Calorie Cycling

Has anyone else tried calorie cycling? Have you seen results with it? Just curious. I know it supposedly works for body builders and is fairly effective at mantaining a high metabolism, but I want to hear people's experiences, successes, or failures with this program before I consider it.


  • Zephyr36608
    By calorie cycling do you mean alternating your caloric intake every so often to optimize BMR and avoid plateaus?
  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
  • CandaceW
    CandaceW Posts: 73
    I'm also curious about this
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I just googled it and got a lot of intersting info. Some people swear by it. The key is you have to be disciplined to eat lower on some days and more on others. I have a hard time once I have a high calorie day to go back to lower calories.
  • Zephyr36608
    I learned about this in a Curves class I took and it really makes sense. They taught that after about 3 days of the same calorie intake your body will try to compensate by lowering your BMR. So it sounds like this calorie cycling concept works using that principle as it appears they all have you doing 2 days then changing. Makes sense and can't hurt if your calories for the week don't change in total. Think I will try this. I have two weeks here to be stringent with dieting then I'm going to take a break, by which I mean I will stay more with the range of calories suggested for a pound of loss a week rather than 2, and I plan also to use the concept of calorie cycling during that week to allow myself some freedom on some days as I'm having company that first week in July. My best friend from years ago back home is coming for a visit for a week and I don't want to be quite so stressed by dieting so I figure rather than set myself up for failure, I'll plan for it ahead of time! Wish me luck! :laugh: Anyway, I'll let ya'll know how it works. :drinker: