I'm far too polite, obviously...

Hi everyone,

So, I manage to go to the gym 5 times a week and eat really heathily in weekdays, but on the weekends I spend a lot of time at my boyfriend's house. He still lives with his parents who make most of our food for us - they don't eat junk, but it's definitely more calorific than the stuff I eat at home. I hope I don't sound ungrateful or anything, I really love that they take care of me and make my food for me. But I'm starting to worry that it could affect my weight loss, and I'm too polite to say anything or cook my own food. What do you think I should do?


  • ubermagee
    Anyone? :)
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    I feel for you and see how this could throw a wrench in things. Can you bring something to add to the table or start helping them cook a meal in the kitchen? Like a fruit salad or a veggie plate? Then you'll have a healthier option to add to your plate, at least. Good luck.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Maybe you could offer to make dinner there one night for the family and just make a really healthy meal and show them that they can eat healthy and still have it taste delicious
  • Thesis_gut
    Thesis_gut Posts: 56 Member
    Maybe you could suggest one evening to cook a nice meal for them? That doesn't solve the problem long-term but it's a start and a nice gesture, too.
  • ubermagee
    These are great suggestions, guys, thanks! :) We've only been together 3 months so while I'm comfortable hanging out at theirs and talking to his parents, I'm still a little nervous about speaking up.
  • SheIsElusive
    How funny, I have the exact same problem but luckily I go to my BF's parents house about twice a month... I'm also too afraid to speak up cause I want to be polite. What I've tried though is to eat just small portions of what his mom makes...
  • ubermagee
    Yeah, that's a good idea. They do pretty good portion sizes, so if I ate less I'd probably be kinda hungry! But maybe I could bulk it up with some salad or veggies like Katsmo suggested...? My boyfriend's expressed concerns about post-christmas love-handles...so maybe I could get him on board with eating a side-salad with our meals, without being specific as to what my problem actually is...sneaky!
  • vilardip1
    try and make little adjustments when you go there to eat...im following a keto diet, and am having some good success with it...but my gf's family follows a rather "normal" diet...always pasta on mondays, rice or baled potato, or some other starch every night...if you need to make the adjustments based on what they are eating, drink a lot of water before dinner, shrink your portion size, or maybe bring a healthier alternative that may be lower in calories (ie. steamfresh veggies instead of having mashed potatoes or something)...if thats not possible, have a snack before heading there for dinner, this way you can eat less while still being satisfied
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Just take whatever they're serving and eat smaller portions.
  • ubermagee
    That's great - I was worried about taking my own food and seeming too rude, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I brought a few extra veggies or salad or fruit or something. You guys are great!