How do you reward yourself?

I honestly haven't really set up rewards for myself, but I have had to purchase new clothes and the like which is always fun getting into that smaller size. My only real reward is a tummy tuck when I get to goal (granted only if needed, but after 3 c-sections I have a feeling it will be needed to get that body I've worked so hard for).

How do you reward your accomplishments?


  • Mostly with clothes since I need to buy smaller ones anyway, and I feel better about it when I say it's both a reward and a necessity. ;) If I've been particularly good certain weeks or days, I'll also let myself go to Barnes and Noble and read (my favorite activity, but I think giving yourself some guilt-free hours to do what you love is wonderful), and sometimes I'll get a low-cal Starbucks drink (like a tall non-fat latte or, if I'm feeling particularly good, a skinny mocha [only 110 calories for a tall!]). I figure that I eat well most of the time, so a drink that's not water or tea is okay once in a while. ;)
  • StephShuttle
    StephShuttle Posts: 39 Member
    If I've lost over a pound in a week then I allow my self 1 cheat day to eat whatever I want. Well I say whatever I want but nowadays it just feels wrong pigging out on pizza crisps and sweets. So instead I bake something really yummy and it doesn't usually take me that much over my calorie goal for the day it's win win!

  • denisejs871
    denisejs871 Posts: 8 Member

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I never reward myself with food - leads to falling back to bad habits.

    I like to buy myself something completely frivolous once in a while. New piano music (which I rarely play for anyone), a totally awesome pair of shoes (that I may only wear 1 or 2 times), flowers...

    I have a "goal box" that I reward myself for those little daily things that are easy to neglect. Drinking enough water, getting exercise, eating properly, etc. I drop a dollar or two a day in there. By the time I make my goal (or hit my next birthday) I use the money to buy something big. I think I'll use it even at goal to keep me on the right track...
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    The French Bakery. My hubby and I set goals for the week, so much water, so much exercise and so many calories per day. If we stick to our goals all week, we go to our favorite French Bakery and eat a MARVELOUS meal without a thought about nutrition, calories or size. It really works for us because if we find ourselves wanting to eat late at night or get second helpings all we have to say is," I guess that means the bakery is out "and suddenly the snack doesn't sound as good. Of course for reaching big weight loss goals you have to buy new clothes and that is a treat too.
  • joolz105
    joolz105 Posts: 1 Member
    I never reward myself with food - leads to falling back to bad habits.

    I like to buy myself something completely frivolous once in a while. New piano music (which I rarely play for anyone), a totally awesome pair of shoes (that I may only wear 1 or 2 times), flowers...

    I have a "goal box" that I reward myself for those little daily things that are easy to neglect. Drinking enough water, getting exercise, eating properly, etc. I drop a dollar or two a day in there. By the time I make my goal (or hit my next birthday) I use the money to buy something big. I think I'll use it even at goal to keep me on the right track...

    I agree. I try to reward myself with something other than food. Rewarding myself with food is what got me to my current weight. I try to treat myself at certain weight loss goals. I am looking foward to getting my hair done when I hit my 15 lbs. goal. I am trying to incorporate things that will make me feel better over all and help me move forward.

    I like the idea of the goal box that is a great way to reward yourself. I may have to borrow this! :)
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    I don't really reward myself! Just the fact that I reached a new PR or something is reward enough for me. :)
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    Little "treats" like nail polish, lipstick, magazines, & other small items that I want, but don't need.
  • janeeley68
    janeeley68 Posts: 40 Member
    every 25 lbs I get a new necklace, earrings or small jewelry item
    every 50 lbs I get a body massage
    I don't reward myself with food. That's kinda dangerous.
  • smalltownhero
    smalltownhero Posts: 31 Member
    I have set goals...

    My first 15 lbs I bought myself an iphone
    When I lose down to 190 lbs I am going to job shadow on a medical chopper (you can't be more then 190 to ride along)
    When I lose down to 130 I am going sky diving!

    I'm sure I will prob add some little rewards in between :)
  • deeva2266
    deeva2266 Posts: 65 Member
    Never with food!

    I am doing this in mini goals of 5 lb increments so for every 5 lb goal I treat myself to manicure or pedicure. At 20 lbs I will buy a new outfit or new shoes.

    When I do hit my final goal weight I am going for a spa pampering day! I have always wanted to do that just didn't feel comfortable about my body.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    A lot of you have said, "never with food", but I have found that denying yourself "goodies" is the fastest way to relapse. My hubby and I have not relapsed since last spring and I think it is because we allow ourselves our weekend treats. We are not on a diet we have changed our lifestyle. Because we want to maintain a healthy weight once we get there, we have to find a why to include a treat every so often or it is unsustainable in the long run.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I don't feel the need to reward myself. My weight loss journey is FILLED with rewards every day!

    When I can put jeans on that haven't fit me in three years, that bloody damn well is a reward in my books.
    When I can see my jawline getting more defined, that's damn rewarding.
    When people say "wow, you've lost weight!" or "you lost 15 kgs? HOW?! I'm happy for you!", you better believe thats a reward.

    Every morning when I can't wait to get up in the morning to weigh myself to see my progress and see it going down, I feel like that's the greatest reward of all.
  • I have awards at 5lbs lost.
    For example I just hit my 150 goal so I am going to the movies this weekend
    at 145 I am going to get a new wii game, then at 140 I am getting a new dress for graduation.

    But although my goal weight is 135, I am not rewarding myself for getting there until I prove that I can keep it off so I am waiting 3 months after hitting my goal before buying new clothes.