Logging Strength Exercises in MyFitnessPal - 0 Calories Burn

Hi All! I just started using MyFitnessPal and realized that strength exercises do not result in a calorie deficit the way cardio does. Is this right? I just started taking CrossFit sessions and it's incredibly intense weight training circuits, there is definitely some cardio in there but not something I can classify distinctly as "running - 15mins". Why is it that strength is considered to have no impact on calories used? What would be the best way to reflect calories burned?


  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    I wondered about this myself.

    If you log it under "weight training" in the cardio section, it gives you 150 calories for 30 minutes of weight training. Now, that doesn't take into account your degree of effort, heart rate, etc. I move between reps and sets quickly in order to keep my HR up, and I am expending significant effort at the top of each set. But I log the measly 150 per 30 minutes and call it a day on the theory that its close enough.

    If anyone has a better method, I'd be eager to try it.

    Edited because grammar hates me.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Log them under strength training:heart:
    I bought a heart rate monitor though because I wanted it to be accurate.
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    Log them under strength training:heart:
    I bought a heart rate monitor though because I wanted it to be accurate.

    Thought about that. Are there any that give a constant update via wrist contact only? I'm not jazzed about wearing the chest strap because I have a sensitive surgical incision across my ribs and I don't need to inflict any more pain on that area. :)
  • Cross_fitter
    Hi I'm a crossfit addict and I just log in a half hours worth because as you know a small amount of intense strength work gets the heart rate going. Also, the warm up often adds to the workout in terms of the overall time worked!!. I just log 100 calories whether that's correct or not. I'm going to ask my friend how many calories she would burn for 20min running and use that as a basis. I'm not keen to add calories for the exercise I've completed at this stage as I think I need to build up to earning them, especially when my body is now used to that type of exercise. I think it's a good idea to concentrate more on high protein, carb pre-workout and eating regularly and if that means eating more times than you can log into the categories then that's ok - as long as the outcome isn't overeating or eating the wrong types of food. If you participate in crossfit regularly then the calories will need to increase overtime as the metabolism becomes more efficient. Have you checked out Paleo Nutrition in your Crossfit website, I know they're all advocates.....and it works!!!
  • Cross_fitter
    ...thanks Tonymobile, I'll keep that in mind as well - because my 100cal's was just a guess!!!:)
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor-I burn upwards of 400 calories in an hour, and I don't have to fuss with trying to find the exercises I do in the data base. Too bad you can't insert the calorie burn and have it figured into your daily totals.
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    I have used "circuit training."
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Log them under strength training:heart:
    I bought a heart rate monitor though because I wanted it to be accurate.

    Thought about that. Are there any that give a constant update via wrist contact only? I'm not jazzed about wearing the chest strap because I have a sensitive surgical incision across my ribs and I don't need to inflict any more pain on that area. :)

    I just googled that because I wasn't sure if there was or not...and there is! I can't comment on how well they work but there are some out there...if you just google heart rate monitor without chest strap you will see whats out there....good luck:heart:
  • cecilia113
    cecilia113 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all! I will go ahead and log CrossFit as 30 mins strength training just to get some balance of calories in. It's just motivational, even if it's not a huge calorie deficit. So happy to see other CrossFitters! I'm a newbie still (newfitter), but so far enjoying the workouts, well I suffer though them. Haha. But I stick to it, it gets me going!! And gosh, what amazing work outs they are!