Hi everyone! I joined MFP on Monday and I am very excited about this site! I need to lose about 40 lbs and my issue has always been sticking to it. I know what to eat and how to exercise, its just doing it! I am the type that will be very discipline and intense for a couple weeks then somehow, I look down and I'm eating something fried and dipped in ranch!

I really want to be healthy for myself and my family. I'm hoping that this awesome support group can help me through times when I get off track.

So.... if you don't mind I'd love to get some friend requests so I can see your status updates~ I think that will be my biggest motivator. Thanks for reading!


  • goodmonster
    Hoorayyyyyy I'll be your friend! ^_^
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Congrats to you for making a great choice! This site is way more useful that I expected. I just started using the website this past weekend.

    I'll be anyone's friend! Send a request my way! :bigsmile:
  • rumsuck8
    rumsuck8 Posts: 59 Member
    Me too!!! I love MFP. My husband says I am addicted. I've been on 1 month down 13 lbs!!!!! The more friend and support the better. Add me to your friends.:flowerforyou:
  • Karenlavonne1958
    Good for you knowing yourself well enough to know what trips you up on your weight loss. I love this site too. I have been on it for a couple of weeks and I track every day. This site makes it so easy. Welcome and please feel free to add me.
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi :) request sent :)
  • paigeyount
    Hi everyone! I need the support myself- so am in as a friend! I have gained 25 lbs in the last 6 months! I stopped smoking and recently laid off from my job., so stress is a big factor for just not taking care of things like i should. BUT I KNOW WE ALL CAN DO IT!
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    I am always happy to have new friends on here to talk to and help motivate, I only ask that you motivate back LOL. I have lost 55lbs myself in the past year plus so I understand the feeling you are going through, I had to finally make a choice that I wanted to get off my butt and finally do something about my life. I am doing this for my family and I want to be around when they all grow up and get married. Love to chat at you sometime and talk about what you are doing to help yourself reach your goals along the journey. Talk to you soon.
  • skippyninja
    Yay! lets all be friends!