Craaaazy appetite!!!! Om Nom Nom!

Hey guys! So it's my second week of doing p90x, and oh my goodness! I find myself eating all day, eating back all my exercise calories, and still craving more although I'm full! I'm ravenous!! This could have something to do with the fact that it is almost my time of month....
It's not super clean food that I'm eating though, it's healthy choices with a pinch of my favorite treats. Okay maybe a little more than a pinch... X) But I just can't bring myself to just snack on veggies and fruits and raw foods right now!!! Check out my food diary for today and you'll see what I mean haha.

Can anybody relate, and is this okay???

You guys are the (:


  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i find that every time i start a new program, i get crazy-hungry. especially if i'm strength training!

    what kind of treats are you having during the day? if it's, say, chocolate, melt some in a small bowl in the microwave and dip some strawberry or apple slices in. same with chocolate pudding! or if you make pasta (or, say, mac and cheese), sneak in some broccoli. if you like granola bars, try making homemade ones!

    i find if i snack on just fruits and raw veg, i will still be pretty hungry afterward.

    drink lots of water and tea to reduce hunger pangs. i would say, if you are full and still craving "something", try to ignore it. but if you're hungry and feeling faint or depleted, then eat something. it's a lot of trial and error, for sure.
  • RattieLove
    Yeah it's funny isn't it?? At least I'm staying within my cals :)

    Yup, a little bit of chocolate. Great ideas! I might do that sometime this week.(:

    A few of my favorite snacks that I have relatively often are fiber one bars, veggie straws/chips, fiber one brownies, natural creamy skippy peanut butter, apples, live active chocolate sugar free pudding, celery, carrots, etc.
    I love these snacks SO MUCH. it would be so hard to give them up. I eat healthy meals, using lean meats and whole wheat bread.

    Can I still consistently be healthy, lose weight, tone up, and look great while eating this way? Its certainly not junk but I'm also certainly not a super strict clean eater...

    Thanks so, so much!!!!!
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i really think that, after having looked over your diary, the bulk of your food is very healthy. if you enjoy those snacks, don't give them up! you could end up feeling deprived and binging or feeling grumpy and generally discouraged.

    i am positive that, eating the way you do, you will get the results you want. life cannot be 100% clean eating anyway! everyone needs a treat now and again. it's satisfying for your mind and body! :D
  • RattieLove
    Awwww thanks so much!!! That's exactly what I wanted to hear haha I'm so happy now!:) I completely agree, too. This is a lifestyle ... I don't want to go insane haha :D
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    You're doing fine. :) Just stick with it, toss in a few salads and stuff, and have fun!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Eat more protein - with training like P90X the "normal" MFP Protein allowance is really too low...
    I get that "ravenous" feeling if my protein goes to low.....
    Add some protein to each meal, and you will instantly feel a difference in your satiation levels...
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    I agree - I have just been away on holiday for 10 days and missed my protein powder on my cereal (unable to get sachets of protein where I went) so was always snacking on sweet/ baked stuff . I don't miss my sweets when y protein levels are up.

    I use the custom levels of Protein/Fat/ Carb in the MFP goal section - 45% Carb, 25% Fat 30% Protein. Check out for ideas/info around macro percentages.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Hey guys! So it's my second week of doing p90x, and oh my goodness! I find myself eating all day, eating back all my exercise calories, and still craving more although I'm full! I'm ravenous!! This could have something to do with the fact that it is almost my time of month....
    It's not super clean food that I'm eating though, it's healthy choices with a pinch of my favorite treats. Okay maybe a little more than a pinch... X) But I just can't bring myself to just snack on veggies and fruits and raw foods right now!!! Check out my food diary for today and you'll see what I mean haha.

    Can anybody relate, and is this okay???

    You guys are the (:

    Try mindful eating:

    "TRY this: place a forkful of food in your mouth. It doesn’t matter what the food is, but make it something you love — let’s say it’s that first nibble from three hot, fragrant, perfectly cooked ravioli. ...
    "Now comes the hard part. Put the fork down. This could be a lot more challenging than you imagine, because that first bite was very good and another immediately beckons. You’re hungry.

    Today’s experiment in eating, however, involves becoming aware of that reflexive urge to plow through your meal like Cookie Monster on a shortbread bender. Resist it. Leave the fork on the table. Chew slowly. Stop talking. Tune in to the texture of the pasta, the flavor of the cheese, the bright color of the sauce in the bowl, the aroma of the rising steam.

    Continue this way throughout the course of a meal, and you’ll experience the third-eye-opening pleasures and frustrations of a practice known as mindful eating.

    The concept has roots in Buddhist teachings. Just as there are forms of meditation that involve sitting, breathing, standing and walking, many Buddhist teachers encourage their students to meditate with food, expanding consciousness by paying close attention to the sensation and purpose of each morsel. In one common exercise, a student is given three raisins, or a tangerine, to spend 10 or 20 minutes gazing at, musing on, holding and patiently masticating. ..

    Read the entire article