When/how often do you weigh yourself?



  • I try to every day in the morning. I find that by doing so I have a better understanding of my body's weight fluctuations.
  • Wallaby2
    Wallaby2 Posts: 132 Member
    Twice a week, first thing in the morning before breakfast as it seems to be more trustworthy and constant at that time.
  • I weigh myself everyday at the gym!
  • rolyprince
    rolyprince Posts: 49 Member
    I have always weighed once a week. But this week I've weighed every morning. I must admit I think I'm gonna keep weighing every day. I'm so close to a goal that I'd love to see me crack it. Even if it is only for one day. :-)
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Tuesday mornings, after my run but before my shower. My routine is:

    I strip,
    get the scales out,
    place them on my "lucky" floor tile,
    zero them,
    step on,
    step off,
    step back on looking up,
    count to three,
    say my lucky "weigh in prayer",
    look down,
    take the reading,
    get off,
    back on,
    count to three,
    cross my fingers,
    look down,
    cry a little,
    get angry,
    step off,
    kick the piece of *kitten* into the corner of the room,
    stub my toe,
    swear a bit more,
    hop around the bathroom eventually fall over pulling the shower curtain off the rail,
    roll around on the floor for a couple of mins until Mrs Aperture_Science complains about the noise,
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Aperture and me are doppelgangers.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I get naked and weigh myself every single morning before I eat, basically as soon as I wake up you'll see a trail of clothes between my bedroom and the bathroom lol

    But I only update my weight on MFP once a week, don't want to be annoying folk lol
  • Every morning before I eat or drink anything it helps to motivate me for the day.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Every sunday morning about 8am. After ive been to the loo :smile:

    get completley naked, turn on the scales, step on them, step back off when it gives me some numbers, step back on them again (just to see if there not telling me lies) - and if its the same number as first time round, i know its telling the truth. if its giving me a different number ill step on them again and see what number it gives me again!

    and voila! job done :bigsmile:
  • I weigh myself every time I go to my Dads, because I don't have any scales at my house, so once a week/fortnight. Which is pretty good because I'm usually happy with the outcome :B
  • In the morning, naked (or nearly), only count it on Friday or Saturday morning for my official weigh in. But I hop on there once or twice a week, especially when I'm feeling exceptionally skinny. :bigsmile:
  • HRF22
    HRF22 Posts: 7 Member
    Every morning, naked, before shower, and before ingesting anything.
    I even exhale first...LOL...although it makes no difference.
  • Every week on a Saturday morning before food and drink and after toilet!:tongue:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Never Ever. Don't own a scale. Refuse when I go to md office.