Going Vegetarian

So I've struggled with the whole eating meat thing for a while sometimes I can do it and not think about it but latey it's been getting harder and harder ... I just don't enjoy the idea of eating animals anymore.

Trouble is I have no idea how to make up my protein if I'm not going to eat meat.

Anybody know of any good vegetarian links with recipies and things ?

I have food allergies and I'm unable to eat a lot of veges and fruits raw which doesnt help cooked is fine but raw causes all kinds of problems. I would eat raw if I could.


  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, i'm a veggie myself! And when i was trying to bulk or even cut people used to ask me, were do i get my protein from?

    Beans, Lentils and Legumes
    Tofu & Soy products
    Quinoa and other whole grains
    Nuts, Seeds and Nut Butters
    Protein Supplements

    Lots of ways, add me as a friend & check out my diary if you wish to get a rough idea.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    I've recently started cutting out the meat as well. I've bought a few vegetarian/vegan cook books at half price books to get some ideas. Someone posted these sites also on a message board recently and I found some useful recipes there. I have also had success with recipes I've found by googling (sp) my favorite foods but adding 'vegetarian' to the search criteria. Other than that, you can probably throw any veggie into olive oil and sautee for something quick and easy to eat if you can't tolerate raw veggies. I've learned to stay away from the starchy stuff though as it'll eat up my calories pretty quick if I don't watch it. Hope it works out! :smile:

  • amykingsley1
    amykingsley1 Posts: 31 Member
    Beans make a fantastic meat replacement. I've made vegetarian lasagne with beans, put beans in salad, vegetarian chili with beans. I eat tofu a couple times a week, I'm not completely wild over it but in certain stir fry's and soups it's very good. Are you going vegan, or lacto-ovo? I try to eat eggs, cheese, and greek yogurt, all have protein.

    I started cutting out beef and pork last summer, and went totally vegetarian after I felt like crap from thanksgiving turkey. I feel awesome and have so much energy now! :) I rarely miss meat, I will very occasionally have a very small amount of fish... as in twice since I made the switch i've had fish.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I have been slowly moving my daughter and I to a more pescatarian lifestyle. We do eat some chicken, but I have eliminated most beef from our diets and we feel great.

    I use lots of different things for protein...Boca and Morning Star make some excellent vegetarian alternative "meat". Tofu, soy, nuts, beans, lentils, et cetera are all great.

    We have eliminated most dairy as well, still eat some greek yogurt and a limited amount of cheese, but now use Almond Milk instead of regular milk.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    soy. whey protein. milk. cheese. ect.

    the only issue is you tend to get more fat and less protein with vegi products compared to actually eating lean meats.

    i recommend a pescatarian life style over a vegetarian life style.
  • I, too, am looking to transition to a mainly whole foods, plant-based diet. I came across just today a blog that looks promising:


    They have quite a few recipes to try, and I will be replacing several of my meals this week with some of their recipes. I look forward to learning additional resources from others here.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • While there are tons of vegan/vegetarian cookbooks out there I'mn currently hooked on Peas and Thank You, every single thing I have tried has been excellent, even husband-approved. I've also tried Vegan with a Vengeance, and she has a website called Post Punk Kitchen. all time favorite, easy veg recipe: "Very Simple Dal Palak" on the Kitchn (just google it).
  • It is a myth that you need excessive amounts of protein, you wont have a problem with protein on a vege or vegan diet, beans are my fav :) Butter beans to be exact xxx
  • I am meat and dairy free. You can follow my dairy as well if you would like.
  • I know it's pretty old-school, but Frances Moore Lappe's Diet for a Small Planet still has some great advice on food combining to create whole proteins on a vegetarian diet.
  • p.s. http://vegweb.com/ http://fatfreevegan.com/ are great for recepie ideas :) xxx
  • Strict vegan also add me too if you like :) xxx
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    I am a vegetarian that is both dairy and gluten free. feel free to friend me and look at my food diary.:flowerforyou:
  • I've been vegetarian for 5 years and vegan for 3. Feel free to look through my diary for meal ideas. I rely mostly on vegetables, legumes and protein-packed grains like quinoa for protein. I also like to start each day with a breakfast smoothie, fortified with plant-based protein powder. (No extra soy for this lady). I've never had a problem getting enough protein, in fact some studies show that protein is easier for your body to assimilate when it's taken in conjunction with complex carbohydrates. Be careful that you don't try and supplement a veg*n diet with too many processed foods, or utilize soy products like you would meat in a regular omnivorous diet. The focus has got to shift away from that and towards more of a whole foods spectrum or you're going to carb load and be eating waaaay too much fat and processed soy. Also, be sure to start taking a good (edible or lozenge form) B-12 supplement, as it can be hard to get enough with a veg*n diet.

    I'd recommend reading up on some nutrition books to make sure you make a safe switch over and that it'll be a lasting change that benefits your body.

    Good luck!
  • Nic529
    Nic529 Posts: 69 Member
    I really like some of the fake meats on the market right now.. Morningstar Farms, Quorn, Gardein, and LightLife are some of the ones I love love love!! But I don't like eating these too often as they can be loaded with soy and extra stuff..
    So my meat substitute is MUSHROOMS!!!! My mom made tacos last week and sauteed up some chopped mushrooms with taco seasoning.. OMG I was in heaven!!! It was awesome! AND less calories!
  • AquaAura
    AquaAura Posts: 105
    awesme ideas there thanks guys great help!!
    I don't mind eating chicken but then I figure if I'm not going to eat pork and beef then why am I eatng chicken? ...
  • Gotta_lose_it
    Gotta_lose_it Posts: 6 Member
    Check out the library as well. They have a lot of different cookbooks, some for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free diets. I too am transitioning towards being a vegetarian. Everyone had some great advice! Thanks! :-)
  • AquaAura
    AquaAura Posts: 105
    ooo I like the idea of mushrooms in tacos :D
  • AquaAura
    AquaAura Posts: 105
    I've been vegetarian for 5 years and vegan for 3. Feel free to look through my diary for meal ideas. I rely mostly on vegetables, legumes and protein-packed grains like quinoa for protein. I also like to start each day with a breakfast smoothie, fortified with plant-based protein powder. (No extra soy for this lady). I've never had a problem getting enough protein, in fact some studies show that protein is easier for your body to assimilate when it's taken in conjunction with complex carbohydrates. Be careful that you don't try and supplement a veg*n diet with too many processed foods, or utilize soy products like you would meat in a regular omnivorous diet. The focus has got to shift away from that and towards more of a whole foods spectrum or you're going to carb load and be eating waaaay too much fat and processed soy. Also, be sure to start taking a good (edible or lozenge form) B-12 supplement, as it can be hard to get enough with a veg*n diet.

    I'd recommend reading up on some nutrition books to make sure you make a safe switch over and that it'll be a lasting change that benefits your body.

    Good luck!

    Hey thanks for the great advice!! thankfully I'm not big on processed foods and I'm detoxing at present which means almost all whole foods so now might be the best time to make the changes since I'm already excluding meat etc