What was your tipping point?

What finally made you get to this point? The point where you made the absolute committed decision to get healthier?

Believe it or not, I have had a heart bypass surgery, and have known I have diabetes for almost 4 years, and I still didn't correct my lifestyle. I credit my change to the movie, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"...... NO, I don't eat all raw like he did. But the movie made me realize that I was not eating anywhere near enough fruits and veggies. Now, of the 1700 or so calories I eat most days, about half, or more, come from fruits and veggies, as opposed to less than 5% before.

Joe Cross, the "star" of the movie, made me see what eating fruits and veggies can really do for you, and for some reason it hit a nerve.


  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    I felt like I had a 'tipping point' every hour of every day, what made me actually start/change/finally do something for more than one week....heard about MFP...can't even remember where! maybe on Dr. Oz. I'm not sure why, but MFP seems to make me want to stick with this, I know I have to be accountable in public (whether any of the 'friends' care of not, I feel responsible to be honest), and I am just sick and tired of feeling overweight and sick of looking at myself!

    It wasn't all that long ago that I was in great shape, then I got happy and ate :)

    I've hated looking at that scale mocking me. I want to feel good about myself again.
  • BecksFit88
    I saw photos of myself from my last vacation, and compared them with my trip 4 years ago. I wanted my healthy body back. My father is dying, and I probably only have one more family vacation with him. I want photos that I can look back at with a smile on my face for years to come.
  • BetterJenny
    My tipping point was when I lost my 2nd pregnancy. That's when my dr put in my referral to the weight management clinic. The 3rd miscarriage while I was waiting to hear back really solidified my determination.
  • daffy_girl
    Within the same week, someone asked me if i was pregnant ( lol ) and i had a heart scare. Heart is fine but it just made me realize i needed to start being healthy for my kids.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    My tipping point was when I lost my 2nd pregnancy. That's when my dr put in my referral to the weight management clinic. The 3rd miscarriage while I was waiting to hear back really solidified my determination.

    Sorry to hear that. That must have been rough.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I'm still very young (22) but I didn't really eat healthy and when I got to the heaviest I've ever been for the second time by eating crap all the time I knew it was time for a change because the longer I kept my crappy eating habits the harder it would be to change.
  • gvsu4msu
    My came in January 2011. After Christmas 2010, my wife wanted to buy the elliptical my sister was selling as she wanted to tone up after the birth of our second daughter. So I bought it and set it up in the home office. I figured I would try it out as I was off work for the holidays. When I returned to work in January 2011, I went and weighed myself on the calibrated scale in the lab, and saw I was at my heaviest point EVER.....270lbs.

    So I then began to workout on the elliptical and tried to eat better and be more active the remainder of the year. I bought a kayak that winter as well (for use in the spring/summer), In the late spring, I bought new "Street" wheels for my MTB bike as I was riding a lot in the summer. Over the course of the year, I lost 31lbs.

    It is my goal to try and lose that much weight again this year, to get down to around 210lbs. Of course, if I achieve my goal of 1lb per week this year, I will be down to around 190 which I have not seen in quite a few years.

    Now you know a little about where I have been and where I want to go.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    I don't recall having a tipping point. Perhaps my medications made me forget it . :smile:

    I do recall thinking that everything is out of whack in the world today and I sometimes feel a bit frustrated where things are going. The one thing I could effect positive change on was my health and financial security. So I have started focusing energy on my body.

    BTW, I enjoyed the movie too, I was pulling for the trucker. The one thing I didnt like about the movie was their casual disregard to protein in the diet. A rule of thumb I ahve heard is close to 20% of weight lost is lean body mass, and consuming large amounts of protein in addition to weight training will minimize this. I digress, but I tell newcomers to MFP to be sure and get plenty of protein.
  • qwe3nz
    qwe3nz Posts: 29
    When i hit 65kg after having my 1st daughter. Dropped down to 59kg (im 5'6) the stupid way of cutting out carbs, cutting down calories ( only consumedd 700-800 max) and over exersizing to the point of feeling dizzy. I was skinny fat. I then started seeing a trainer cut down on my cardio exersize, started heavy weight lifting, upped my calorie intake by 1000 and ate extremely clean with a high carb high protein diet. I was never ever hungry, had heaps of energy, weighed 56kg and my body fat percent was 15%