The numbers indicated that if I wanted to eat and drink some of the things I like, darn......I would have to start exercising. Treadmill, walking, cycling, an hour at a time at most. Usually 30 mins usually daily.

    So far lost 8 lbs in about a month. My pant waistline feel better. Still a ways to go but the success has motivated me to continue!
    This a great site, my first post...Thanks All!