if i was a personal trainer...

would you find me approachable?


  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    would you find me approachable?
    Sure, why not?
    Part of selling our service is selling ourselves first.

    You'll do fine.
  • i think i would be pretty good at it as i speak sense.... i have been a gym rat for many years but on top of that i have the patience to perservere and teach people and have a genuine interest in the fitness game.
  • would you find me approachable?
    Sure, why not?
    Part of selling our service is selling ourselves first.

    You'll do fine.

    i do mean in the case if i look intimidating etc
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    From your profile picture, it doesn't really look like you lift.

    So no i wouldn't find you intimidating.
  • From your profile picture, it doesn't really look like you lift.

    So no i wouldn't find you intimidating.

    no i don't lift weights, although i do do some resistance work. I work more on circuits, cardio and boxing.

    Thanks by the way
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    But there is a different between being a good lifter and knowing how to lift/exercise.

    Case in point: Mark Rippetoe, the dude has gotten fat, and doesn't know how to dress. Sure he proved himself in his youth, but now he doesn't look like he lifts. That doesn't mean he isn't a form genius.
  • pudgypie
    pudgypie Posts: 83 Member
    ahem....yep, I'd approach you. :happy:

    No seriously, you sound like you have the right approach.....one or two of my trainers in my gym are lovely and always approachable but there are lots more that I wouldn'd dare go near as they seem to be too busy or not interested. I feel because I am a newbie in the gym and have weight to lose that they are not bothered with me. they seem to gravitate more towards the girls that are obviously working out a while. My thoughts only.....maybe I'm a little paranoid and overthinking things.

    Best of luck with it though.
  • true,

    I have always been complimented on my form when i do lift weights.... i use brains rather than braun when i did lift.

    i agree with you mate... thats a very good point
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    no i don't lift weights, although i do do some resistance work. I work more on circuits, cardio and boxing.

    I would hope as a personal trainer you would know more than just circuits, cardio and boxing. Unless you plan on working at a fighting dojo.
  • would you find me approachable?

  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    From a woman's perspective, you appear approachable. Sometimes an overly muscular trainer seems to intimidate someone who is overweight and lacks confidence, just want to lose weight or keep fit. For some reason when the trainer is overly muscular, you feel an uncertainty that you might end up looking like him, when you don't want that.
  • suzclark66
    suzclark66 Posts: 13 Member
    I have been training with personal trainers for a little over a year...for me...I don't worry about the "look" of a trainer. I'm looking for someone who is going to challenge me physically and hold me accountable in a motivating way. I guess it depends though...cuz everyone is different. I went 3 months without a trainer because I couldn't find the "right" one! Just develop your own style that is "you" and people will either like it or not! You won't click with every client, so don't change who you are! That doesn't work! Good luck!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
  • suzclark66
    suzclark66 Posts: 13 Member
    I found some trainers to be that way as well...something I started to think about though as I became part of the gym family is that people in general tend to gravitate towards people they know and are comfortable with. My current trainer seems really stand offish until you get to know him...he has a hard time just walking up to people and striking up conversations! Once he knows you...he's incredible! I've even discovered his sense of humor when I comment on the amount of weight...he's goes heavier!

    Get in that gym and make yourself known! Show those people what you can do and be proud of it! Ultimately, you are there for you...not anyone else!
  • no i don't lift weights, although i do do some resistance work. I work more on circuits, cardio and boxing.

    I would hope as a personal trainer you would know more than just circuits, cardio and boxing. Unless you plan on working at a fighting dojo.

    many specialise in different areas... I am not a qualified personal trainer yet :P, just interested in training people... i seem to be advising peopl ein the gym all the time or being approached as i 'look good' on the heavy bags lol
  • I found some trainers to be that way as well...something I started to think about though as I became part of the gym family is that people in general tend to gravitate towards people they know and are comfortable with. My current trainer seems really stand offish until you get to know him...he has a hard time just walking up to people and striking up conversations! Once he knows you...he's incredible! I've even discovered his sense of humor when I comment on the amount of weight...he's goes heavier!

    Get in that gym and make yourself known! Show those people what you can do and be proud of it! Ultimately, you are there for you...not anyone else!

    some of my friends are trainers at the local gym, i think i need to become more of a gym rat again... so i can cater for different people. But i am the go getting type, i go out there and get people, advertise, say hi (i speak to people from all walks of life), but best of all i can teach!!

    Thanks for the advice...

    Btw people, i am more muscular than that 18 month old pic shows, only the other week one of my friends who has not seen me for a while was amazed at my muscles lol
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    i think you would be fine and approachable as a trainer. I work out with the trainers at the gym and have worked out with almost all of them. I make them push me and I have a reputation there now because i'll laugh at them if they try and give me light weights. My trainer knows my goals and pushes me towards them. He knows my limits and while it may not seem right, he's the only one of the crew that has made me cry.

    Crying isn't a bad thing, it's more of a realization of my abilities and he won't let me quit. If you can get certified and get started, just remember, they aren't your friends, they are your reputation.

    One day I'll tell you a story about my trainer and his incredible challenge. ME!
  • i know what your pt is trying to do there and i like doing that sort of work...
  • bump this, just to get a few more opinions... 'Nos' are welcome too lol
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Yes, I'd approach ya!