Exercise Gurus, please help with arm toning!

Can any of you exercise/fitness gurus help me with a program for arm toning. I dont have big saggy arms but would love to see definition (after I lose a big of weight from them). I have weights at home but would like a short workout that I can do at home on a daily/twice daily basis to really work on my arm. I have googled but there are so many and I would like a routine that would work the arm/shoulder/back. I go to the gym everyday and I have asked the gym instructor but he was rushing and a bit useless in helping me.



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Can any of you exercise/fitness gurus help me with a program for arm toning. I dont have big saggy arms but would love to see definition (after I lose a big of weight from them). I have weights at home but would like a short workout that I can do at home on a daily/twice daily basis to really work on my arm. I have googled but there are so many and I would like a routine that would work the arm/shoulder/back. I go to the gym everyday and I have asked the gym instructor but he was rushing and a bit useless in helping me.


    You should work your arms twice a week on different days.
    For shoulders you have a standard military press, Arnold press, flys and bentover flys.
    TRiceps you have kickbacks, overhead extensions and bench extensions.
    Biceps you have Hammer Curls, standard curls and supine curls.

    Lift weight heavy enough to be almost impossible to lift at the 8th rep.
    Do 3-4 sets each exercise.
    The next day work out another body group like lower body or AB/Core and leave the arms alone.

    Its more important to let the muscle heal before lifting again.
    For information on proper lifting check out www.scoobysworkshop.com or www.bodybuilding.com.
  • pudgypie
    pudgypie Posts: 83 Member
    Dan, you're like my personal stalker....LOL...only joking...you just replied to my other thread re: my 3lbs up this week.

    Thank you for that....will definitely incorporate it into my routine. Hoping to be super buffed by the summer. :smooched:
  • anabell31

    Tadaaaa!! Pinterest is a lovely thing. I find all sorts of workout routines on there
  • dawny17
    dawny17 Posts: 77 Member
    you can also do dips and push ups, no weights needed! just remember to do them with your arms wide and narrow, This targets different muscles. Start on your knees with the push ups and then go to your toes. No need to get discouraged from the begining. I try to do 3 sets of 15 reps, alternating between push ups and dips with no rest time. This keeps me on my toes. Good luck :happy:
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Can any of you exercise/fitness gurus help me with a program for arm toning. I dont have big saggy arms but would love to see definition (after I lose a big of weight from them). I have weights at home but would like a short workout that I can do at home on a daily/twice daily basis to really work on my arm. I have googled but there are so many and I would like a routine that would work the arm/shoulder/back. I go to the gym everyday and I have asked the gym instructor but he was rushing and a bit useless in helping me.


    You can lift weights like mad, but if your nutrition isn't clean and nutrient rich, your arms will still be flabby. You have to burn the fat that is over those muscles. Diet is about 80% of looking lean.
    Good luck!
  • pudgypie
    pudgypie Posts: 83 Member
    Can any of you exercise/fitness gurus help me with a program for arm toning. I dont have big saggy arms but would love to see definition (after I lose a big of weight from them). I have weights at home but would like a short workout that I can do at home on a daily/twice daily basis to really work on my arm. I have googled but there are so many and I would like a routine that would work the arm/shoulder/back. I go to the gym everyday and I have asked the gym instructor but he was rushing and a bit useless in helping me.


    that's going to be a problem for me then.....my diet isn't "clean"......I have been on (and off) a low residue diet for a number of months due to ongoing bowel issues and numerous investigations. It means I can't have my lovely porridge for breakfast, any fruit or veg, none of my lovely homemade brown bread (starting making my own white bread as I couldn't deal with eating the shop bought white bread). Until Iget this resolved my diet won't be the best. Some days I just say to hell with it and have a nice dinner with yummy veg. For instance today I had a banana which I shouldn't as I am in hospital next week for more investigations and have to start a very strict low residue diet from tomorrow!

    I'll keep plugging away though at the weight loss and then up my weights so I can tone.
    You can lift weights like mad, but if your nutrition isn't clean and nutrient rich, your arms will still be flabby. You have to burn the fat that is over those muscles. Diet is about 80% of looking lean.
    Good luck!
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    It doesn't matter what you eat as long as you meet your calorie deficit. Eating healthy whole foods, and less carbs WILL aid the process, but it is all about calories in vs out.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    To look toned 2 things have to happen... 1) you have to have your body fat low enough to make the muscle visible, and 2) you have to actually have some muscle to show off.

    To do this, maintain a healthy caloric deficit. Assuming your diet is reasonable and you're getting enough protein you'll start to burn fat. You'll also want to start lifting, and lifting heavy. If you really want to focus on your arms, I would work them 2-3 times a week. On the other days you should be working other body parts.

    Cadio is helpful for maintaining a deficit, but isn't necessary. Your focus should be on diet and lifting.

    As far as how clean your diet needs to be, this varies person to person. Some people can see results eating what they want when they want as long as they are in a deficit. Others have to be much more strict about the what and the when. You'll have to figure out what your body responds best to.

  • nutandbutter
    Diet is primary. I would recommend doing compound instead of isolation exercises; Squat, deadlift, row, pullups/lat pulldowns, overhead press, bench press. You will get better results that way. Also, lift heavy!!! And no, 30DS isn't lifting heavy. (Sorry, just a mild vent there)
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    To look toned 2 things have to happen... 1) you have to have your body fat low enough to make the muscle visible, and 2) you have to actually have some muscle to show off.

    To do this, maintain a healthy caloric deficit. Assuming your diet is reasonable and you're getting enough protein you'll start to burn fat. You'll also want to start lifting, and lifting heavy. If you really want to focus on your arms, I would work them 2-3 times a week. On the other days you should be working other body parts.

    Cadio is helpful for maintaining a deficit, but isn't necessary. Your focus should be on diet and lifting.

    As far as how clean your diet needs to be, this varies person to person. Some people can see results eating what they want when they want as long as they are in a deficit. Others have to be much more strict about the what and the when. You'll have to figure out what your body responds best to.


    Diet we get it. But what specific exercises for those of us that want there to but muscle once the fat is gone?
  • gvswaim
  • nutandbutter
    To look toned 2 things have to happen... 1) you have to have your body fat low enough to make the muscle visible, and 2) you have to actually have some muscle to show off.

    To do this, maintain a healthy caloric deficit. Assuming your diet is reasonable and you're getting enough protein you'll start to burn fat. You'll also want to start lifting, and lifting heavy. If you really want to focus on your arms, I would work them 2-3 times a week. On the other days you should be working other body parts.

    Cadio is helpful for maintaining a deficit, but isn't necessary. Your focus should be on diet and lifting.

    As far as how clean your diet needs to be, this varies person to person. Some people can see results eating what they want when they want as long as they are in a deficit. Others have to be much more strict about the what and the when. You'll have to figure out what your body responds best to.


    Diet we get it. But what specific exercises for those of us that want there to but muscle once the fat is gone?

    Seirously, look at my post just above yours. Your arms will come with those exercises. As will the rest of your body.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member

    Seirously, look at my post just above yours. Your arms will come with those exercises. As will the rest of your body.

    What if I'm at home with small weights and can't get to the gym?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Diet is primary. I would recommend doing compound instead of isolation exercises; Squat, deadlift, row, pullups/lat pulldowns, overhead press, bench press. You will get better results that way. Also, lift heavy!!! And no, 30DS isn't lifting heavy. (Sorry, just a mild vent there)


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