Weigh in days - How FAR do you go...



  • mikeaveli78
    I weigh myself everyday as it allows me to see the impact of a couple of days of bad decisions immediately and allows me to readjust before getting to out of whack. I weigh myself in the morning and in my pajamas.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    want to hear something weird? i way myself int he morning naked after i go to the bathroom... but a few times i've weighed myself again after getting out of the shower and been down even a half pound more... WHAT IS UP WITH THAT! lol
  • slayerdan
    I wear the same thing every time i weigh---I weigh in the mornings on the same day every week......I dont weigh daily, just once a week.
  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    I understand the desire to not eat the day before to lose even more, but i feel that would only backfire. you will weigh less when you weigh yourself but then simply put it back on as you eat again the next few days.

    i dont do anything special because i want the number to be as real and honest and it can be. I dont like the scale, but at least its an honest acquaintance
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Wake up, go to the bathroom, get butt naked, then jump on scale every Monday.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Why go through all that drama?
    For what?
    All you are doing is manipulating the scale.
    Just weigh yourself daily and track the trend over several months.

    It's just a number - a tool to gauge progress. There is no need to create stress out of thin air.

    Love this answer too! :flowerforyou:
  • Whaleluvr
    Whaleluvr Posts: 156 Member
    I started MFP on a Tuesday...........so I weigh myself every Tuesday.............When I used to weigh myself everyday, I got discouraged, and that is why it never stuck!!! I DEFINITELY Pee (and/or Poo) first........Gotta get all weight out that I possibly could.......sometimes I'll walk for a half hour to an hour beforehand.............just to give it that little extra push!!!!! I WILL NOT weigh myself AFTER a shower...............and usually naked.............of course POSING in front of the mirror first, to see if there is any NOTICEABLE changes!!!

  • suky424
    suky424 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't weigh every day but neither do I have a set weigh-in day. I weigh myself when I feel like it, sometimes it's good sometimes it's not so good. it's just the scales ... it's how I feel that matters and how my clothes fit ... I'm getting there gradually.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I don't try to fool the scale at all. I weigh in on a more or less daily basis, just to see the trends. I put no stock really in what it says on a daily basis except to see if things are continuously going in the wrong direction.

    My official weigh-in is on Friday mornings just before my workout. It's after breakfast, after bathroom break, etc. In the same amount of clothes each time. That way I always know things are equal.

    If you do things to impress the scale this week, then you're up next week, then how do you know you didn't lose weight next week? Maybe the scale was wrong the first time b/c you were trying to impress it. Don't let the number on the scale rule what you eat. Just eat sensibly and things will move along in a healthy manner.
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    I don't know that I really try to impress it. I mean... I weigh naked; that alone could be why it gives me mean numbers! LOL

    I weigh every Friday morning, naked, after I pee, before I eat or drink anything. And I threaten the scale vigorously for a good 2 minutes before I step on. It's kinda a weekly tradition =)

    hmm.... TMI?! LOL

    this may be one of the best posts I've read in a while lol :laugh:
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    I dont care about what the scale says. I take my measurements every month (which is a little more accurate than my scale) and weigh myself in every two weeks on monday mornings after going to the bathroom and before breakfast.

    I'm not a big fan of the scale (and it sometimes feels the same about me). But I also measure once a month. I may have a month where I don't lose much weight, but the progress is definitely seen in the inches lost.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    I gave up on all the tricks I used to employ to get the scale to budge (sucking in my stomach, making promises to the fat fairy). Now that I'm maintaining I do weigh every day, but I am fully aware that there will be daily fluctuations for various reasons. I don't record any numbers unless I see them for at least a week. I know that if I am eating right and exercising then the scale will ultimately be kind to me. It might not do it on MY schedule, or when I want it to, but it eventually shows me what I need to see :smile:
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    I don't know that I really try to impress it. I mean... I weigh naked; that alone could be why it gives me mean numbers! LOL

    I weigh every Friday morning, naked, after I pee, before I eat or drink anything. And I threaten the scale vigorously for a good 2 minutes before I step on. It's kinda a weekly tradition =)

    hmm.... TMI?! LOL

    This is so me every friday morning, "if you blankity blankity blank blank don't show me a loss you're going to have a new home...at the landfill" It's never let me down yet! lol
  • maryjay51
    its a ritual - i wake up, go to the bathroom, disrobe and weigh myself... the scale says what it says.. it tells me i either been a bad girl or a good girl.. when im a bad girl i pay attention more for the day .. no sense in manipulating the scale . its only going to hurt the progress of your goal
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Why go through all that drama?
    For what?
    All you are doing is manipulating the scale.
    Just weigh yourself daily and track the trend over several months.

    It's just a number - a tool to gauge progress. There is no need to create stress out of thin air.

    Guess you have to be female to understand :bigsmile:
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    I don't do anything special. I used to do similar things but then you have to realize that you are lying to yourself. Just do as you normally do, eat as you normally eat, work out as your normally work out. What is more important is that you stick to a hard schedule when it comes to weighing in and that doesn't just mean picking a day. Rather, it means picking a particular day of the week on a periodic schedule, picking a particular time of day to weigh, etc. and sticking to it.

    I used to weigh whenever I felt like it, sometimes every day, sometimes 1x a week, 1x a month, but it's impossible to track your progress when you do so. Now I just weigh myself 1x every two weeks, on Sunday mornings, upon waking. The night before my last weigh in, I anticipated a lot of progress and so I thought about eating a tiny dinner. But that thought came and went and I actually ended up going over my cals/macros for the day. Next day, I weighed in and lost about 5 lbs from my previous weigh-in and I was ecstatic. If I did eat a tiny dinner, maybe the scale would have shown that I lost 7 pounds or something like that and I would've been the happiest guy, but in the back of my head I would know that those extra pounds were nothing but water weight and that I was only fooling myself.

    Which brings me to another point, if you manipulate your weigh-ins then how can you go about re-adjusting your cal/macros goals based on those numbers.

    Nutrition, exercise are big parts of weight loss but one major component many people overlook/fail to realize is honesty. Are you being honest with yourself? This is not directly pointed at OP, but I think in general, there are lots of folks on MFP that are not being true to themselves when it comes to weighing in, eating healthy, working out, etc. I admit, I was not honest with myself when I first started this journey. But once you cross that mental hurdle, it will give you a motivation like never before. good luck
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    I get weighed in every Thursday at my company's gym. Don't look forward to it but I have to do it. Maybe I'll just do it at home every morning, naked, after I pee. LOL!
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    Why go through all that drama?
    For what?
    All you are doing is manipulating the scale.
    Just weigh yourself daily and track the trend over several months.

    It's just a number - a tool to gauge progress. There is no need to create stress out of thin air.

    THIS! I weigh in once a week (every Tuesday morning) in whatever I slept in the night before. I would never fast the day before just to get a good number. I'd rather have a 0.4 lb loss (like I had yesterday) and KNOW that I ate healthy every day and gave it my all than to have a 2-3 lb loss after a day of starving myself. For me it just wouldn't be realistic OR rewarding if I did that.
  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    I don't know that I really try to impress it. I mean... I weigh naked; that alone could be why it gives me mean numbers! LOL

    I weigh every Friday morning, naked, after I pee, before I eat or drink anything. And I threaten the scale vigorously for a good 2 minutes before I step on. It's kinda a weekly tradition =)

    hmm.... TMI?! LOL

    LOL, sounds a lot like my Mondays.