what deals have you made to keep you motivated

I was just interested

I myself made a deal with my partner that he had to get a dinosaur picture tattoo'd on his bumcheek if i can get down to my goal weight of 75 kgs.

What deals have you made to keep motivated ?


  • elly68
    elly68 Posts: 39 Member
    well i have a wedding in may , if i lose 21 lb by then i get a new outfit if not i'm wearing old lol so 16 st 10 will be 15 st 3 hey that sounds better next date holiday july 2nd another 14 lb which will make me 14 st 3lb new clothes for holiday then 6 nov 12 will be married 20 years aim 28 lb so 12st 3 roughly the weight i married hubby at new clothes nah probably new husband haha.

    theres a new weightloss programme on uk tv and the main outcome seems to be massive weightloss= divorce
  • Me and one of my good girlfriends have made plans for our 30th birthday to good some where where we can show off our new slimmer bodies.

    130 by 30!!!!! (our mantra!)
  • MsPetuniaPig
    MsPetuniaPig Posts: 74 Member
    There are 6 of us one here. Weigh in's are every Monday. A prize of 120$ to the person that loses the most percentage of body weight by May 25th! This way we will all be skinner for the summer season!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I want to wear a bikini with pride without trying to cover up my tummy this summer. When I lose the weight I want, I'm going to buy a couple sexy bikinis and a brand new summer wardrobe (which will be necessary since none of last summers fit much anymore). Plus me and my friend decided we're gonna motivate each other so we're both ripped for the beach this summer. :D
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Three deals: two with a friend to be 20 lbs down by a girls week in spring and another 20 by the time we go to Europe in the fall.
    Deal with GP that she check blood work in the spring to see if numbers have moved.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have made no deals...but I am beginning to think I should! My fiance needs to gain 20lbs and I need to lose 20lbs...I am thinking I will bring up a challenge! I was hoping I could just transfer my twenty pounds to him...but I guess it doesn't work that way! haha

    Great idea though on the deal! LOL
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I was just interested

    I myself made a deal with my partner that he had to get a dinosaur picture tattoo'd on his bumcheek if i can get down to my goal weight of 75 kgs.

    What deals have you made to keep motivated ?
    The main motivation for me is simply the reward of peak fitness.
    But...I have ditched all my fat clothes and purchased a whole new wardrobe - all nice clothes just waiting for me to reach my goals.
    I try them an weekly and am a hair away from wearing clothes I thought would never, ever fit in this life again.

    It's a great motivator.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I made a deal with myself that I would get into the best shape possible so that I can do the things I love to do and look good doing them. Pretty motivational to look in the mirror every day and see a better me than I saw yesterday.