Losing my hair and I'm 22 yrs old.



  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    It happened to me from dieting! But it could be any number of things. Get to the doctor.
    What helped me is eating more…iron supplements, more good fats, eating more.
  • silvernik
    silvernik Posts: 8 Member
    Happened to me around the same time and was explained away as stress. Five years later other symptoms led to tests which confirmed a diagnosis of PCOS. Hair thinning on your head is one of the symptoms and can be exacerbated by being on certain contraceptive pills and also stress.

    A check list of common PCOS symptoms is as follows:
    - irregular periods
    - thinning of head hair
    - thickening of hair elsewhere
    - acne
    - sleep problems
    - weight gain (especially around the waist)
    - carb cravings

    If you have more than a couple of these symptoms, definitely get checked out by a doc.

  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Get your hair cut (going too long without a cut can cause lots of fall-out. IDK why.) Start taking a biotin supplement, and make an appointment with your doc. Could be indicative of a thyroid problem or a host of other issues.. or could be nothing at all. I'm going through the same thing right now and just waiting to see my doc. Good luck!
  • Heidi_Edgi
    Heidi_Edgi Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Great ideas that I had never even thought of. I really appreciate it :-)
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I began losing my hair and it became more brittle. I ended up with an under active thyroid. However, I was presenting several other symptoms.

    Yes, this is a big indicator. If you are also tired, have dry skin, having a difficult time losing or maintaining weight despite your efforts and find yourself unable to control your body temp, (always cold/hot) or any combination, could be your thyroid. It is a simple blodd test. I would have it checked for sure.
  • Heidi_Edgi
    Heidi_Edgi Posts: 65 Member
    Try zinc, worked for my mum.

    Or she could try a comb over LMAO im totally kidding.. :D

    Hahahha this made me laugh. Thanks:-)
  • DDBeard
    DDBeard Posts: 50 Member
    I have always had really long thick hair. When I was around 25 I noticed I was shedding more than I normally do. My husband even noticed. It stopped after about a year or so. I never went to the dr but did self diagnose it... Shortly after it stopped I noticed short gray hairs popping out so I though maybe that had something to do with it. I really don't know and also recommend the dotor but thought I would just share.
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    Pls see a DR. It could be low thyroid or poss low protein intake--I've had both, but obv. it could also be something else. Good luck.
  • jem33199
    jem33199 Posts: 80 Member
    This happened to me years ago when I followed a very low fat diet. When I incorporated a small amount of healthy fats (1 or 2 tsp a day) such as olive or canola, my hair became thicker and shinier. Good luck!
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Def go see your doctor. Likely harmless, but important to take your body seriously. Any drastic physical changes require a medical check--don't just rely on suckas (like me!) on the interwebz.
  • sblack91
    I'm 20 and I had a similar problem.. I went to my doctor but I found that he wasn't very sympathetic and he gave me the whole "it-will-right-itself-in-time" speech which wasn't very comforting.

    I would recommend you to take Biotin and/or Kelp tablets.. You can get them at any vitamin store. I think different people have different results but they really turned things around for me. Even now if I notice my hair seems to be shedding more than usual I start taking them again and it slows it right down.

    Its really upsetting when something like this happens so just try not to panic too much about it because even if it takes a while, it usually does seem to settle down, and the stress will only make things worse
  • RD2be
    RD2be Posts: 10
    A diet too low in fat can cause hair loss. (especially if you eliminated it quickly) Your hair folicles require soem fat for natural lubrication. Like someone already mentioned, adding healthy fats to your diet is important. (olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish)
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Get your thyroid checked. It can cause hair loss. Make sure they do TSH, Free T3, Free T4 and the antibodies test not just TSH since that does not give you the whole picture. Get all your others levels check too. Other hormones can be causing it too.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    get your vitamin D levels checked
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    While you can get some ideas on here as to different reasons you could be losing your hair, this is really a question for your doctor. There are some causes that can really be dangerous and no one in this forum is qualified to diagnose you, especially when they don't know you. See your doctor!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    It can really be any number of reasons.... Are you getting enough Iron in your diet?

    Or, are you over styling your hair? Using a lot of products? Using the blow dryer/straightener a lot? Dying your hair?

    Shedding large amounts of hair can occur after pregnancy, major surgery, drastic weight loss, or extreme stress. It can also be a side effect of certain medications/drugs. It can last from 6mos to 3yrs after a stressful event...

    It could be hereditary, or you could have thyroid problems.
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    A diet too low in fat can cause hair loss. (especially if you eliminated it quickly) Your hair folicles require soem fat for natural lubrication. Like someone already mentioned, adding healthy fats to your diet is important. (olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish)

    Yes, a friend of mine experienced this when she was on a really lowfat diet for several months. But you should definitely check with your doc as everyone else has said ;) Good luck and I'm sure you'll get it figured out :)
  • hagamivida
    Missed, irregular periods or ovarian cysts? If so, look into pcos
  • audddyy
    OMG the same thing is happening to me, and I take zinc every day... it's so annoying I can literally rip massive clumps out and it's also lost colour, not as blond and Im only 17 argghhhhhhh.... Hopefully both our hair stops falling out...
  • shojak
    I can't advise you strongly enough to do your own research and go to your GP knowing what you want them to do for you. I would recommend that you ask your GP to run your bloodwork and see if you have an overactive thyroid or zinc deficiency. Hopefully that is all it is and your hair loss can be remedied. Without wanting to scare you, I began losing my hair at 30, it came out by the handful when I showered. My local GP's were dreadful they didn't seem to take me seriously at first, one told me that maybe my shampoo was too harsh! I was scared at what was going on. Anyway, I did some research and when I worked my way through the 3rd GP at my practice I demanded bloodwork and a referral to a dermatologist at the hospital. Unfortunately I was diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis which means I suffer from total body hair loss. That was 7 years ago. They put it down to stress as I didn't fall into any other category (hadn't suffered a trauma such as a death or a car crash etc).

    Happy to chat more 1 on 1 if you like. Good luck and fingers crossed you don't have what I have.
