Why have I stopped losing?

Hi everyone,
Been browsing these forums and they're really useful and inspiring but I've not posted anything yet!
I was about 104kg when I joined MFP after New Year and I made a real effort with changing my eating habits.
I was snacking on chocolate, biscuits, cakes, etc, drinking fizzy drinks every day, eating huge portions for lunch and dinner and eating out all the time, with lots of booze at the weekends!
Since the beginning of Jan I cut out all booze and fizzy drinks (the odd Appletiser or Coke at the pub), cut out all sweet/sugary snacks, ate lots more fruit, drank lots more water, took smaller portions. Swapped big lunches for rivita and cream cheese, etc etc.
It was brilliant at first, I lost 6kg in 4 weeks but I haven't lost anything for a week now and it's really disheartening.

I was losing around 3-4lbs a week which I know is a lot, and I'd be happy to lose 1-2lbs a week steadily over the next few months but, like I say, it seems to have stopped and a few lbs are creeping back on or my weight is staying the same.
I haven't changed my eating habits and I haven't slipped - I'm nearly always at 1200-1300 calories (MFP aims me at 1330 calories per day).

Anyone been through the same - is this a temporary pause and will I start losing again as long as I stick at it?
I'm getting a bit fed up with eating uninspiring low calorie foods if it's not going to work!!

(I am also exercising more and teaching myself to run on the treadmill at the gym).

Thanks :)


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You've hit a plateau! They happen. Sometimes they go away with out making major changes, sometimes they don't.

    What you need is a change up in your routine somewhere. There is some thinking out there that your body settles into a routine and learns to streamline operations. So you can't let that happen. Every few weeks you need a drastic change.

    Some plateau breaking strategies I've seen:
    -Drink more water (works for me)
    -Change exercise routine - Try something new!
    -Include a cheat day. Go 100-200 calories above your normal once a week. Get it from nutritious sources, of course.
    -Eat more in general.

    Hope this helps!
  • lukin128
    That's really helpful, thanks :)
    I think I'll try upping my water intake as I was drinking lots but I've slipped on that lately as work has been busy and I haven't had a chance to stop.
    I might also switch to swimming for a bit and go back to the gym in a few weeks.

    Thanks, you've made me feel loads better :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You're welcome! Just return the favor when I hit another one! :wink:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    From the way you describe your dieting changes, your probably eating more than you think you are or did in Jan.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You are overreaching trying for the "wedding diet" and not a diet for life.
    Big Mistake!
    You are going to fail with this approach.

    Starvation diets don't work.
    Because if your calorie deficit is too great you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendation of 1 lb per week.
  • jhunt90
    You should try measuring, I've only lost 4 pounds in 5 weeks (ARGH!) but, I lost 5.5 " in my waist and 2" in my hips, which helps me stay encouraged since the weight isn't dropping, sometimes you're gaining muscle and that's why you're not losing.
  • lukin128
    Maximal - I am dieting for my wedding, that is my inspiration but I think I've done pretty well so far to NOT follow a starvation diet, I am not starving myself, I always eat when I'm hungry but now I reach for a piece of fruit or a drink of water instead of a handful of biscuits or some chocolate. I am making changes for life, I just happen to have filled in my profile with "wedding diet" because I didn't really know what else to put and it is my main inspiration to make changes I should have done a long time ago.
    Perhaps if you had read through what I put initially you would see that I have made sensible changes, which I am planning on making permanent. I don't want to drop a shed load of weight in a short time as I KNOW that is impossible to maintain. So a little more positive response would have been appreciated. I also said I'd be happy with 1lb a week, however I haven't lost anything this week and that's quite demotivating. Telling me I'm "overreaching", making a "big mistake" and that I "will fail" is hardly supportive, it may cause some people to actually switch off from these forums as it feels like a "telling off" or a criticism; but thanks for the concern nonetheless.

    Neanderthin - I am inputting everything onto my food tracker so I can look back and see, and I really haven't eaten more than I think I have. I just think because I lost so much at first it's evening out, minor setback hopefully! I have drunk less water this week, which may be contributing?

    Jhunt - that's a good idea, thanks. My clothes are feeling loose so you may be onto something. Keep up with your goals though as 4lbs in 5 weeks is great, I think I lost so much so quickly as my diet was pretty shocking and I probably lost a bit of Xmas weight initially!!
  • GardenKat99
    I really like the Mayo Clinic's explanation. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss-plateau/MY01152

    A few scenarios and my humble opinion:

    -May actually be eating too little and your body is in "starvation" mode trying to hold on to what you're trying to lose for survival. "Confuse" your body and increase your metabolism by adding 200-300 calories while increasing your physical activity i.e. if you exercise 4 times a week for 1 hour, 2 of those days increase to 1.5.

    -Are you receiving enough nutrients, not just calories? For instance, what's your weekly summary in terms of iron and calcium? If you aren't getting enough iron for example, your body will slow down to maintain red blood cells ---thus "starvation" mode. Do you feel tired, out of breath even with just getting out of bed?

    -What is your Carb, protein and fat intake like? Too much protein can slow you down.....add whole grains as part of the extra calories if you feel hungry all the time.

    -Water is great advice but if you are already at 8-10 cups/day, and still hungry then increase calories.

    -If you eat out often, you may be miscalculating the calories and actually eating more than what is thought. OR sometimes chefs don't always follow the standardized recipe/published calories on menu, and it may be more calories than what is in the database.

    ***If you have increased muscle, the scale will actually go up for a few weeks as muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space. ---what are your measurements (waist, hips neck etc)?? Are you seeing a decrease in your measurements?

    Hope this helps!!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    Maximal - I am dieting for my wedding, that is my inspiration but I think I've done pretty well so far to NOT follow a starvation diet, I am not starving myself, I always eat when I'm hungry but now I reach for a piece of fruit or a drink of water instead of a handful of biscuits or some chocolate. I am making changes for life, I just happen to have filled in my profile with "wedding diet" because I didn't really know what else to put and it is my main inspiration to make changes I should have done a long time ago.
    Perhaps if you had read through what I put initially you would see that I have made sensible changes, which I am planning on making permanent. I don't want to drop a shed load of weight in a short time as I KNOW that is impossible to maintain. So a little more positive response would have been appreciated. I also said I'd be happy with 1lb a week, however I haven't lost anything this week and that's quite demotivating. Telling me I'm "overreaching", making a "big mistake" and that I "will fail" is hardly supportive, it may cause some people to actually switch off from these forums as it feels like a "telling off" or a criticism; but thanks for the concern nonetheless.



    I second the "changing up" something idea. That has helped me in the past. Also, sodium and TOM can mess you up by a couple of pounds easy!! Good Luck!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    If you're doing a whole lot of cardio while in a calorie deficit, you could also be retaining water.

    Up your water, reduce your sodium. Sodium is terribly easy to go over on. I have to be careful myself. Still looking for the perfect meals that will keep me in check in that category....
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    A week without a loss is NOT a plateau. Three months without a loss is a plateau.
  • lukin128
    Hi Gardenkat, thanks for all the advice - great stuff, really appreciated!

    I did wonder about the starvation mode thing, but I've been trying to stick to the MFP target of 1330 per day. I am quite good and staying below the recommended levels for carbs, fat and protein too. I've recently started taking in more calcium as it was quite low before but I'm not really lethargic, tired or out of breath so I think that's OK.

    What would be the best whole grains to add? I've got a daily whole grain cereal and I've switched completely from processed white bread to granary or seeded loaves.

    I've also stopped eating out to avoid overeating without realising!! Will slowly reintroduce this carefully at some point.

    Thanks for the info about muscle changes, I hadn't considered that. I haven't taken any measurements but I see a difference in my clothes feeling looser. Maybe I'll take some measurements and keep a record.

    Thanks so much!! :)
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    I see two possible issues for the plateau within your post, "Lots more fruit" & "Ryvita with cream cheese".

    I am not a sugar hater, as we need it to function, but it sure can cause weight gain & plateaus...even in the form of fruit. You often hear the following excuse when someone tells you to swap their beloved fruit for vegetables, "but it's natural sugar." Sure it is, but what difference does that make? It's STILL sugar, and will still act like sugar within your body. (Same goes for the rye toasts).

    Take a look at your diary, evaluate what you're eating & at what times. Note the balance of foods & weigh that against your weekly progress. You will find something in there that's not quite right, whether it's a fruit snack late at night, or a high carbohydrate breakfast/lunch. Personally, I love fruit, but I'm so close to goal that I literally can't eat it if I would like to lose, because I'll linger at the same weight for weeks if I do, (the same goes for snack chips, crackers, breads, etc.)

    Shake your body up a little, try replacing the fruits with veggies & the breads with lean protein, veggies and yes, some fat (Omega 3's plz). You can also add in a little strength training. Nothing major, just something different. Really watch the balance of the types of food you're eating & when you're eating them.

    In the end, the weight will move, just be patient...it's only been a week. :D
  • lukin128
    Kasya - thanks for that, I'll try some veggies over the fruit and see what that's like :)
    (I think I need to be a bit less scales obsessed and leave it longer between weighing in!! Patience eh?!!)
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it, it's tough, (and we all peek). Just stay positive and keep at it. :D
  • fitnessbudget
    What is TOM?
  • Jenelle80
    bump to read later as i've also stopped losing weight
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Sometimes you lose weight in chunks instead of exactly 1 lb per week. I wouldn't worry unless 3 or more weeks go by with no change. A lot of times your initial loss will be pretty quick but then things slow down, and that's ok. Don't get discouraged. :) Make sure the changes you're making are sustainable for you in the long run and you'll be fine. I didn't look to see if you're eating back your exercise calories, but if not that might be something you could consider. Good luck! Oh, and I came here to lose weight for my wedding as well but I'm still here a year later :)
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    When I first started, the weight loss was really consistent, but I've hit several plateaus now, and have learned that sometimes, along with being really committed, it can be a patience thing. For me (and everyone is different), a plateau is often followed by a big drop - like from 3-6 pounds in one week. I can't explain it, but I have learned that if you just keep doing your best every day, and if you have a bad day to get back on track the very next day, it will happen.