Calorie Balancing, please help!

My situation is this:
Weight: 446 Height: 6'1"
High muscle mass and bone density
Target weight given by physician: 285
Adjusted BMR: 2660kCals
Exercise: 5 sessions of 80 minutes or 400 minutes/week

My doctor recommended I continue with my current course, which is eating no more than 2660 kCals a day, and exercising around 2 hours 4 days a week. This after having a 3 week weigh in, showing a small drop of .7 pounds. I was pretty frustrated because I've been trying very hard.
I have been eating all day long, sometimes well into the night, to try and compensate but I rarely get up to 2660, let alone eat back any exercise calories.
My endurance has picked up a lot and I find myself exceeding my exercise goals easily now, but it's not "melting off" like people say it should be. I've been at this for 6 weeks, lost 12 pounds, but the first 11.3 were in the first 2 weeks.
I'm trying not to go more than 2 hours without a snack unless I'm sleeping. It's just making me feel really full, and it makes it nearly impossible to also take in liquids.

I should mention that I have a history of eating disorder and have been previously treated for starvation. That treatment ended about 5 years ago when my thyroid had resumed normal functional levels. I'm currently taking medications for pain management and depression, but they are considered "weight neutral" with the exception of liothyonine, which, if anything, should be making me lose.

Eating 6k a day just doesn't work for me. I know that logic would say, reduce the exercise time I'm putting in, but I really don't want to. Does anyone know of ways to increase calorie intake without getting stuffed? I'm afraid that I'm not seeing progress on the scale because I'm incapable of balancing this out. Some people say when you're as big as me, it doesn't matter... Obviously, my doctor feels that same way... But how do you know for sure?

Any help is appreciated :)


  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    calorie dense food would be the only way to go. meat and carbs?
  • Rsanseri
    Rsanseri Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I just read your post (I'm trying to learn how to use this "community" feature, myself.) I'm a bit confused. Cause it sounds like you're eating less then your goal, and exercising more. Which logically should result in weitht loss. If I'm understanding you correctly, then there are a couple of thoughts here. First... maybe your losing fat, but gaining muscle (which weights more than fat). So even though the scale is not showing it, you are losing fat. You're clothes fit should be an indicator of that. The other thought is that you may have pushed your body into 'starvation mode', meaning the drastic reduction in caloric intake prompts your body to hold on to the fat. Lastly... I'm a big believer in that not all calories are created equal. I try to get mine from high quality protein. Ideally, I eat as fresh as possible and in season. And I avoid processed foods. Hope that helps.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I don't know if I can help, but I'll tell you what I think. You're endurance is better, so you know there is a positive result from all your hard work. How do your clothes fit? Do you keep track of measurements? That might show up a lot faster than a loss on the scale. I know it does for me. Noticing that your endurance has increased is way to measure progress :-D As for the calories, I'd try to get them in as best you can. Not eating garbage, but more calorie rich foods. You don't want to lower the amount of exercise you do, so try to up your calories. Just for arguements sake, you could always lower your exercise for a week, and see what that does. Keeping your exercise levels high and calories low might backfire, even if you don't feel hungry, your body might NEED the food. I wish it was easier and faster. Hope this helps!!!
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    You say you were treated for starvation mode once before. Could your body have slipped back into that? Is there a test that can be performed for it? How is your thyroid doing? I know when mine went wonkers all those years ago, I was gaining weight just passing by a chocolate cake. I was freezing all the time, too. Couldn't stand to be in the freezer section of the grocery store without gloves on. It hurt in my hands and fingers too much, even in summer.

    That said, you have anyone taking measurements for you? If not, start tracking them.

    Endurance is up! YES! That is a great indicator that you are moving in the right direction, even if the weight isn't sloughing off the way you want it to. I know you do a reclining bike. Could you maybe change exercises and see if that helps?

    Scratching my head now, trying to jump start a few more neurons...:noway:
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Thanks everyone :) Every little bit helps!
  • trinitymel1982
    i'm not a expert on any thing (I have loads to lose as well ) but I had a quick look at your diary and your sodium is very high on some days maby it's water weight? if you want some support friend me x