But I don't feel like it......

Anyone else have this problem? I work until 5pm, go to the gym, and don't get home before 7pm...sometimes closer to 8pm. The LAST thing I feel like doing is cooking a meal. Since I live alone, I often give in to the temptation to just grab a sandwich and a glass of milk. Not that turkey breast on whole wheat and a glass of milk is particularly unhealthy, but after burning 500-600 cals, that's not really enough to replenish my body sufficiently. I often find myself ravenous at breakfast as a result of the low calorie dinner. I tried precooking my dinner meals and putting them in the freezer to pop in the microwave, but I just don't have the freezer space for all those extra containers. Any suggestions as to how I can solve this dilemma? :ohwell:


  • dwtouch4
    Try making things in a slow cooker. Nothing beats coming home to a great smelling meal waiting for you when you come home from work.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    A couple of thoughts.

    One option is preparing your meals ahead of time (make batches on the weekends and make DIY TV dinners :). You can't do this for every night if you dont have the freezer space, but they'll keep in the fridge for 3 days easily.

    Do you have to workout after work, can you switch up your routine to workout in the morning (I understand this is often personal preference for when people workout though).

    Have a BIG breakfast. If you are not too hungry at night then you don't have to eat more, but if you are ravenous in the morning - load up! It all evens out in the end.

    Tey to have a snack with some protein at night before you go to bed. It might be as simple as a protein shake, or a high protein desert (see gp79's NY cheesecake as an example). Even some yoghurt or cottage cheese. This will help keep you full overnight and should curb some of the hunger in the mornings.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Well, what's wrong with making breakfast the biggest meal of the day. It is the best way to go. I have a salad for dinner every night and that's it. I've got feta cheese and chick peas in it, and if I really need extra calories, I'll add avocado.

    You could have a PB&J for dinner. Peanut butter, or any nut butters are very calorie dense, like the avocado.

    So, have a big breakfast, and eat a good lunch, and make dinner lighter.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    have a high protein snack at night (someone else metioned this) -- I do this EVERY night! something like a protein shake.... or i often mix protein powder in greek yogurt for even more of a protein punch. I'm never starving in the morning. :)
  • debbie914
    If you are working out in the evenings, a high protein shake is exactly what your body needs to re-fuel. Ending your day with a high quality protein shake is the best way to go!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Anyone else have this problem? I work until 5pm, go to the gym, and don't get home before 7pm...sometimes closer to 8pm. The LAST thing I feel like doing is cooking a meal. Since I live alone, I often give in to the temptation to just grab a sandwich and a glass of milk. Not that turkey breast on whole wheat and a glass of milk is particularly unhealthy, but after burning 500-600 cals, that's not really enough to replenish my body sufficiently. I often find myself ravenous at breakfast as a result of the low calorie dinner. I tried precooking my dinner meals and putting them in the freezer to pop in the microwave, but I just don't have the freezer space for all those extra containers. Any suggestions as to how I can solve this dilemma? :ohwell:

    Eat a bowl of cereal before bed!
    In fact eat it in bed!
    You wont wake up hungry!
  • Camachme
    The biggest help I've found is a post on Pinterest.
    At the beginning of the week, cut up veggies and put them in gallon freezer bags with meat, spices, etc. Each day, dump the bags of food into the slow cooker. Depending on the meal, you may need to add rice or noodles at the end depending on what you're making. (here's the link for more detail... http://mamaandbabylove.com/2011/04/05/freezer-cooking-with-slow-cooker-recipes/ )

    This is the easiest way I've found to eat healthy for my family of 3 without slaving over a hot stove every night after working out. I don't do this every night just to mix things up, but it's definitely super convenient! :)

    Hope you can figure it out! :)