getting in calories

So my work schedule just got changed to 12 to 9. I'm having trouble fitting in all my calories into my new schedule. I don't have the best sleeping habits and I will be up until 1 or 2 in the morning and sleep until 11. I don't want to eat too late at night, so I eat dinner as soon as I get home around 9:30 and that's it.
I've been coming in around 1000 calories this week since I'm only thinking about eating from for about 9 hours...and that's a lot of calories to fit in! Especially when I'm working and it's the kind of job where it's super easy to take a break and eat a snack. It seems wrong to stuff myself at night to get them in, but I don't want to come in too low either. Anyone else have this problem??


  • Dzuniga87
    whoops- I meant it's NOT the kind of job that's easy to take a break and eat a snack. :)
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Have you tried drinking readymade meal replacement shakes or protein shakes? Takes less than a minute to drink them and you're back to work- when I worked retail I would take a smoke break (yep, smoked back then) and chug a shake. It was the only way to get calories throughout the day for me.
  • dvalerio67
    smiths here has the metrx protien bars 3 for 5 bucks 380-410 cal and lots of protien.

    ive started using them since i have the same problem
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    If you're up until one or two, why won't you eat after 9:30? And are you eating breakfast when you get up?
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    granola is surprisingly high in calories and fiber to boot. if you're meeting your other nutritional needs i wouldn't imagine getting extra calories should be too difficult... fruit juice for example is an easy way to get lots of extra calories and hydration at the same time.