Hi -- just joined!

Hoping to lose some weight and I was told about this website from one of my co-workers, she said it was fantastic. It is pretty nice to see what your caloric intake, exercise goals, etc. and this is free! I am thinking of having my hubby join too. Looks like a very cool informative site.


  • Hi llanducci....

    You and I are the same age and share the same inspiration about getting our husbands involved.

    Would you like to do this together? If we check in every day and post how we are doing...... it may serve as a motivation?

    What do you think?

  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Take it slow and don't do anything you won't be able to stick with long term. Its about a healthy lifestyle and not a short term diet.
    Small changes make a big difference over the long run. Healthy foods and portion control.
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    Take it slow and don't do anything you won't be able to stick with long term. Its about a healthy lifestyle and not a short term diet.
    Small changes make a big difference over the long run. Healthy foods and portion control.

    well said.
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    welcome. hope your journey is successful.