New and Looking for Support!

My names Lee and I've always been kinda overweight, for awhile it didnt bother me but after I spent a year abroad in belgium surrounded by belgian beer, frites, and they're overall diet covered in mayo :P it became a problem. I'm hope to lose about 50lbs and would love some support and maybe someone to diet with!


  • hello! my name is Areal ( yes, like the mermaid) lol! I am new to MFP I've been a member for a little over a week or so now. My weight loss goal is about 30-35 pounds. I'd love to diet with you and share success stories!
  • Arealg,
    lol she was always my favorite disney princess :) are you on a specific diet yet or just calorie counting?
  • karinabr360,
    yeah belgium can do that to you, but isnt it so nice?
    support is always welcome thank you!
  • Over the past few months i've tried quite a few diets. A soup diet, one they call a military diet..and they all worked but as soon as I tried to get off of them i gained it all back. As of now I've really put forth an effort to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, i eat fruit during the day and for dinner usually chicken or fish with vegetables. Any pointers?
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi All! I'm Tina and my husband Chris and I started back on our healthy eating and exercise last month.
    January 2011 we started P90X and cutting back on our eating out and our portions. I lost 27 lbs and he last 30. We got a little relaxed on it during the summer...then summer turned to holidays! So I gained back 5 lbs and he gained back 10. This January we slowly started back with the exercise and "diet" plan. He's already starting to lose and I'm not :( ! I don't understand why...I'm doing the same thing as last year but don't seem to be moving my number down. Any suggestions??
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    I've noticed coworkers do every 'fad' diet that comes out and generally do well on them until they decide to get off the diet. The thing I've noticed helped more is if you change the way you eat and what you eat instead of cutting things out completely. The only thing my family has cut out completely is sodas. I still have sweets, breads, etc. every now and then but only in moderation. Good Luck!
  • arealg,
    I've noticed coworkers do every 'fad' diet that comes out and generally do well on them until they decide to get off the diet. The thing I've noticed helped more is if you change the way you eat and what you eat instead of cutting things out completely. The only thing my family has cut out completely is sodas. I still have sweets, breads, etc. every now and then but only in moderation. Good Luck!

    well thank you! I've also cut soda's out and i've been limiting myself to sweets, bread, etc only on weekends...but then i'm like hmm i wonder if im gaining everything back over the weekend that i worked hard to loose! But you are definitely right the fad diets are good until you get off of them. Good luck to you as well! Together we got this :)
  • i'm trying a fad diet, its pretty strict but after only a week im 6.5 lbs down. the gym id definitely a necessity though! i try to go 4/5 times a week for at least 2 hrs each time. i found that even if you eat right you need to work out or it just wont work :)
  • Can we know what "fad" diet? I am on a diet as well, not sure what would be considered a fad diet lol. Just be careful of pills, there are much better healthy natural supplements.

    I am taking Vemma products and doing a cycle diet, very high in lean meat protein, stay away from carbs. (I think of it as a healthier Atkins)
  • I'd like to see what your food diary contains. If you are just starting back and working hard at it, make sure to stay away from sodium. High sodium will make you retain a lot of water and make it seem as though you are not making progress even though you may be.
  • its the ABC diet? its basically a schedule of how many calories per day you can eat that varies in kind of a seemingly random order, and i just kind of added work outs