


  • cdpollreis
    cdpollreis Posts: 18 Member
    I'm awful at Zumba, but I love it. It's a good workout to throw in the mix!

  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I loooove Zumba! I take 60-minute classes at a local studio once a week. Once my punch card is up, I'll solely be doing it at home with my Zumba Wii games.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I am so lucky, I live minutes from the best Zumba instructor. The first time I tried Zumba, it was awful. I left in the middle of class. The instructor was just bad. I tried it again at the Y, just out of curiousity, and I became hooked. I've done Zumba for nearly 2 years; it helped me lose like 35 lbs without dieting.

    I go to Zumba at least 3 times a week - it's the only exercise I've ever done that I've always looked forward to and rarely skipped. I even stopped going for a few months because I was busy with other things in life, and I missed it. With my HRM, during a 60 minute class, I burn between 550-620 calories. The best part for me is checking my HRM at the end of class and just being blown away that I worked that hard.

    I've never owned the video games. I can't imagine them being as fun as an actual class. But I'm glad they're available for people who don't have access to a class.
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    As an instructor myself, I will tell you it so works! I lost 50lbs between changing my diet, some running and ZUMBA. And once you get the ZUMBA bug, you can't get rid of it! Trust me. I'm always looking for more music to choreograph to, as well as other classes to take. Currently I teach 6 classes a week, and if I didn't have a FT job I'd have more classes :) If you ever have the chance to do it live, DO IT! Live classes are so much more fun than the video game IMO
  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    I love my zumba.....its my workout of choice!!
  • haleyvelez
    haleyvelez Posts: 2 Member
    Zumba is awesome. I lost 30 pounds doing it! I've also tried it on wii. But I prefer to go to class because it pushes me to be more intense.
  • daffy_girl
    I love it! I do it once a week in a gym with about 25 people. Its a great motivation for me because i like to dance and burns a lot of calories. We do it for an hour.