What gets you motivated to go to the gym



  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Just to name a few....

    1)The thought of what it does to my body!!
    2)Reaction my honey gets from all the change of going there..
    3) I love the gym and the environment of people that are so encouraging.
    4) Been there 8yrs so we are like family!
  • klynn08
    klynn08 Posts: 151 Member
    I put a ton of music that pumps me up on my ipod and also pictures of celebrities and models that are constantly on the screen when the music plays, so when i feel like quitting the workout for the day that motivates me
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    How I feel AFTER I work out.

    The audio book I only let myself listen to while working out. (If I was reading a paper copy of the book I'm currently listening to I'd never put it down!)

    Looking at my calorie intake.

    Looking at my goals.

    Guilting myself into it after work because my workout bag is hanging up with my coat and I have to drive past the gym to get home!

    Cabin fever. I'd rather be at the gym than spending yet another night inside at my house.
  • I'll keep this short, but how about changing the way you feel about doing your exercise?

    If you truly enjoyed what you were doing, you'd not struggle to motivate yourself to go, as it would be a pleasure!

    How nice would that be?

    Well you can learn how to enjoy exercise, and it doesn't have to be difficult, or a struggle, or painful.

    It's by learning how to take control of your brain to make a change, and you can find out how to do it here; http://blog.superbootcamps.co.uk/motivation-ebook/

    That's my advice, don't bother with motivation tips, just go straight to the heart of the problem and deal with it for good.

    Good Luck